Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Dec. 29 - Tuesday
- 6 minutes @ 4 rpm
1-arm Jerk @ 48kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 12 rpm
1-arm Clean @ 48kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes - 22 / 22
Safety Bar Squat
5 x 155 #
5 x 225
5 x 275 (65%)
5 x 315 (75%)
5 x 355 (85%)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Dec. 28 - Monday
- 6 minutes @ 8 rpm
1-arm LC @ 40kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
5 x 24kg
5 x 32kg
5 x 40kg
5 x 48kg
5 x 60kg
5 x bodyweight
5 x 8kg
5 x 12kg
5 x 16kg
3 x 20kg
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Dec. 24 - Thursday
General conditioning and lifting day
Bench Press w/ 70# chains
- 4 x 8 @ 102#
Bent Over Row
8 x 140#
8 x 184
2 x 8 @ 195
Axle Rack Pull
5 x 145 kg
3 x 5 @ 175 kg
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Dec. 23 - Wednesday
- 5 minutes @ 6 rpm
SS Squat
5 x 115 #
5 x 155
5 x 185 (40%)
5 x 225 (50%)
5 x 275 (60%)
Dec. 22 - Tuesday
Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 18 rpm
5 x 60kg
5 x 100
5 x 110 (40%)
5 x 140 (50%)
5 x 165 (60%)
Grip work
Monday, December 21, 2009
Dec. 21 - Monday
2-arm LC @ 32kg
- 5 minutes @ 6 rpm
5 x bodyweight
5 x 16kg
5 x 24kg
5 x 32kg
5 x 32kg
Pullups - 5 x 5 @ bodyweight
Friday, December 18, 2009
Dec. 18 - Friday
- 6 minutes @ 10 rpm
Safety Squat - 14" box
5 x 155#
5 x 245
5 x 335
5 x 335
5 x 335
3 Rounds
Pistol @ 11" box x 8 (r/l)
Exercise Ball Leg Curls x 15
Single Leg Calf Raise x 15 (r/l)
I just received my safety squat bar yesterday from EliteFTS. It's awesome, this was my first experience with this type of bar and I could tell a difference in the mid-back region.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Dec. 17 - Thursday
2-arm Jerk @ 36kg
- 8 minutes @ 4 rpm, 5 reps last minute
Standing 1-arm DB Press (r/l)
8 x 50#
8 x 60
8 x 70
8 x 70
2" DB Row (r/l)
8 x 100#
8 x 120
8 x 130
8 x 130
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Dec. 15 - Tuesday
- 5 minutes @ 8 rpm
Back Squat
5 x 135#
5 x 225
5 x 305
3 x 345
3 x 385
GH Raise
- 100 reps total - 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5
Monday, December 14, 2009
Dec. 14 - Monday
1-arm LC @ 32kg, switch every minute
- 20 minutes @ 10 rpm
5 x 24kg
5 x 36kg
5 x 44kg
5 x 48kg
5 x 60kg
5 x bodyweight
5 x 4kg
5 x 8kg
5 x 12kg
5 x 16kg
Tired and run down from the weekend of travel and presenting for the NSCA. Felt good to just break a sweat but not have to concentrate too much.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Dec. 10 - Thursday
- 5 minutes @ 8, 8, 8, 6, 8
Rest 5 minutes
- 5 minutes @ 6 rpm
1-arm C+J @ 40kg
- 10 / 10
1-arm Jerk @ 48kg
- 8 / 8
Assortment of dips and pullups/rope climbing to finish.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Dec. 8 - Tuesday
- 3 minutes @ 6 rpm
- 3 minutes @ 6 rpm
- 3 minutes @ 6 rpm
Back Squat
5 x 135#
5 x 225
3 x 285 (70%)
3 x 325 (80%)
5 x 365 (90%)
1-arm C+J (r/l)
6 x 40kg
6 x 48kg
3 x 60kg
I had forgotten how heavy the 60kg bell feels. Definitely doing more of these.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dec. 7 - Monday
- 10 minutes @ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 6, 6, 8 - 76 total
2-arm Cleans @ 32kg
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
5 x 24kg
5 x 36kg
5 x 44kg
5 x 48kg
3 x 60kg
Looking back the 10 minute set wasn't so bad, but my mind definitely wasn't in it today for that length of set and I slowed down a bit towards the end. Dips at the end definitely made for a highlight. I haven't done weighted dips in a while and was happy with 3 at 60kg. More of these will come.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Dec. 3 - Thursday
- 6 minutes @ 12 rpm, 4:30 rest
- 6 minutes @ 12 rpm, 4:30 rest
- 6 minutes @ 8 rpm
These felt good. My hands were still tired and somewhat raw from Tuesday's volume session and I had to slow down for the last set.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Dec. 1 - Tuesday
- 10 sets of 20, 3 minutes rest between sets
Back Squat
5 x 50 kg
5 x 70
5 x 100
5 x 120
5 x 138
5 x 157
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Nov. 27 - Friday
- 4 minutes @ 6 rpm, ~ 6 minutes rest
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
Clean + Jerk @ 28kg
- 10 sets of 6 on the minute
The weight of the bells felt great today, not heavy at all. My CNS did not feel as shape today, but this has been a recovery week and I look to feel much better next week.
