Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday - Dec. 30

KB Snatch set
 - 10 minutes
 - 24kg
 - 12 rpm
 - aveHR 124
 - maxHR 140
 - the hardest part of slow sets is still patiently holding the bell overhead

10 minute hangboard sequence
 - 15 sec. hang - jug
 - 1 pullup - round sloper
 - 10 sec. hang - medium edge
 - 15 sec. hang w/ 3 shrugs - pocket
 - 20 sec. hang w/ 2 pullups - large edge
 - 10 sec. hang - round sloper + 5 knee raises - pocket
 - 4 pullups - large edge
 - 10 sec. hang - medium edge
 - 3 pullups - jug
 - hang as long as you can - round sloper: 35 seconds

Break for clients......

Road bike indoor trainer
 - 60 minutes
 - cadence 87 rpm
 - distance 18.6
 - aveHR 130
 - maxHR 142

transition - 10 minutes

 - 3.07 miles
 - 30:00
 - 6.2 mph, 2.0% incline
 - aveHR 142
 - maxHR 149

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thursday - Dec. 29

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

 - 1.5 miles
 - 13:56
 - 6.5 mph, 2% incline
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 156

Broken up as 10, 20, 30 x10 sets
 - Pullups x100
 - Pushups x200
 - Squat x300
Time: 28:06
 - aveHR 145
 - maxHR 160

 - 1.5 miles
 - 13:58
 - 6.5 mph, 2% incline
 - aveHR 159
 - maxHR 165

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wednesday - Dec. 28

KB LongCycle
 - 10 minutes
 - 12kg
 - 10 rpm
 - aveHR 125
 - maxHR 169
 - felt good to get blood flowing again after yesterday's 8 hours in the car.

Clients and Lunch....

Road bike indoor trainer
 - 60 minutes
 - cadence 87 rpm
 - distance 20.8
 - aveHR 132
 - maxHR 146

transition - 2 minutes

 - 2.0 miles
 - 18:43
 - 6.5 mph, 2.0% incline
 - aveHR 155
 - maxHR 161

Monday - Dec. 26

Trail Run
 - Buffalo Creek multi-purpose (mtb, hike, run, bouldering) trail
 - 3.52 miles
 - 40:20
 - aveHR 157
 - maxHR 176
 - 715' of elevation gained
 - a nice trail run while on vacation with Kyle's family.  It was heartbreaking to be in the Rambling Bald/Chimney Rock area without climbing gear and people who don't enjoy exploring the outdoors.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Friday - Dec. 23

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope - 2 minutes

 - 1.5 miles, 2%
 - 14:29
 - aveHR 143
 - maxHR 50

Shoulder Blaster @ 5#

Pyramid Circuit
 - 25 yds. jog down/back
 - Pullups x2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14(10+4), 16(10+4+2), 18(10+4+3+1)
 - walking lunge 25yds down/back
 - 2-arm swing @32kg x5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45
Time: 41:34
 - aveHR 145
 - maxHR 167

Break for clients......

Road Bike - indoor trainer
 - 60 minutes
 - cadence 79
 - aveHR 130
 - maxHR 146
 - distance 18.8

Thursday - Dec. 22

KB Long-cycle
 - 10 minutes
 - 12kg
 - 8 rpm
 - aveHR 100
 - maxHR 151
 - happy this felt decent.  Goal is 80 reps wit 24kg by end of 2017

Lunch break.....

Dynamic Warmup / 2 minutes jump rope

3 Rounds
 - pullup (max): 15, 12, 12
 - dip +12kg (max): 20, 15, 15
 - deadlift @ 315# x5
 - hang clean @ 185# x5
 - Bench Press @ 165# x10

Shoulder external rotation x50

3 Rounds
 - pullup (max): 12, 12, 11
 - DB Complex (squat/curl/press/french press) 6x 25, 30, 35#

3 Rounds
 - 2-arm swing @ 32kg x20
 - plank - 60 sec.

1 to 10
 - run 25 yds. down/back
 - burpee

After Work....

Trail run w/ Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 4.1 miles
 - 45:50
 - aveHR 157
 - maxHR 179

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Wednesday - Dec. 21

Road Bike on indoor trainer
 - 60 minutes
 - cadence 82 rpm
 - aveHR 139
 - maxHR 157

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tuesday - Dec. 20

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Squat - build to 2 rep max
 5x 185#
 2x 225, 275, 315, 350# - did not attempt any higher
 - happy/not happy about this.  happy to be above 315# but not happy that its only 350#.  All about goals and heavy squats do not factor into ultra-endurance training.

4 Rounds
 - Air-Dyne - 3 minutes
 - 2-arm Swing @ 32kg x10
 - woodchopper lunge @ 35# x10(r/l)
Time: 18:54

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 105, 115, 115, 115, 115#

Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday - Dec. 19

KB Snatch set
 - 9 minutes
 - 24kg
 - 20 rpm, 3 reps short on the 2nd arm(left)
 - aveHR 139
 - maxHR 164
 - i don't think 200reps in 10 minutes will happen next week.  Regardless, I will continue working the bells as the fitness gained is well worth the effort.

Break for lunch.....

10 minute hangboard sequence
 - 15 sec. hang - jug
 - 1 pullup - round sloper
 - 10 sec. hang - medium edge
 - 15 sec. hang w/ 3 shrugs - pocket
 - 20 sec. hang w/ 2 pullups - large edge
 - 10 sec. hang - round sloper + 5 knee raises - pocket
 - 4 pullups - large edge
 - 10 sec. hang - medium edge
 - 3 pullups - jug
 - hang as long as you can - round sloper: 35 seconds

Pullups x 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - stretches in between

Shoulder Blaster @ 5#

3 Rounds
 - DB complex (curl/press/french press) @ 17.5# x10
 - Pullups (max): 13, 10, 9
 - Pulldown (wide + reverse grip) @ 110# x10 each
 - Pushup x25
 - 2-arm Swing @ 32kg x10
 - DB complex (squat/curl/press/french press) @ 17.5# x10
 - Pullup (max): 8, 8, 7
 - DB Row (2" handle) @ 70# x10 (r/l)
 - Bench Press @ 135# x20
 - Plank @ 60sec.
 - crunch x25

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sunday - Dec. 18

Casual Hike w/ Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 1.92 miles
 - 35:33
 - aveHR 96
 - maxHR 141
 - glad I had the microspikes. Everything covered in solid ice from the overnight change in weather.
 - I also remember when his hike would have averaged a 141 bpm heart rate.  I'm glad things have changed for the better.

Saturday - Dec. 17

DS outside Training Day 
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - Greg, Joe, Tim and myself
 - 60# pack and a 10# sledgehammer each

 - Hike 1.8 miles
 - 30 minutes of:
   - 5(r/l) sledge slams to tire
   - 5 burpees
   - 5 sit-ups
   - 25 step-ups (r/l) on picnic table
 - Hike 1.8 miles
 - 30 minutes of:
   - sandbag clean 5x 60#
   - sandbag get-up 5x 60#

Total time: 2:23:46

Great time had by all and we plan to continue an outside mountain athlete training session similar to this once a month as a group.  Also looking to incorporate other outdoor skills into the training days: wilderness first aid, navigation, etc.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday - Dec. 16

Trail Run w/ Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial park
 - 2.74 miles
 - 27:04
 - 9:52 pace
 - aveHR 151
 - maxHR 171

Thursday - Dec. 15

 - 3.0 miles, 2% incline
 - 28:18
 - 6.5 mph
 - aveHR 145
 - maxHR 155

 - 30 minutes
 - 7068m
 - 2:07.3 ave500m
 - drag #4
 - aveHR 126
 - maxHR 133

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Wednesday - Dec. 14

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

 - 1.5 miles, 2% incline
 - 7.0 mph
 - 13:01
 - aveHR 149
 - maxHR 159

4 Rounds
 - Air-Dyne - 2 minutes
 - bw squat x20
 - plank 60sec.
 - Deadlift @ 225# x5
 - Hang Clean @ 135# x5
 - Clean @ 135# x5
Time: 21:15

Later in the afternoon......

2 Rounds
 - Pullup (max): 16, 11
 - Dips (max): 30, 20
 - Situps (2 minutes): 62, 50
 - Bench Press @ 185# x10
 - Squat @ 135# x10
 - Pushups (max): 40, 35
 - Pullups (max): 10, 8
 - Pulldown (50%bw[110#]) x10
 - DB complex (curl/press/french press) @ 15# x20

Lying external shoulder rotation x50 (r/l)

Bike Pyramid
 - levels 1-20, increase level each minute
 - aveHR 125
 - maxHR 160

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Tuesday - Dec. 13

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope - 2 minutes

10 minute hangboard sequence
 - 15 sec. hang - jug
 - 1 pullup - round sloper
 - 10 sec. hang - medium edge
 - 15 sec. hang w/ 3 shrugs - pocket
 - 20 sec. hang w/ 2 pullups - large edge
 - 10 sec. hang - round sloper + 5 knee raises - pocket
 - 4 pullups - large edge
 - 10 sec. hang - medium edge
 - 3 pullups - jug
 - hang as long as you can - round sloper: 25 seconds

 - 1.5 miles
 - 2.0% incline
 - 13:00
 - aveHR 153
 - maxHR 162

After Work.....

Trail Run w/ Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 1.97 miles
 - 20:26
 - aveHR 154
 - maxHR 170
 - about 3" of snow on the ground, used the microspikes and they perform tremendously, not one slip or slide.  I felt like I was running on solid ground the entire time, very impressed with them.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday - Dec. 12

KB Snatch set
 - 8 minutes
 - 24kg
 - 20 rpm
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 163
 - grip endurance biggest struggle again

5 Rounds
 - Pullup + 16kg x 8, 7, 5, 5, 5
 - Bench Press 2x 225, 235, 245, 255, 255#

Shoulder Blaster @ 5#

DB burpee complex @ 20#
 - 2 x 15

Break for clients..... (3 hours)

 - 6:53.1
 - drag #6
 - 2000m
 - 1:43.3 ave500m
 - aveHR 152
 - maxHR 163
 - this felt awful tonight

Friday - Dec. 9

KB Snatch
 - 4 minutes
 - 28kg
 - 20 rpm
 - aveHR 141
 - maxHR 159
 - felt much better today

Build to 2rep max Clean
 - 2x 135, 185, 205, 215, 225, 235#
 - lacking motivation to push any higher on this lift today

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 105, 115, 115, 115#

Friday, December 9, 2016

Thursday - Dec. 8

After work Trail run with Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial, Outer Loop trail
 - 4.05 miles
 - 47:21
 - 11:42 pace
 - aveHR 147
 - maxHR 179
 - nice to see 5 others out there under headlamp running as well.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday - Dec. 7

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

3 Rounds
 - max pullups: 18, 16, 15
 - max pushups: 60, 50, 50
 - situps in 2 minutes: 70, 67, 62
 - max dips: 30, 30, 30
 - plank 60 sec.

3 Rounds
 - pullups x5: 16kg, 20kg, 24kg
 - Bench Press x5: 185#, 205#, 225#
 - plank 60 sec.
 - Push Press x5: 135#, 155#, 165#

Shoulder Blaster @ 5#

- definitely fatigued from yesterday but still happy with max effort rep sets.  Pullups and situps are improving.

Break for lunch....

 - 5 x 500m on 1:30 rest
 - drag #6
 - 1:36.7, 1:35.6, 1:34.9, 1:33.7, 1:32.4
 - maxHR's each interval: 155, 160, 165, 168, 171
 - these were work today.  Lots of self talk to stay on pace and rest interval.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday - Dec. 6

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 8 minutes
 - 24kg
 - 20 rpm
 - aveHR 141
 - maxHR 158
 - i was nervous about this set today but got through.  Triceps and upper back were still tight from yesterday.  Grip endurance was challenged today.

3 Rounds
 - crunch x50
 - hang clean 5x 185, 205, 225#
 - air-dyne bike - 3 minutes

3 Rounds
 - Air-Dyne Bike - 3 minutes
 - Squat @ 135# x20
 - Lunge @ 45# x10 (r/l)
 - crunches x50
 - clean @ 185# x5
Time: 23:15

Break for client......

Side Sandbag Load
 - 20 minutes
 - 40# bag to 38" platform
 - 376 total reps (switched sides every 20)
 - aveHR 132
 - maxHR 142

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - level 6/20
 - distance 7.20
 - aveHR 109
 - maxHR 120

Break for Lunch....

10 minute hangboard sequence
 - 15 sec. hang - jug
 - 1 pullup - round sloper
 - 10 sec. hang - medium edge
 - 15 sec. hang w/ 3 shrugs - pocket
 - 20 sec. hang w/ 2 pullups - large edge
 - 10 sec. hang - round sloper + 5 knee raises - pocket
 - 4 pullups - large edge
 - 10 sec. hang - medium edge
 - 3 pullups - jug
 - hang as long as you can - round sloper: 44 seconds

Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday - Dec. 5

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

2 Rounds
 - jumping jacks x10
 - pushup x10

Bench Press
 5x 135, 185#
 4x 205#
 3x 225#
 2x 245#
 1x 265, 285, 295 - slow but good

3 Rounds
 - pullup 5x 16kg, 24kg, 28kg
 - Push Press 5x 165, 185, 200#
 - DB complex @ 17.5# (curl/press/french press) x15

Shoulder Blaster @ 5#

Break for clients......

Bike Pyramid
 - 20 minutes
 - levels 1-20, increase level each minute
 -aveHR 128
 - maxHR 166

Later in the afternoon....

Friendly challenges.
 - max plank: 3:01
 - max dips: 49

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sunday - Dec. 4

Trail Run/Hike w/ Kyle and Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial
 - 2.09 miles
 - 37:17
 - aveHR 113
 - maxHR 169

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Saturday - Dec. 3

Trail Run/Hike w/ Kyle and Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 3.77 miles
 - 1:06:27

Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday - Dec. 2

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Deadlift - build to 2 rep max
 5x 135, 185, 225#
 2x 275, 315, 365, 405, 455, 500# - very happy with this.  Not worth trying to go higher.

4 Rounds
 - Air-Dyne Bike - 5 minutes
 - 2-arm Swing @ 32kg x10
 - Woodchopper Lunge @ 25# x10 (r/l)
 - Thruster @ 135# x10
 - crunch x25
Time: 38:00

Sandbag Get-up
 - 10 minutes @ 60#
 - total reps 60

After Work.....

Trail run w/ Kilo under headlamp
 - Wooster Memorial 
 - 3.16 miles
 - 36:31
 - 11:33 pace
 - aveHR 152
 - maxHR 177

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thursday - Dec. 1

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

KB Snatch set
 - 4 minutes
 - 28kg
 - 20 rpm
 - aveHR 133
 - maxHR 154
 - definitely felt the increase in weight

Shoulder Blaster @ 5#

3 Rounds
 - DB complex (curl/press/french press) @ 17.5# x20
 - plank - 60 sec.

Break for clients.....
Break for lunch.....

10 Rounds
 - Bench Press @ 185# x10
 - Pullup x 10
 - Push Press @ 135# x5
 - crunches w/ 45# overhead x20
Time: 47:43
 - aveHR 121
 - maxHR 149
 - i had to break up the last 2 sets of bench and the last set of pullups.  Definitely Pumped.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday - Nov. 30

 - 36:27.1 minutes
 - 10,000m
 - ave500m 1:49.4
 - drag #5
 - ave watts 267.6
 - aveHR 160
 - maxHR 178
 - its a love hate relationship with the rower

Recumbent Bike
 - 20 minutes
 - levels 1-20, increase level each minute
 - aveHR 137
 - maxHR 166

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday - Nov. 29

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

5 Rounds
 - jumping jacks x10
 - squat x10

Shoulder Blaster @ 5#

After Lunch.....

3 Rounds
 - Air-Dyne Bike - 5 minutes
 - Clean @ 185# x5
 - Hang Clean @ 185# x5
 - Deadlift @ 315# x5
 - Thruster @ 185# x3
 - Plank - 60sec.
Time: 28:45

Break for clients......

Quadzilla x5 @ 25#

Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday - Nov. 28

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 8 minutes
 - 24kg
 - 18 rpm
 - aveHR 137
 - maxHR 155

5 Rounds
 - jumping jacks x10
 - pushup x10

5 Rounds
 - bench press (75%max) @ 215# x5
 - crunch x50
 - push press @ 115# x10

5 Rounds
 - pullup + 12kg (max): 11, 10, 9, 9, 9
 - ab wheel x25
 - plank 60sec.
 - DB complex (curl/press/french press) @ 17.5# x20

Later in the afternoon....

10 minute hangboard sequence
 - 15 sec. hang - jug
 - 1 pullup - round sloper
 - 10 sec. hang - medium edge
 - 15 sec. hang w/ 3 shrugs - pocket
 - 20 sec. hang w/ 2 pullups - large edge
 - 10 sec. hang - round sloper + 5 knee raises - pocket
 - 4 pullups - large edge
 - 10 sec. hang - medium edge
 - 3 pullups - jug
 - hang as long as you can - round sloper: 39 seconds

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Friday - Nov. 25

Road Bike - commute 
 - 2.66 miles
 - 8:00
 - 19.9 mph ave
 - aveHR 141
 - maxHR 159

Tryptophan running event with VerticalRunner
 - 9.73 miles
 - 1:27:38
 - 9:00 pace
 - aveHR 163
 - maxHR 175

Road bike back home. Different route
 - 2.81 miles
 - 11:38
 - 14.5 mph ave
 - aveHR 150
 - maxHR 162

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Wednesday - Nov. 23

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 8 minutes
 - 24kg
 - 16rpm
 - aveHR 128
 - maxHR 143

Standing Barbell Wrist Ext./Curl
 - 3 x 10 @ 45#

Break for Lunch.....

Sandbag Get-up
 - 10 minutes
 - 100# bag
 - 40 reps

5x Quadzilla complex
 - 25# dumbbells

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Saturday - Nov. 19

Hike w/ Kilo
 - 1:57:19
 - 6.09 miles
 - 60# pack and winter boots
 - aveHR 113
 - maxHR 153

Boots and 60# definitely increases the exertion level. Temps were only down to 35 degrees. Feet sweated a good bit and a blister formed on my right heel after 4.5 miles. I had a double layer of socks, but need to continue experimenting with different setups so I don't have any blisters. I used tape in the ADK's a couple weeks ago and had zero problems on Mt. Washington 2 years ago, but temps were never over 5 degrees so sweating was minimal and non-issue.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday - Nov. 18

Dynamic Warmup / Jump Rope 2 minutes

KB Snatch set
 - 6 minutes
 - 24kg
 - 22rpm
 - aveHR 141
 - maxHR 156

Bench Press
 10x 145#
 8x 165#
 6x 185#
 4x 205#
 2x 225, 245, 265, 275, 285x1 - failed on 2nd rep
 - 50 crunches between each set of 2

Shoulder Blaster @ 5#

3 Rounds
 - pullup (max): 17, 14, 13
 - pulldown @ 130# wide x10
 - pulldown @ 130# reverse x10
 - dips x15
 - DB complex (curl/press/french press) @ 20# x10

Break for Lunch......

4 Rounds
 - Ring Row (max): 21, 17, 17, 18
 - DB complex @ 20# (squat/curl/press/french press) x10

3 Rounds
 - Deadlift @ 315# x5
 - 50 crunches
 - Hang Clean @ 185# x3
 - 50 crunches
 - Clean @ 185# x3

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday - Nov. 16

 - 60 minutes
 - drag #5
 - 14,518m
 - 2:04.0 ave500m
 - aveHR 120
 - maxHR 126

Plank hold (max): 2:39.3
 - just so boring

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday - Nov. 15

Dynamic Warmup / Jump Rope 2 minutes

5 Rounds
 - Jumping Jacks x10
 - Squat x10
 - 24" Box Jump x10

3 Rounds
 - Wood Chopper Squat @ 50# x10
 - Abs x50: leg lever, 4-count flutter, situp
 - Deadlift @ 315# x5
 - Clean @ 215# x3
 - Hang Clean @ @ 215# x5
 - Air- Dyne 3 minutes
Time: 26:36

After Work....