From talks with Catherine Imes I am going to be concentrating my training on the Long-Cycle (Clean + Jerk) event. I'll be competing in Long-Cycle at the Toledo meet Jan. 30 and then again with Long Cycle in March at the NYC competition.
Pacing is going to be different for me on this event and I am going to play around with different resting options; way up/down between reps.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Nov. 25 - Wednesday
- 10 minutes @ 15 rpm
1-arm Clean + Jerk @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 10 minutes @ 8 rpm
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Nov. 24 - Tuesday
- 10 sets of 20, 3 minutes rest between sets
Back Squat
5 x 135#
5 x 225
5 x 275
5 x 315
5 x 350
1-arm Jerk @ 32kg
- 15 / 15
I am going to make a training adjustment and squat/deadlift on days that I jerk. Deadlifting will also only occur every other week to continue putting my focus on the girevoy sport lifts.
Monday - Nov. 23
- 6 minutes @ 18 rpm, rest 5 minutes
- 6 minutes @ 18 rpm, rest 5 min
- 6 minutes @ 18 rpm
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Nov. 19 - Thursday
- 6 minutes @ 15 rpm x 3 sets - 4:45 rest between
Nov. 18 - Wednesday
- 10 sets of 7 flips (1:1 - work to rest ratio)
Atlas Stones @ 160#
- 2 x 6 shouldering (3 r/l)
- 1 x 10 chest high pull
Good day and good fun with the light implements.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Nov. 17 - Tuesday
- 10 sets of 5 on the minute (increased to 6 rpm after 4 minutes)
Ring Dips
- 3 x 8
- 3 x 8
Monday - Nov. 16
2 x 135# + #4 band
2 x 225 + #4 band
2 x 275 + #4 band
2 x 315 + #4 band
2 x 315 + #4 band
Back Squat
2 x 225#
2 x 315
2 x 365
2 x 405
1 x 455 - missed
Harness Sled pull
2 x 50 yds. @ 450#
Today was Terence's first day of ever using bands and he worked up to 225# + #4 band himself. He was truly amazed at how tight he needed to stay to complete the lifts. I'm sure with a little time he will be seeing big increases in his squat numbers.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Nov. 10 - Tuesday
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
Snatch @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 18 rpm
Going for Master of Sport numbers at the AKC coaches cert in Cincinnati, OH this weekend. 3 days to rest up.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Nov. 9 - Monday
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
Snatch @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 18 rpm
Friday, November 6, 2009
Nov. 6 - Friday
- 8 minutes @ 12 rpm
Hand felt good at the slow pace.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Nov. 3 - Tuesday
- 8 minutes @ 18 rpm - 72 / 71 total - hand tear on left hand last rep, didn't drop bell, but not worth another rep.
Farmers Hold @ 40kg each hand
- 2 minutes On / 2 minutes rest x 2
GH Raise
- 3 x 10
Any hand healing tips will be much appreciated. It is a quarter sized blood blister that has not broken open.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Nov. 2 - Monday
- 7 minutes @ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12
2-arm Jerk @ 32kg, rest 3:30 between sets
- 5 sets of 20
1-arm Jerk @ 40kg
- 10 / 10
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Oct. 29 - Thursday
- 10 minutes @ 12 rpm
Swing @ 40kg, single arm switch
- 40 / 40
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Oct. 27 - Tuesday
- 10 sets of 20 reps (2-4 minutes rest between sets)
Went for higher volume today. This was hard and beat the crap out of me. It really forced me to find a good rack position during the final sets. My arms felt good in the overhead position. My hips were the most fatigued, especially during the second dip in the jerk upon coming to full lockout.