Hike w/ Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 60# pack
 - 2.04 miles
 - 37:34

Monday, November 14, 2016

Monday - Nov. 14

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Road Run
 - 1.03 miles
 - 7:45
 - aveHR 152
 - maxHR 166

10 Rounds 
 - Jumping Jacks x10
 - Pushups x10

3 Rounds
 - Bench Press @ 225# x5
 - Pullups (max): 15, 12, 10
 - rest 1 minute
 - OH Press @ 95# x10

Shoulder Blaster @ 5#

Abs circuit x2
 - crunch x50
 - reverse crunch x50
 - double crunch x50
 - plank x 60sec. - i could barely hold 25sec at a time today

Break for clients and Lunch......

Road Run
 - 3.0 miles
 - 23:11
 - 7:43 pace
 - aveHR 160
 - maxHR 176

Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday - Nov. 11

Dynamic Warmup / Jump Rope 2 minutes

2 Rounds
 - Bench Press (75% bw [@215 this morning]) @ 161# x (max): 20, 15
 - Deadlift @ 315# x 5
 - Pushups x (max): 25, 25
 - OH Press @ 95# x 10
 - Pullups x (max): 13, 10
 - Pulldowns @ 180# x 10
 - DB Row @ 80# x 10 (r/l)
 - Deadlift @ 315# x 5
 - Hang Clean @ 185# x 5
 - Clean @ 185# x 5
Time: 22:22

Shoulder Blaster @ 5#

easy paced Road Run
 - 3.01 miles
 - 25:46
 - 8:34 pace
 - aveHR 147
 - maxHR 164

After work.....

Hike with Kilo
 - 1.25 miles
 - 60# pack
 - 22:35

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thursday - Nov. 10

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

3 Rounds
 - Bench Press @ 185# x10
 - OH Press @ 95# x10
 - Dips (max): 12, 13, 13
 - Crunches x100
Time: 14:16

3 Rounds
 - Pullup (max): 17, 3, 5
 - Ring Row x10
 - Pulldown @ 120# x15
Time: 6:53

Shoulder Blaster @ 2.5#

Break for clients....

3 Rounds
 - Push Press @ 135# x10
 - DB complex (squat/curl/press/french press) @ 17.5# x10
 - Hang Clean @ 185# x5
 - Plank @ 100sec.
Time: 14:25

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday - Nov. 9

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

KB Snatch set
 - 6 minutes, single arm switch
 - 24kg
 - 20rpm
 - aveHR 132
 - maxHR 147
 - minHR 67

3-mile Track workout at College of Wooster
 - 1-mile warm-up: 7:46.8
 - 1/4 mile hard: 1:41.7
 - 1/4 mile easy: 2:10.9
 - 1/4 mile hard: 1:38.9
 - 1/4 mile easy: 2:08.4
 - 1/8 mile hard: 48.8
 - 1/8 mile easy: 1:08.3
 - 1/8 mile hard: 47.4
 - 1/8 mile easy: 1:08.6
 - 1/8 mile hard: 47.6
 - 1/8 mile easy: 1:09.3
 - 1/8 mile hard: 46.7
 - 1/8 mile easy: 1:06.8
Total Time: 23:10.4

First time doing the track workout on a track and not on a treadmill.  It felt good and I look forward to doing this again.  

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday - Nov. 8

Dynamic Warmup / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Road Run
 - 1.0 mile
 - 7:29

1:30 work / 30 seconds rest
 - Thruster @ 75#: 26
 - Burpee: 19
 - 2-arm Swing @ 32kg: 46
 - 24" Box Jump: 24

As few sets as possible:
 - Pullups x100: 18, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 9, 7, 6
 - Pushups x200: 50, 50, 40, 35, 25
 - Situps x300: 60, 60, 50, 50, 50, 30

Abs still sore from yesterday and the weekend.  I still find it amazing how much more fatigue is felt everywhere when the core is tired.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday - November 7

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Agility Ladder

8 Rounds
 - 1/4 mile run
 - 4-ct. Flutter Kicks x25
 - Leg Levers x25
 - Scissor Kicks x25
Time: 34:27

Run's felt great today.

Later in the afternoon....

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 105, 115, 115, 115#

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Saturday - Nov. 5

Challenge Training Day

Sandbag Get-ups @ 60# x100

100 Reps Each - most broken up into sets of 10
 - Sandbag Clean @ 60#
 - Sandbag Squat @ 60#
 - Sandbag Ground to Shoulder @ 60#
 - Sandbag Press @ 60#
 - Sandbag Situp @ 60#

1-mile Run with 60# sandbag

100 Reps of Each - broken up into smaller sets
 - Pushups
 - Pullups
 - 4-count Mountain Climbers
 - 4-count Flutter Kicks

1-mile Run with 60# sandbag

Total Time: 1:55:25

Break for about an hour; water and a meal bar

Hike w/ 60# pack
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 4.5 miles
 - 1:25:32
 - the 60# pack was definitely a step up and challenge.  I look to continue hiking with this weight on my training hikes.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thursday - Nov. 3

Dynamic Warmup / Jump Rope 2 minutes

5 Rounds
 - 20 yards prowler + 90#
 - 20 squats

3 Rounds
 - 5 minutes Air-Dyne
 - Deadlift @ 295# x5
 - Squat @ 225# x5
 - Thruster @ 95# x20
 - Plank x60sec.
Time: 33:05

6 Rounds
 - Erg (drag#4) 500m - 1:44.4, 1:43.6, 1:42.3, 1:41.2, 1:39.8, 1:35.6
 - plank x60sec.
Total Time: 24:00

There have been some challenging intervals this week.  I know I'm getting better, but sometimes it just feels like I'm beating myself up.  I do not have any pain anywhere but the hour after training is very much the thousand yard stare.  However, I am encouraged that I'm able to get warmed up and perform again the following day.  Tomorrow will be stretching and active recovery before another challenge day on Saturday with Greg.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wednesday - Nov. 2

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

KB Snatch set
 - 6 minutes, single arm switch
 - 24kg
 - 18rpm

Pullups x2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - pushups x10 in between

4 Rounds
 - pullup max: 17, 16, 16, 15
 - pushup x50
 - ab of choice x50: situp, leg lever, 4-count flutter, double crunch
 - run 0.8 miles: 5:42, 5:35, 5:25, 5:19

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 105, 115, 115, 115#

Later after work....

Road Bike
 - 16.7 miles
 - 1:01:57
 - aveHR 132
 - maxHR 179
 - one flat tire

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday - Nov. 1

Road Run
 - 1.05 miles
 - 7:47
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 165

Recumbent Bike pyramid
 - 20 minutes
 - increase resistance each minute, while maintaining at least 80 rpm
 - 1 to 20 out of 20 possible
 - aveHR137
 - maxHR 172

Road Run
 - 1.0 miles
 - 8:16
 - aveHR 151
 - maxHR 164

Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday - Oct. 31

Dynamic Warmup / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Pullups x 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - x10 pushups in between

4 Rounds
 - Deadlift @ 275# x5
 - Hang Clean @ 165# x5
 - Power Clean @ 165# x5
 - KB Swing @ 32kg x20
 - 24" Box Jump x15
 - Pullups x10
 - Air-Dyne 5 minutes
Total Time: 37:05

Shoulder Blaster @ 2.5#

After Lunch....

5 Rounds
 - Rower - 1000m: 3:28.7, 3:28.8, 3:27.7, 3:28.4, 3:28.0
 - Pushups/Plank (1:15/1:15) for amount of time on rower: 45, 46, 48, 47, 49
 - planks kicked my butt again

This was a challenging day throughout.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Adirondacks Trip Report

Saturday - Oct. 29

Road Bike
 - 25.5 miles
 - 1:28:11
 - 17.4 mph average
 - 1,919' of elevation
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 193

I didn't feel like I was riding that hard today so was very surprised to see my average speed.  There were 2-3 climbs that i attacked hard, but road at an easy perceived effort otherwise. 

Friday, October 28, 2016

Friday - Oct. 28

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

KB Snatch set
 - 6 minutes, single arm switch
 - 24kg
 - 16 rpm

Back Squat (off 145kg max)
 5x 60kg
 5x 80
 5x 94
 5x 109
 5+ @ 123kg x 6

 - 5000m
 - 17:20.8
 - ave500m 1:44.1`
 - drag #6
 - forgot about HR monitor until 500m in.
 - nice PR to finish the week

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thursday - Oct. 27

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Sandbag Get-up
 - 40#
 - 20 total

1 to 10
 - pullup x1
 - pushup x2
 - situp x3
 - dips x2
Time: 18:56

Break for clients....

Hanging leg raise - toes to bar
 3 x 15

Kneeling Half Moon
 - 25# sandbag
 - x50 (r/l)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday - Oct. 26

 - 60 minutes, drag #6
 - 14,040m
 - 2:08.2 ave500m
 - aveHR 119
 - maxHR 154

Later in the afternoon....

Shoulder Blaster @ 2.5#

Side Sandbag Load
 - 40# bag
 - 20 minutes
 - 310 total reps, switch sides every 10
 - aveHR 125
 - maxHR 143

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 105, 115, 115#

Monday, October 24, 2016

Friday - Sunday, Oct. 21-23

Adirondack High Peaks
 - camped at Avalanche Pass in a lean-to
 - hiked Gray Peak, Skylight and Mt. Marcy
 - 24 miles in total, full report to come later this week

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday - Oct. 20

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

4 Rounds
 - 500m Row (drag#5) - 1:37.3, 1:36.0, 1:34.8, 1:33.8
 - Squat x20
 - Lunge x10 (r/l)
Time: 15:12

4 Rounds
 - 100m Row Easy
 - 100m Row Hard: 16.1, 17.1, 17.2, 17.3
 - Pushup x30
 - Pullup max: 10, 9, 8, 8
Time: 11:11

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wednesday - Oct. 19

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

10 Rounds
 - Jumping Jacks x10
 - Pushup x10
 - Pullup x5
Time: 8:08

Shoulder Blaster @ 2.5#

5 Rounds
 - Bench Press @ 185# x5
 - Pullup x8
 - Crunch x50
 - DB Burpee Complex @ 17.5# x5
Time: 15:28

After Lunch.....

3 Rounds
 - air-dyne 3 minutes - maxHR: 151, 159, 167
 - Squat 1 minute: 30, 32, 34
 - Lunge (r/l) 1 minute: 14, 14, 14
 - 1 minute rest

Road Run cooldown
 - 3.0 miles
 - 25:56
 - 8:38 pace
 - aveHR 156
 - maxHR 169
 - minHR 113

Tuesday - Oct. 18

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2minutes

3 Rounds
 - Air-Dyne x 5minutes
 - Wood Chopper Squats @25# DB x 20
 - Wood Chopper Lunge @25# DB x 10(r/l)
 - KB 2-arm Swing @ 32kg x 1minute
Time: 24:05
 - aveHR 141
 - maxHR 168
 - minHR 88

15 minute recovery jog
 - aveHR 137
 - maxHR 168
 - minHR 126

Break for a client.

3 Rounds
 - Clean @ 165# x5
 - Hang Clean @ 165# x5
 - Deadlift @ 275# x5
 - Thruster @ 135# x5
 - Plank x 60sec.
Time: 12:20
 - aveHR 140
 - maxHR 162
 - minHR 80

After Work...

Road Bike
 - 11.3 miles
 - 35:42
 - aveMPH 19.0
 - 512' of elevation
 - aveHR 146
 - maxHR 166
 - minHR 87

Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday - Oct. 17

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2mintues

10 Rounds
 - Jumping Jacks x10
 - Pushup x10
 - Crunch x20
Time: 7:56

3 Rounds
 - Bench Press (50% bw) @ 110# x max reps: 30, 22, 20
 - Pullups x max reps: 14, 11, 10
 - Situp x30
Time: 11:00

Shoulder Blaster @2.5#

3 Rounds
 - DB complex @17.5# (curl/press/french press) x15
 - Crunch x25
 - Plank - 60sec.

After Lunch.....

Road Run intervals
 4 x 0.5 mile on 3 minutes rest
 1) 3:13.5 (aveHR 160, maxHR 169, minHR142)
 2) 3:13.4 (aveHR 161, maxHR 177, minHR95)
 3) 3:15.7 (aveHR 164, maxHR 178, minHR95)
 4) 3:25.6 (aveHR 168, maxHR 181, minHR107)

Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday - Oct. 14

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Pullup x5
Pushup x20
 - as many sets as possible until no longer able to complete 5 pullups
 - 20 sets total (pushups became the hardest to complete)
 - Time: 29:44

3 Rounds
 - Bench Press @ 135# x10
 - Plank x60 sec.

DB complex @ 17.5#
 - curl/press/french press x10
Crunch x50

Shoulder Blaster @ 2.5#

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thursday - Oct. 13

Recumbent Bike
 - 45 minutes
 - level 6/20
 - distance 10.55
 - aveHR 106
 - maxHR 114

Woke up with a stiff neck so took it easy today.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wednesday - Oct. 12

Dynamic Warm-up/JumpRope 2minutes

Air-Dyne Bike
 - 8x 2minutes Hard (158-166 bpm) / 1minute Easy
 - aveHR 145
 - maxHR 166

4 Rounds
 - 50yds run out and back
 - Clean, Hang Clean, Deadlift x5 each @ 165#
Time: 7:25

Recumbent Bike
 - 18 minutes
 - increase resistance each minute, while maintaining at least 80 rpm
 - 1 to 18
 - could dig deep enough to finish out 20 levels.  Definitely a quad burner.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday - Oct. 11

Dynamic Warm-up/Jump Rope 2minutes

3 Rounds
 - pullup x9 (50% of max)
 - bench press @ 165# (75% of bw) x max reps: 20, 15, 13
 - Crunch x50
 - Plank x60sec.
 - 1 minute rest between rounds
aveHR 102
maxHR 117
Total time: 12:35

Shoulder Blaster @ 2.5#

3 Rounds
 - Dips x20
 - pullup x max: 12, 12, 10
 - x50: 4-count flutter kick, leg lever, situp

Monday, October 10, 2016

Sunday - Oct. 9

Bike ride from Glouster, OH to Wooster, OH
 - 115.5 miles
 - 7:26:21 riding time
 - 8:17:44 total time with rest breaks, water refills
 - 15.5 aveMPH
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 177
 - 5,627' of elevation gained

I had been planning a route to ride from Wooster to my mom's house in Glouster.  This weekend the weather cooperated in Ohio, we had planned to go climbing at Seneca Rocks, but all day rain was forecast.  So we stayed in Glouster and I brought my bike to then ride home.  I always get a little nervous for long solo rides on unknown roads, but was confident with my current state of fitness.  The first 9 miles were on gravel roads, giving me more excitement about building a new bike (Salsa Warbird) this winter for these types of roads and adventures.  After this I was on St. Rte. 555 north into Zanesville where I then picked up St. Rte. 666 north into Dresden.  From here I followed St. Rte. 60 north through Warsaw and into Killbuck where I picked up the Holmes County Trail before the final 20 miles into Wooster.

Like many long rides, it had its up's and down's; physically, mentally and terrain.  I've been doing a better job of controlling my pace early on these long rides which helps at the end.  The first 35 miles went very smooth.  Then the slight 10 mph north wind started to be felt, never overwhelming, but a constant nag on the solo rider with nowhere to hide.  My butt started being tired around mile 60 as I started to utilize smaller 15-10-5 mile goals to keep the mental demons at bay.  Getting into Killbuck (mile 82) was also nice, as I was now on some familiar terrain and the flat section of the amish trail for 15 miles.  However, the sun was now casting long shadows and my arms were beginning to chill.  I wore windproof full finger gloves and a wind vest, but decided on leaving my arm warmers behind, I could have used them at the end of the day.  At mile 90, I had a good conversation with myself because I knew the last couple of hills into Wooster were noteworthy, nothing to steep, but being tired would likely challenge me.  Thankfully, being close to the finish gave me some renewed energy and I finish strong.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Wednesday - Oct. 5

Evening Group Bike Ride - BikeWerks team
 - 35.2 miles
 - 1:49:48
 - 19.3 aveMPH
 - 1,493ft. of elevation
 - aveHR 140
 - maxHR 175

I'm discovering my weakness to be Zone 3-4 endurance.  I've done a solid job of building Zones 1-2 which is most needed for ironman distance events.  However, some dedicated Zone 3-4 tempo/threshold work will greatly benefit me as well.  For me this will be heart rates of 153-166 bpm.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tuesday - Oct. 4

 - 60 minutes
 - drag #5
 - 14,123m
 - 2:07.5 ave500m
 - aveHR 124
 - maxHR 132

Monday, October 3, 2016

Monday - Oct. 3

Recumbent Bike
 - 45 minutes
 - 10.80 miles
 - level 8/20
 - aveHR 114
 - maxHR 124

Nice and easy today.

Friday/Saturday, Sept. 30 - Oct.1

GoRuck Tough - Mogadishu Event

We started at 9pm in Edgewater Park on the west side of Cleveland, OH.  During the brief introduction and bag check Dale Sizemore, one of the Rangers involved with Operation Gothic Serpent, was present and told part of his personal story of the events that transpired Oct. 3-4, 1993.  Dale brought along a bottle of Three Rangers Whiskey and asked who planned to still be here in the morning and would carry the bottle without breaking it throughout the event.  Nobody moved, so I stepped forward and accepted the task.  There were 30 of us present, about half had done at least one GoRuck Tough or Heavy event prior, many had done 3+, so us newbies planned to look toward them for guidance.

We then moved to the beach area for calisthenics as we began our 10-12 hour journey.  Our packs, 30#+, were to never to touch the ground at anytime throughout the event.  We began with 4-count jumping jacks, 50 of them, all done together with one of the experienced members leading us.  This proved to be difficult as he lost his breathe counting and doing the jumping jacks, so we started over till we got it right.  Next we did some bear crawls and duck walks, were it quickly became apparent I was in better shape than most.  Two individuals dropped out and quit in this first 30 minutes.  Many were hurting pretty bad and showing heavy signs of fatigue.  My muscles were burning as well, but this is what we all knew this was about, so I was more than surprised at the lack of preparation by 75% of people.  I was all the more confused because most of these individuals have an online presence that makes you think they are in shape and 'billy-badass'.

After additional squats, burpees, lunges, jumping lunges and a couple trips into the lake with exercises in the water we began our first run to another park, about a mile away.  Here we got into groups based on height and carried picnic tables around this park, on our shoulders and pressed overhead on command, while also navigating over fences and barriers.  The 6 talls guys, the group I was in, had our communication and movements in sync, no problems at all.

Next we moved through a fence and along an active railroad track, trains were passing approximately every 15-20 minutes.  We were tasked with picking up and moving with a railroad tie.  This took 8-10 of use to move effectively.  We had to pause once, and get into the high weeds, while a train passed.  We started to cross the rail bridge into downtown Cleveland when the bridge operator noticed us and called the authorities on us.  After about a 30 minute delay to explain what was going on, we were re-routed back to the main traffic and sidewalk bridge.  Along the way we were told to pick up a telephone pole that was found on the side of the road.

This telephone pole took 16 of us to move somewhat effectively and slowly, it was heavy.  Our total distance of carrying this thing was about 3+ miles; over the Detroit-Superior Bridge from the west into the Public Square, then out and around Progressive Field, left on Carnegie to 18th.  Turned North on 18th before stashing it along a building just short of Superior.  We then continued our group march down to the Rock'N'Roll Hall of Fame and Voinovich Bicentennial Park.  Here we 'learned' how to fireman's carry and had more exercise evolutions; drags, thrusters, running, overhead work.  The sunrise was upon us and we knew we were a couple of hours (and miles) away from finishing.  We started our ruck back towards our start point, but we first stopped at the Cleveland Browns stadium for some backwards bear-crawls up 15 of the outside steps.  Then we went around to the other side and a larger set of stairs to complete four sets of bunny hops up about 45 steps.

Now we started our way back, but the cadre leader was going to make us work for it with numerous boughts of overhead pack carries, lunges, double time and bear-crawling up the Detroit-Superior bridge heading west.  About a mile from returning to Edgewater Park we stopped for our last 'inspirational' talk from Dale Sizemore.  This then started for us and civilian re-enactment of the Mogadishu Mile where the soldiers had to carry there wounded out of the city to safety.  We needed to keep 8 guys elevated at all times.  So you either had 3-4 packs on your body, or you had someone else.  Most of the small guys were quickly picked up and packs handed to medium guys.  I teamed up with another 215# lad and we alternated shoulders and carrying each other for the mile back.  It was work and we both felt being carried felt worse than carrying.  Regardless, we made it together back to the beach and finished 13.5 hours after we started.

Pictures and handshakes followed.  Then a few of us striped down for a dip in the lake to clean off and ice the body.

Overall, it was about what I expected, it was tough and it was a challenge.  13.5 hours of pretty much non-stop heavy physical activity.  

Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday - Sept. 30

GoRuck Tough challenge - Mogadishu
 - starts this evening at 9pm and goes through 9am tomorrow in the Cleveland area.

Thursday - Sept. 29

Pool Swim
 - 2x 100yds on 30sec rest - warm-up
 - 4x 25yds sprint on 30sec rest
 - 4x 50yds on 15sec rest - focus on kick
 - 4x 25yds sprint on 30sec rest
 - 4x 50yds on 15sec rest - foucs on kick
 - 100yds cooldown
 - 300yds kickboard kicking with fins

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday - Sept. 28

Dynamic Warmup / Jump Rope 2minutes

3 Rounds
 - squat @ 185# x10
 - situp x50
 - deadlift @ 275# x5
 - 4-count flutter kicks x50
 - clean @ 135# x5
 - crunch x50
 - plank x60sec.
 - thruster @ 115# x5
 - Air-Dyne Bike - 5 minutes
Time: 42:15

4 Rounds
 - run 1/4 mile
 - lunge x10 (r/l)
 - squat x20
Time: 12:19

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - level 8/20
 - distance 7.20
 - aveHR 123
 - maxHR 133

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 115, 115, 115, 115#

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday - Sept. 27

Pool Swim
 - 200yds warmup
 - 10 x 100yds on 8 breathes rest
 - 50yds kick
 - 100yds breaststroke
 - 50yds breathe every 3rd stroke
 - 50yds breathe every 4th stroke

Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday - Sept. 26

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2minutes

 - 5 minutes, drag #6
 - 1321m
 - 1:53.6 ave500m

 - 2000m, drag#6
 - 6:27.9
 - 1:37.0 ave500m
 - aveHR 168
 - maxHR 179

Break for Lunch.......

5 Rounds
 - Bench Press @ 155# x10
 - Pullups max reps: 14, 12, 10, 10, 10
 - ab of choice x50: situp, double, 4-count flutter, leg lever, 4-count flutter
Time: 20:14

Shoulder Blaster @ 2.5#

5 Rounds
 - Air-Dyne 3 minutes
 - Pushups x30
 - Crunches x30
 - Plank 30sec.
Time: 24:45

3 Rounds
 - DB burpee complex @ 17.5# x10
 - Plank x60sec.
 - air-dyne bike x10 minutes
Time: 41:00

Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday - Sept. 23

Dynamic Warmup/Jump Rope 2minutes

Road Run
 - 1.0 miles
 - 7:58.1
 - aveHR 146
 - maxHR 162

 - 2000m, drag #6
 - 6:35.7
 - 1:38.9 ave500m
 - aveHR 163
 - maxHR 175

4 Rounds
 - 1/4 mile run
 - 20 woodchopper squat with 25# DB
 - 10(r/l) woodchopper lunge with 25# DB
Time: 16:30

3 Rounds
 - 5x Deadlift @ 275#
 - 5x hang clean @ 135#
 - 5x clean @ 135#
 - 5x thruster @ 135#
 - 50x ab of choice:
 - 1-minute Plank
Time: 16:16

4 Rounds
 - 50 yds run hard
 - 50yds. run easy
 - 20 sec rest

The 2000m row killed me for the rest. Dragging through the finish.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Wednesday - Sept. 21

KB Snatch Set
 - 6 minutes, single arm switch
 - 24kg
 - 20rpm
 - aveHR 131
 - maxHR 143

Later in the evening.....

GoRuck training event here at DS:

Warm-up w/ rucks on:
Various sets and reps of
- pushup
- squat
- 4-count flutter
- leg lever
- rolling left/right
 - up-downs

30 reps (partner up)
- sandbag burpee w/ overhead press
- 40# bag with rucks on

Team carry of telephone pole down hillcrest (south)

Grosjean Park.  ½ into park and then into the river
- pushups/burpees/flutter kicks/leg levers/rolling

Leap Frog out of the park

Back uphill to stashed telephone pole. Carry pole back to gym.

Definitely a butt kicker but everyone performed well.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Tuesday - Sept. 20

Dynamic Warmup/Jump Rope 2 minutes

Recumbent bike
 - 30 minutes
 - level 6/20
 - distance 7.20
 - aveHR 112
 - maxHR 119

Pullups x2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - pushup x20 and situp x20 between

5 Rounds
 - pullups (max): 13, 12, 10, 10, 10
 - pulldowns @ 120# x15
 - burpees in 1 minute: 12, 13, 12, 12, 13
 - abs of choice x50: crunch, reverse, double, leg lever, scissor
 - plank 60sec.
Time: 34:43
 -aveHR 107
 -maxHR 142

Break for a client...

3 Rounds
 - bench press @ 205# x5
 - db complex (curl/press/french press) @ 17.5# x15

Seated Calf Raise
 - 5x 45, 70, 115, 115, 115#

Later after work.....

Pool swim
100yds Freestyle Stroke
100yds Breast Stroke
100yds Side Stroke

2x 100yds

4 Rounds, every 2:30 min.
 - 25yds underwater swim
 - Breast Stroke back to start

The swim did not feel smooth and good today.  Still tired from the weekend.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday - Sept. 18

Wooman Bike Tour
 - 102.8 miles
 - 6:01:21
 - 5,616' of elevation gained
 - aveHR 138
 - aveHR 163
 - aveMPH 17.1

Amazed with how well I felt for this, I was a bit worried going long on back-to-back days. I was pulled along with a couple of other guys and I was fortunate to keep up and finish strong.  Fitness is really coming along. I'll be resting Monday.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Saturday - Sept. 17

Vulture Knob 6 hour mountain bike race
 - 2 man team, Jim and I alternated laps
 - 16.6 total miles
 - aveHR 153
 - maxHR 173
Lap Times:
 1- 1:00:01 - broke my crank arm, ran back put my pedals on Jim's bike and finished the lap.
 2- 49:03
 3- 52:13

We both finished 3 laps in the 6 hour period which was our goal.  I was able to borrow a pedal for me 2nd and 3rd laps, it was still a size smaller than mine but much better than Jim's which was much smaller. Overall a great time riding bikes in the woods.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thursday - Sept. 15

DynamicWarmup/Jump Rope 2 minutes

Erg - drag #6
 - 2000m
 - 6:40.9
 - ave500m 1:40.2
 -aveHR 154
 -maxHR 167

Pullups x10, 8, 6, 4, 2
 - 20 pushup and 20 situps between each set
Time: 7:54

4 Rounds
 - 200yds. run easy
 - 200yds. run fast
 - 20 squats
 - 20 half squats
Time: 13:00

4 Rounds
 - 200yds. run easy
 - 200yds. run fast
 - Barbell Thruster @95# x10
 - 24" Box Jump x10
 - Lunge x10 each leg
Time: 17:14

4 Rounds
 - max pullups: 15, 11, 10, 10
 - max pushups: 50, 40, 30, 35
 - 25 situps in 30seconds: 25, 25, 25, 25
Time: 19:20

Break for clients (1.75 hours).....

Road Run
 - 1.5 miles easy
 - 13:46
 - pace 9:11
 - aveHR 145
 - maxHR 159
 - 1.46 miles fast(er)
 - 11:12
 - pace 7:42
 - aveHR 165
 - maxHR 175

Later in the evening.....

Pool Swim
Warm-up - 4 x50yds
1) 10x25yds sprint - 30sec. rest between
2) Hypoxic ladder
 - 50yds @ 2 strokes/breath
 - 50yds @ 3 strokes/breath
 - 50yds @ 4 strokes/breath
 - 50yds @ 5 strokes/breath
 - rest 60sec. between efforts
3) Treadwater - 10 minutes

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wednesday - Sept. 14

DynamicWarmup / Jump rope-2minutes

Road Run
 - 1.0 miles
 - 7:40
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 167

3 Rounds
 - Squat @135# x15
 - Situp x50
 - Deadlift @225# x5
 - 4-count Flutter Kick x50
 - Power Clean @135# x5
 - Air-Dyne bike - 5 minutes
Time: 37:10
 - aveHR 121
 - maxHR 154

10 Rounds
 - Jumping jacks x10
 - Pushups x10
Time: 3:52

45# bumper plate flip
 right x 10
 left x 10

Bench Press @185# Pyramid x10,8,6,4,2
 - x50 crunches and 60sec. plank between each set of bench
Time: 19:35

Sandbag Get-up Set
 - 10 minutes @ 60#
 -  50 total reps

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday - Sept. 13

Dynamic Warmup / Jump Rope 2 minutes

KB Snatch set
 - 6 minutes, single arm switch
 - 24kg
 - 18 rpm
 - aveHR 130
 - maxHR 145

Pull-ups -2" bar
 - 5x max reps - 19, 16, 15, 14, 14
 - finishing reps to reach 100 total: 12, 10

Road Run
 - 2.20 miles
 - 16:57
 - pace 7:41
 - aveHR 154
 - maxHR 170

Later in the evening.....

Pool Swim
(1) 3 Rounds
Swim 250yds intervals
Rest 3 min. between Intervals

(2) 1 Rounds
45 sec. Tread
45 sec. Tread Right arm out
45 sec. Tread Left arm out
45 sec. Tread 

(3) 50yds. Hypoxic ladder:
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 3 strokes
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 4 strokes
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 5 strokes
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 6 strokes
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 7 strokes
*Rest as needed between each 50m

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday - Sept. 12

Starting Stew Smith's Navy SEAL phase 2 program.  This program incorporates more barbell movements in with the bodyweight calisthenics.

Dynamic warmup / jump rope 2-minutes

4 Rounds
 - 1/4 mile run
 - 95# barbell thruster x10
 - 24" box jump x 15
 - lunge (r/l) x20
 - squat x20
 - 1/2 squat x20
Time: 27:25
- aveHR 155
- maxHR 172
 - box jumps and 1/2 squats definitely the worst part

DB complex @ 15#
 - strict burpee w/ curl/press/French press at the top 
 - x10

4 Rounds
 - Bench Press @ 205# (75%) x5
 - Burpee x25
 - crunch x50
 - reverse crunch x50
 - double crunch x50
 - plank 60sec.
Time: 38:03
- aveHR 106
- maxHR 154

Road Run
 - 2.00 miles
 - 16:25
 - pace 8:11
 - aveHR 161
 - maxHR 176

Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday - Sept. 9

KB Snatch set
 - 6 minutes, single arm switch
 - 24kg
 - 16 rpm
 - aveHR 132
 - maxHR 168

Road Run
 - 7.51 miles
 - 1:07:05
 - 8:56 pace
 - aveHR 164
 - maxHR 182
 - holy humidity, I could feel my insides cooking the last 1.5 miles.

After Lunch.....

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 115, 125, 125#

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Thursday - Sept. 8

DB Complex
 - 15#
 - squat/curl/press/french press
 - 2x15

Fr. Squat (120kg max)
 5x 54kg
 5x 60
 5x 66
 5x 72
 5x 78

DO axle DL (180kg max)
 5x 81kg
 5x 90
 5x 99
 5x 108
 5x 117

 - 2000m
 - drag#5
 - ave500m 1:42.6
 - 6:50.4
 - aveHR 156
 - maxHR 167

Rest 5 minutes

 - 2000m
 - drag#5
 - ave500m 1:41.5
 - 6:46.1
 - aveHR 166
 - maxHR 177

Sandbag Get-up @40#
 x10 (r/l)

HUGE PR on the 2x2000m row.  Last time was March 28 and I went 6:56.1 and 6:51.0 on a 10 minute rest.

Wednesday - Sept. 7

Recumbent Bike
 - 40 minutes
 - distance 10.0
 - level 7/20
 - aveHR 117
 - maxHR 126

Ab SuperSet
 - situp x20
 - 4-way crunch x20
 - leg lever x20
 - 4-count flutter kick x20
 - plank 60sec.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuesday - Sept. 6

 - 60 minutes
 - 13,595m
 - 2:12.4 ave/500m
 - aveHR 120
 - maxHR 128

After Lunch....

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 115, 125, 140#

Shoulder Blaster x1

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Saturday - Sept. 3

Road Bike
 - gravel training ride with guys from RideOn
 - 78.6 miles
 - 5:04:06
 - 15.5 mph average
 - 4,722' of elevation gained
 - HR monitor again lost connection, will be messaging Suunto about this.
 - a good bit of gravel roads and step climbs done. I was able to hang for 50 miles before they dropped me. Felt good otherwise.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Friday - Sept. 2

Road Run
 - 2.97 miles
 - 23:16
 - pace 7:49
 - aveHR 155
 - maxHR 177

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Thursday - Sept. 1

DB complex warm-up
 - 2x10 @ 15#
 - squat/curl/press/french press

10 SuperSets
 - 500m row (drag #5) - 1:39.1, 1:38.0, 1:37.8, 1:37.8, 1:37.4, 1:38.1, 1:37.7, 1:38.3, 1:38.1, 1:35.3
 - 20 pushups
 - 20 decline situps @ #2
 - aveHR 126
 - maxHR 163
 - Time: 44:12

Pullups x2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide

Arm Haulers 2x75

Shoulder external rotation
 - 2 x 50 - no weight

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wednesday - Aug. 31

Road Run
 - 4.06 miles
 - 35:02
 - pace 8:37
 - aveHR 147
 - maxHR 172

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 115, 125, 135#

First time in a long while that I've been able to do back-to-back days of a 4 mile run and have my body feel good about it.  Very pleased with my running progression the past 2 years.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday - Aug. 30

 - 5000m
 - 17:47.8
 - ave500m 1:46.8
 - aveHR 153
 - maxHR 171

Back Squat (off 145kg max)
 5x 60, 80kg
 5x 94
 5x 109
 3x 123
 1+ @ 138kg x 3

Break for a client....

Road Run
 - 4.04 miles
 - 36:07
 - pace 8:56
 - aveHR 153
 - maxHR 171

Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday - Aug. 29

Dumbbell complex warm-up
 -15# - 2x10
 - squat/curl/press/french press

20 SuperSets - on 2 minute interval
 - close push-up x10
 - sit-up x7
 - push-up x10
 - reverse crunch x7
 - wide push-up x10
 - half sit-up x7

Pull-ups x16, 14, 12
Dips x25, 20, 15

DB Curls - they help my elbows feel good
 10x 25, 30, 35#

Shoulder Blaster x3

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Saturday - Aug. 27

Road bike
 - Steps charity ride
 - 75.5 miles
 - 4:44:01
 - aveMPH 16.0
 - 4019' of elevation gained
 - must not have paired my new HR strap correctly. 

Legs felt good til the last 10 miles, then had some mild cramping that I was capable of riding through. I haven't been riding as much, but glad to see fitness is somewhat maintained.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday - Aug. 26

 - 30 minutes (drag #4)
 - 7654m
 - 1:57.6 ave500m
 - aveHR 132
 - maxHR 145

Pullups x2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide

Arm Haulers 2x75
Neck Exercises 2x50
DB Shrug 2x50 @ 50#

Later in the afternoon......

20 SuperSets - kept each on a 2:30 interval
 - situp x10
 - pushup x10
 - atomic situp x10
 - close pushup x10
 - leg lever x10
 - hindu pushup x10

External Shoulder rotation
 - 2x50 (r/l) - no weight

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday - Aug. 25

Road Run
 - 4.03 miles
 - 33:50
 - 8:24 pace
 - aveHR 158
 - maxHR 179
 - first mile was sluggish.  Felt the heat/humidity the whole time.

After Work......

Rucking w/ Kilo
 - Grosjean Park
 - 1.25 miles
 - 40# park
 - exploring a small park just down the road from the gym

 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 2.01 miles
 - 37:16
 - 40# pack
 - just a quickie today

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wednesday - Aug. 24

DB complex warm-up
 - 15#
 - squat/curl/press/french press -  2x10

Neck exercises 2x50
DB Shrug 2x50 @ 50#

10 SuperSets
 - 500m row (drag#5) - 1:53.9, 1:51.4, 1:49.6, 1:48.4, 1:47.4, 1:46.3, 1:45.1, 1:44.3, 1:43.3, 1:42.0
 - 15 pushups
 - 15 hanging knee raise

Shoulder Blaster x3

Kept it a little easier today.  Low back and obliques are still cramping from the last 2 days of sandbag volume work.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday - Aug. 23

Sandbag Get- up
 - 10 minutes
 - 60#
 - 60 reps

Back Squat (off 145kg max)
 5x 60, 73kg
 5x 87
 3x 102
 3x 116
 3+ @ 131kg x 5

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday - Aug. 22

DB Complex Warm-up
 - curl/press/french press - 2x10
 - 15#

 - 1 to 10, 10 to 1

25 SuperSets
 - situp
 - pushup
 - atomic situp
 - close pushup
 - leg lever
 - hindu pushup

Side Sandbag Load
 - 20 minutes
 - 60#
 - 244 reps

After Lunch.....

Neck exercises 2x50
DB Shrugs 2x50 @ 50#

Side Lying Shoulder external rotation
 x50 unloaded (r/l)

DB Curls
 10x 25, 30, 30#

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Saturday - Aug. 20

Hike w/ Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 46# pack
 - 2:25:04
 - 6.72 miles
 - 955 ft. Of elevation gained

Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday - Aug. 19

The following is straight from and Rob Shaul.  I really like their philosophy and am looking into some of their programming for the coming year.

40x Sandbag Get-ups - 60#


(1) 6 Rounds
5x Sandbag Walking Lunges - 60# - bag in Back Squat Position
5x 1-Leg Poor Man’s Leg Curl (elevated glute bridge - 18" box)
Lat + Pec Stretch

(2) 6 Rounds
8x 4-Count Sandbag Military Press - 60#
Rope Climb - 12' no feet
Hip Flexor + Instep Stretch

(3) 6 Rounds for time
5x Burpees
5x Sandbag Back Squats - 60#
3x Pull-ups
 - Time: 5:00

(4) 4 Rounds
25x Flutter Kicks - 4count
10x Toes to Sky
10x Face Down Back Extension
10x EOs -

(5) 3 Rounds
Shoulder Blaster - unloaded -
20 sec. Jane Fonda -

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thursday - Aug. 18

Jump Rope 2 minutes
Dynamic Warm-up

KB Snatch set
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 24kg
 - 16rpm
 - definitely harder than the 20kg bell.  I needed to make the move up but was a little scared.

Front Squat (off 120kg max)
 5 x 54, 66kg
 5 x 78kg
 5 x 90kg
 5+ @ 102kg x 5

Trap Deadlift (off 230kg max)
 5 x 105, 125kg
 5 x 150kg
 5 x 173kg
 5+ @ 196kg x 5

2" IM Axle Deadlift, double overhand(off 180kg max)
 5 x 80, 99kg
 5 x 117kg
 5 x 135kg
 5+ @ 153kg x 5

Single Leg Deadlift
 8 x 28, 28, 28kg

SuperSet - 30# vest
 - squat 3x20
 - lunge (r/l) 3x20

Double Leg Bound
 - 3x15

Side-to-side Hurdle hop - 12"
 - 3x20

Seated Calf Raise
 5 x 45, 70, 115, 125, 140#

Fire Hydrants 2x100

DB Farmers Walk @55#
 - 2 x 200yds

Sandbag Get-up set
 - 10 minutes, never setting bag down
 - 62 reps

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesday - Aug. 17

Road Run
 - 6.0 miles
 - pace
 - aveHR
 - maxHR
 - phone app died so no clue on time, pace, HR.  Felt strong and one of the my better runs on this route.  Wish I had actually numbers to back up my feelings.  New Suunto Spartan Ultra gps/heart rate/everything watch arrives Friday afternoon which should alleviate most of these problems.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tuesday - Aug. 16

Dynamic Warm-up
Jump Rope - 2 minutes

Back Squat (off 145kg max)
 5x 65kg
 5x 80
 5x 94
 5x 109
 5+ @ 123kg x 8

Seated Calf Raise
 5 x 45, 70, 115, 140, 150#

Break for clients (1.5 hours)

15 to 1
 - squats with 30# ruck in front
 - situp with 30# ruck in front
 - burpee - no ruck

6 Rounds
 - overhead squat w/ ruck x5
 - pushup w/ ruck x5
 - that sucked more than i was hoping

3 Rounds on 90sec.
 - Lunge w/ ruck x5 (r/l)
 - mountain climbers x10 (r/l)

Sandbag Get-up x30
 - 60# bag

Monday, August 15, 2016

Friday - Aug. 12

15 SuperSets
 - 500m Row (drag#5) - 1:40.7, 1:40.5, 1:39.5, 1:38.9, 1:38.5, 1:38.4, 1:38.2, 1:39.9, 1:39.6, 1:38.4, 1:37.6, 1:37.2, 1:37.2, 1:37.6, 1:36.9
 - pushups x15
 - hanging knee raise x15
 - Total Time: 1:10:32
 - goal was to maintain sub-1:42, but apparently I was feeling better than that.  I didn't think I was ready for sub-1:40s.

12.5# weight vest
 - pushups in 2 minutes: 71
 - situps in 2 minutes: 60
 - pullups: 14

Arm Haulers 2 x75
Overhead Claps 2 x75

Sandbag Crossbody Side Load
 - 12 minutes, switch sides every 10 reps
 - 60# bag
 - 160 reps total

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday - Aug. 11

KB Snatch set
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 20kg
 - 20rpm

Front Squat (off 120kg max) - deload
 5 x 48, 54kg
 5 x 60kg
 5 x 66kg
 5 @ 72kg 

Trap Deadlift (off 230kg max) - deload
 5 x 95, 105kg
 5 x 115kg
 5 x 127kg
 5 @ 138kg

2" IM Axle Deadlift, double overhand(off 180kg max) - deload
 5 x 72, 81kg
 5 x 90kg
 5 x 99kg
 5 @ 108kg

Single Leg Deadlift
 8 x 24, 28, 28kg

After Lunch Break....

Jump Rope 2 minutes
Dynamic Warm-up

SuperSet - 30# backpack
 - squat 3x20
 - lunge (r/l) 3x20

Double Leg Bound
 - 3x15

Side-to-side Hurdle hop - 12"
 - 3x20

Seated Calf Raise
 5 x 45, 70, 115, 125, 140#

Fire Hydrants 2x100

DB Farmers Walk @55#
 - 2 x 200yds

Sandbag Get-up set
 - 10 minutes, never setting bag down
 - 58 reps

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday - Aug. 10

Pullups x2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide

Arm Haulers 2x75
Overhead Clap 2x75

In the Afternoon....

20 SuperSets
 - situp x10
 - pushup x10
 - v-up x10
 - close pushup x10
 - leg lever x10
 - hindu pushup x10

7 minute work capacity set
 - 45# barbell thruster for reps
 - 103 reps total

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tuesday - Aug. 9

Road Run
 - 3 miles
 - 26:02
 - pace 8:25
 - aveHR 149
 - maxHR 165

 - 45 minutes
 - 10,644m
 - 2:06.8 ave500m
 - aveHR 145
 - maxHR 183

Road Run
 - 3 miles
 - 28:00
 - pace 9:07
 - aveHR 154
 - maxHR 172

Hello cardio. Wow, but feel good.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Monday - Aug. 8

DB complex warm-up @ 15#
 - squat, curl, press, french press
 - x15 reps

 - 5000m
 - 18:18.9
 - 1:49.9 ave500m
 - drag #5
 - aveHR 97
 - maxHR 107  (these HR numbers can't be accurate)

12.5# weight vest
 - Pushup in 2 minutes: 65
 - Situps in 2 minutes: 55
 - Pullups: 12

Road Run - no weight vest
 - 1.8 miles
 - 14:27
 - pace 7:57
 - aveHR 156
 - maxHR 170
 - legs felt heavy, but pace wasn't too bad

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Saturday - Aug. 6

Road Bike 
 - 52.57 miles
 - 2:59:36
 - 17.56 aveMPH
 - ave cadence 83
 - normalized power 207.9
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 187

Met with Greg in Hinckley for a rucking workout

5 Rounds
 - 10 sandbag get ups @60#
 - run 200yds with 60# sandbag
 - 10 push-ups 
 Time : 19:50

Ruck with 35# packs 6.5 miles.
 - Time: 2:02:04

4 Rounds (with rucks on)
 - 6 squats + 60# sandbags
 - step ups on picnic table bench x15(r/l)
 - 10 push-ups
Time: 12:50

Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday - Aug. 5

Jump Rope - 2 minutes
Dynamic Warm-up

Pull-ups x2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide
 - neutral

Push-ups x20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 40, 30, 20
Sit-ups x40, 60, 80, 100, 100, 80, 60, 40
Dips x15, 20, 25, 30, 30, 25, 20, 15

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Thursday - Aug. 4

KB Snatch Set
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 20kg
 - 20 rpm

Back Squat (off 145kg max)
 5 x 65, 80kg
 5 x 94kg
 5 x 109kg
 5+ @ 123kg x 8

GHR x 5, 5, 5 - all assisted. humbling

SuperSet - no weight vest
 - squat 4x20
 - lunge (r/l) 4x20

Double Leg Bound
 - 3x20

Side-to-side Hurdle hop - 12"
 - 3x20

Seated Calf Raise
 5 x 45, 70, 115, 125, 135#

Fire Hydrants 2x100

DB Farmers Walk @55#
 - 2 x 200yds

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Tuesday - Aug. 2

Jump Rope 2 minutes
Dynamic Warm-up

Front Squat (off 120kg max)
 5 x 60, 78kg
 5 x 90kg
 3 x 102kg
 1+ @ 114kg x 1

Trap Deadlift (off 230kg max)
 5 x 95, 150kg
 5 x 173kg
 3 x 196kg
 1+ @ 219kg x 1

FBBC 2-3/8" Axle Deadlift, double overhand(off 165kg max)
 5 x 75, 107kg
 5 x 124kg
 3 x 140kg
 1+ @ 157kg x 1.5

Single Leg Deadlift
 8 x 24, 24, 28kg

SuperSet - 30# weight vest
 - squat 4x20
 - lunge (r/l) 4x20

Double Leg Bound
 - 3x20

Side-to-side Hurdle hop - 12"
 - 3x20

Seated Calf Raise
 8 x 45, 70, 115, 115, 115#

Fire Hydrants 2x100

DB Farmers Walk @55#
 - 2 x 200yds

After Work

Mountain Bike Reagan Park, Medina
 - 8.3 miles
 - 1:00:44
 - aveHR 139
 - maxHR 169
 - first time riding this trail. Extremely flat which was nice for my legs after all the lifting.  Still felt solid and was nice to handle the bike off-road again.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday - Aug 1

Pull-ups x2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide
 - neutral

Push-ups x20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 40, 30, 20
Sit-ups x40, 60, 80, 100, 100, 80, 60, 40
Dips x15, 20, 25, 30, 30, 25, 20, 15

Arm Haulers 2x75
Lateral arm raise to overhead 2x75

Neck exercises - 2x40
DB Shrugs @50# - 2x40

Sandbag Get-up
 - 10 minutes
 - 60# bag
 - 50 reps, never setting the bag down to the ground

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Saturday - July 30

Pool swim w/ Kyle
 - 200 yds warmup
 - 4 x 50 yds sprint on the minute
 - 4 x 25 yds side kick
 - 50yds then thunderstorms rolled in

Later in the evening. 6-9p
GoRuck Lake Erie shore event in AvonLake
 - started with approximately an hour of beach and water calisthenics; push-ups, flutter kicks, crawls, drags, arm raises, etc.
 - clean and press picnic tables in groups of 4 and then did 'sled pushes' with the tables in groups of 4 as well.
 - fire mans carry a partner out and back ~30yds, both had 30# packs on.
 - hiked local park and found a freshly downed tree ~14" at base, cut a 25' section and team carried through the woods for 15-20 minutes
 - liter carried a person 1.5 miles rotating out positions without stopping or verbal communication.
 - Indian run 1.5 miles back to starting point, 14 minutes 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday - July 29

Pullups x 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide
 - neutral

Arm Haulers 2 x75

Neck exercises - 2 x35
DB Shrugs @ 50# - 2x35

Ab SuperSet
 - flutter kicks x150
 - leg levers x150
 - situp x150

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thursday - July 28

Jump Rope - 2 minutes
Dynamic Warm-up

Front Squat (off 120kg max)
 5 x 60, 72kg
 3 x 84kg
 3 x 96kg
 3+ @ 108kg x 3

Trap Deadlift (off 230kg max)
 5 x 95, 130kg
 3 x 161kg
 3 x 184kg
 3+ @ 207kg x 3

FBBC 2-3/8" Axle Deadlift, double overhand(off 165kg max)
 5 x 70, 100kg
 3 x 116kg
 3 x 132kg
 3+ @ 149kg x 3

Single Leg Deadlift
 8 x 24, 24, 28kg

SuperSet - 30# weight vest
 - squat 4x20
 - lunge (r/l) 4x20

Double Leg Bound
 - 3x20

Side-to-side Hurdle hop - 12"
 - 3x20

Seated Calf Raise
 8 x 45, 70, 115, 115, 115#

Fire Hydrants 2x100

DB Farmers Walk @55#
 - 2 x 200yds

Later After Work

Open Water Swim
 - Killbuck Lake
 - approximately 1100yds.
 - 27 minutes

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wednesday - July 27

KB Snatch set
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 20kg
 - 20 rpm

10 SuperSets
 - 500m Row (drag#5) - (1:43.9, 1:43.2, 1:42.9, 1:42.6, 1:42.0, 1:41.7, 1:41.1, 1:40.6, 1:39.8, 1:38.7)
 - 25 pushups
 - 25 decline situp #2
Time: 44:04

Sandbag Get-up set
 - 10 minutes
 - 60# bag
 - 54 total reps

12.5# Weight Vest
 - max pushups in 2 minutes: 54
 - max situps in 2 minutes: 52
 - max pullups: 12

Handstand pushup hold: 1:01

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - level 8/20
 - distance 7.95
 - aveHR 127
 - maxHR 143

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tuesday - July 26

UpperBody pyramid
 1 to 10, 10 to 1
 - pullup x1
 - pushup x3
 - crunches x5
 - dips x2

 - 30 minutes
 - drag#5
 - 7811m
 - 1:55.2
 -aveHR 145
 - maxHR 165

neck exercises - 2x35
DB Shrug @ 50# - 2x35

Seated Calf Raise
 5 x 45, 70, 115, 115, 115#

Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday - July 22

KB Snatch set
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 20kg
 - 20 rpm

Hour break for a client.

15 SuperSets
 - 500m Row (drag#5) - (1:48.3, 1:48.2, 1:47.5, 1:47. 2, 1:47.2, 1:47.7, 1:47.6, 1:47.1, 1:47.4, 1:47.5, 1:47.2, 1:46.9, 1:47.0, 1:47.2, 1:46.3)
 - 20 pushups
 - 20 hanging knee raise (hang from bar)
Time: 1:07:48

Sandbag Get-up set
 - 10 minutes
 - 50# bag
 - 53 total reps

Warm and humid, lots of sweat.  Looking forward to the weekend and relaxation/recovery.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thursday - July 21

Morning Road Run
 - 5.83 miles
 - 50:08
 - 8:36 pace

Hot day but felt solid for the first run post-triathlon.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wednesday - July 20

Pullups 2x7
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide
 - neutral

 - regular 2x30
 - close 2x20
 - wide 2x30
 - hindu 2x30

Dips 2x25
Arm Haulers 3x50
8-count Burpee 2x 20

(12.5# weight vest)
 - max pushups in 2 minutes: 52
 - max situps in 2 minutes: 68
 - max pullups: 14

Handstand pushup hold: 48 sec.

After Lunch in Afternoon......

Neck exercises 2x50
DB Shrug @ 50# - 2x50

Abs SuperSet x2
 - situp x60
 - 4-way crunch x50
 - leg lever x60
 - flutter kicks x150
 - 1/2 situp x100

This kicked my butt today.  I can tell its been 2 weeks since training with this kind of volume.

Tuesday - July 19

Dynamic Warm-up

Front Squat (off 120kg max)
 5 x 54, 66kg
 5 x 78kg
 5 x 90kg
 5+ @ 102kg x 5

Trap Deadlift (off 230kg max)
 5 x 95, 125kg
 5 x 150kg
 5 x 173kg
 5+ @ 196kg x 5

FBBC 2-3/8" Axle Deadlift, double overhand(off 165kg max)
 5 x 70, 90kg
 5 x 107kg
 5 x 124kg
 5+ @ 140kg x 5

Single Leg Deadlift
 8 x 24, 24, 24kg

SuperSet - 30# weight vest
 - squat 3x15
 - lunge (r/l) 3x15

Double Leg Bound
 - 2x10

Side-to-side Hurdle hop - 12"
 - 2x20

Seated Calf Raise
 8 x 45, 70, 115, 115, 115#

Fire Hydrants 3x50

DB Farmers Walk @55#
 - 2 x 200yds

Later After Work

Open Water Swim
 - Killbuck Lake
 - approximately 1400yds
 - 34 minutes of swimming, in the water for 38 minutes

Monday, July 18, 2016

Monday - July 18

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - level 8/20
 - distance 8.72
 - aveHR 132
 - maxHR 147

(12.5# weight vest added to the following bodyweight exercises)
Max Pushups in 2 minutes: 47
Max Situps in 2 minutes: 56
Max Pullups: 14
Handstand Hold (against wall): 56 seconds - no weight vest

 - 30 minutes
 - drag #7
 - 7579m
 - 1:58.7 ave500m
 - aveHR 142
 - maxHR 152

I let my HR get away the last 10 minutes on the erg as I wanted to keep under 2:00 splits.  

Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday - July 15

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - level 7/20
 - distance 7.42
 - aveHR 127
 - maxHR 135

 - 30 minutes
 - drag #7
 - 7059m
 - 2:07.5 ave500m
 - aveHR 129
 - maxHR 135

Thursday - July 14

GoRuck - Sea/Land via MolonLabe Crossfit with Mark Nolan

We started at the gym with a warm-up circuit

3 rounds with 35# packs on - down/up commands on all
 - Overhead Squat x10
 - Pushup x10
 - Leg Levers x10

We then partnered up (packs off) for 10 minutes of sandbag get-ups (60#)
 - Greg and I switched every 5 reps and finished with a total of 45 each.

Next, they carabinered 3 of sandbags together for us to carry as we marched/jogged a mile to the local rec. center.

At the rec. we took off packs and shoes before various sets of 10 reps of:
 - pushups
 - leg levers
 - flutter kicks
 - 8-count burpees
 - situps
 - tunnel crawls

Then it was shoes and packs back on for an outside buddy bear crawl.  Your partner laid on their back and grabbed hold of your shoulder straps while you bearcrawled and drug your partner for 20 yds before switch.  (these were not hard at all I felt)

Then it was another mile march/jog to the Macedonia fire department for more pushups, flutter kicks, leg levers and overhead squats with your pack.  All while two members of the fire department hosed us down.

Back to another mile on the road, this time indian run style, while we worked our way back to the gym.

Once back at the gym, we got in groups of 4 based on height.  Our object was to clean and press a tire on command for reps.  After 10 reps of this, we did 10 pushups with toes on the tire before doing another 10 reps with the tire this time with one less person who held the high pushup position.

All in all a good fun 3 hours of movement.  I did everything rather easily, but I do plan to add in pushups with weight and overhead work, as these were weak areas.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Wednesday - July 13

 - 20 minutes
 - drag #6
 - 4753m
 - 2:06.2 ave500m
 - aveHR 119
 - maxHR 133

Recumbent Bike
 - 20 minutes
 - level 7/20
 - distance 4.80
 - aveHR 110
 - maxHR 123

Another nice and smooth day.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tuesday - July 12

 - 20 minutes
 - drag #5
 - 4744m
 - 2:06.5 ave500m
 - aveHR 121
 - maxHR 128

Recumbent Bike
 - 20 minutes
 - level 6/20
 - distance 4.90
 - aveHR 110
 - maxHR 120

Needed to get the blood flowing without being too invasive.  Feeling surprising well but know I should not push any limits this week or next.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Saturday - July 9

Muncie, Indiana Half-Ironman

My wave left the beach at 7:39am for the 1.2 mile lake swim. I was nervous but confident.  Swimming is my main weakness but it has been improving.  I tried to stay relaxed and get into a rythym, but I quickly was doing breaststroke as I sighted the buoys. I continued this rotation of freestyle/breaststroke for the first 2/3 of the swim.  After the last turn buoy, stubbornness kicked in and I maintained a steady freestyle with sighting strokes just like I practiced.  Would have been nice to start that way but better late than never.  I was happy that this was my first triathlon swim where I did not have the thoughts of quitting because I was in over my head. So that was a PR.  My official swim time was 57:37 for the 1.2 miles.  Water temps were 77.4 so no wetsuits were allowed and I had planned my training not to depend on a wetsuit.

Out of the water and up the hill to T1 and my strength, the bike.  My transition times proved to be strong, only 2:47 from swim to bike.

The bike is were I felt I could make up a lot of time.  My brother, Michael, said your legs are going to feel like garbage after the bike anyway, you might as well go hard if you can. My goal was 20mph average if I was feeling good, apparently I felt really good.  I averaged just over 21mph for the duration of 56 miles.  The course was realitively flat, only 1,140 ft. of elevation gained. We did encounter a noteworthy headwind on our northbound legs. Overall, I felt like I smoked the bike.  Official time of 2:39:41.

T2 was another good transition for me, 2:58. I made sure to add sunscreen to the top of my head and shoulders before leaving.

My goal for the 13.1 mile run was for 10 minute mile pace.  My quads are tight and slightly cramping at first but I knew that slow and steady was my key. Aid stations were about every mile and I would walk through them as I drank water and/or Gatorade.  I did choose to skip the 3rd and 4th stations as I was feeling strong.  I was maintaining 9:35 pace for the first 6.6 miles which I was very happy about, but knew my legs were feeling fatigued.  I maintained my mantra of 'a slow trot is always faster than a walk'.  This powered me through, mile to mile, aid station to aid station.  The final 5 miles were the toughest but I kept the trot going.  Looking at my watch, I knew I had the time to finish under 6 hour but I didn't have any time to give either, staying smooth was the only way it was going to happen.  The hills were becoming a challenge but I maintained.  It was very encouraging to hear the crowds at the end. Soon I entered the final finishing shoot, it was gravel and uneven, so I focused on my footing instead of looking around too much. I crossed the line and looked down at my watch, 5:58:02. My official time was 5:58:06.  Half marathon time was 2:15:03.

I made it under my goal time of 6 hours. Super excited and to think of going twice that distance for a full ironman is crazy, but it was our first conversation.  Michael finished in 5:43:58, a huge PR for him as well, he'd never gone under 6-hours before in 3 previous attempts.  

After some finish line photos we went back down to the lake to soak of tired legs.  At a much slower pace, we retrieved our bikes and transition gear before heading back to the hotel for some much needed food and rest.  Do we plan to go the full distance, absolutely. We are looking at the 2017 Ironman Boulder.  Let the training continue.