I think I will do this again next week.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tuesday - Oct. 20
KB Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 8 minutes @ 12 rpm
Back Squat
5 x 135 #
5 x 145
5 x 155 (40%)
5 x 195 (50%)
5 x 235 (60%)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday - Oct. 19
Barbell Snatch
3 x 40 kg
3 x 50
2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 6 minutes @ 12 rpm
1-arm Jerk @ 40kg
- 10/10
Friday, October 16, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Oct. 13 - Tuesday
- 20 minutes @ 10 rpm
This was a nice easy pace today. I probably can do 12 rpm without much problem at this weight. My legs and body are still in recovery mode from this past weekend in Santa Monica with the Age of Quarrel workshop. I'll take tomorrow off and then train again on Thursday before heading to NYC this weekend.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Oct. 9 - Friday
2-arm Jerk @ 32kg
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm
Back Squat
5 x 70 kg
5 x 100
3 x 124
3 x 142
3 x 160
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Oct. 7 - Wednesday
3 x 40 kg
3 x 60
2 x 75
2 x 90
2 x 95
2-arm Jerk @ 32kg
- 6 minutes @ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9
Snatch @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 18 rpm
Double C+J @ 32kg
- 10 sets of 4 on the minute
1-arm Jerk @ 48kg, single arm switch
- 10 / 10
Friday, October 2, 2009
Oct. 2 - Friday
2 x 40 kg
2 x 50
2 x 60
2 x 70
KB Snatch @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 18 rpm
Back Squat
5 x 135#
5 x 225
5 x 255
5 x 295
10 x 330
1-arm Jerk (r/l)
40kg x 10, 10, 10
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Oct. 1 - Thursday
- 5 minutes @ 8, 8, 8, 8, 10
- 5 minutes @ 6, 6, 6, 6, 8
2-arm LC @ 24kg
- 5 minutes @ 6, 6, 6, 6, 8
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sept. 29 - Tuesday
- 5 minutes @ 18 rpm (right arm), switched arms
- 4 minutes @ 18 rpm (left arm), rechalk - 1 minute @ 18 rpm
Dynamic Squat @ 232# + #4 bands
- 10 sets of 2 on the 1:15 (14" box)
5 x 135 #
5 x 225
5 x 275
5 x 330
5 x 385
10 x 435
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sept. 28 - Monday
3 x 40 kg
3 x 50
3 x 70
2-arm Jerk @ 28kg
- 6 minute @ 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8
2-arm Jerk @ 36kg,
- 5 minutes @ 4, 6, 5, 5, 6
1- arm LC @ 40kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
Friday, September 25, 2009
Sept. 25 - Friday
Snatch @ 28kg, single arm snatch
- 6 minutes @ 18 rpm
Back Squat
5 x 50 kg
5 x 60
5 x 70 (40%)
5 x 87 (50%)
5 x 104 (60%)
5 x 50 kg
5 x 70
5 x 92 (40%)
5 x 115 (50%)
5 x 137 (60%)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Durniat Strength
Durniat Strength will be a place where everyone can go to find out the latest happening with myself and my training. This blog will still continue, thank you all for following along in my journey. There will be some changes:
- I will only be posting my training routine here. All other write-ups and responses to questions will be found at DurniatStrength.com.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you all.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Sept. 17 - Thursday
3 x 50 kg
3 x 70
3 x 90
3 x 90
2-arm Jerk @ 28kg
- 3 minutes @ 10 rpm, rest 4 minutes
- 3 minutes @ 10, 12, 12, rest 4 minutes
- 3 minutes @ 6 rpm
Tired today. I've had a lot of strong days in a row, so I'm not too worried. I have the US National Grip Championships this weekend and I'm sure my brain is already thinking strategy and gearing up for Saturday.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sept. 15 - Tuesday
3 x 40 kg
3 x 50
2 x 55
2 x 55
2 x 55
Dynamic Squat @ 217# + #4 bands (14" box)
- 15 sets of 2 on the 1:15
5 x 135 #
5 x 225
5 x 315
3 x 355
3 x 405
4 x 455
Snatch @ 28kg, single arm switch
- 8 minutes @ 20 rpm
sport x 10
trainer x 10
#1 x 5
#2 x 5
#2.5 x 3
#3 x 2
#3.5 x 1
Snatch set and grippers were done separate today. Its just the way the day came out with client and all.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sept. 14 - Monday
5 x 45 kg
5 x 65
5 x 85
5 x 105
2-arm Jerk @ 32kg
- 10 minutes @ 5 rpm
2-arm LongCycle @ 24kg
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm
5 x bodyweight
5 x bodyweight
3 x 4kg
3 x 8kg
7 x 12kg
5 x 16kg
5 x 20kg
3 x 24kg
3 x 28kg
8 x 32kg
Pinch Grip work
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sept. 11 - Friday
3 x 40 kg
3 x 50
3 x 50
3 x 55
3 x 55
Back Squat
5 x 135#
5 x 225
5 x 250
5 x 285
10 x 325
Snatch @ 28kg, single arm switch
- 10 minutes @ 15 rpm
Swings @ 40kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes
Seated Calf Raise
- 3 x 15 @ 115#
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sept. 10 - Thursday
5 x 55 kg
5 x 85
5 x 105
5 x 105
2-arm Jerk @ 28kg
- 7 minutes @ 8,8,8,8,8,8,10
2-arm Long-Cycle @ 24kg
- 7 minutes @ 6,6,6,6,6,6,8
1-arm Jerk @ 44kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sept. 8 - Tuesday
3 x 40 kg
3 x 50
2 x 60
2 x 65
2 x 70
Dynamic Squat @ 212# + #4 bands
- 15 set of 2 on the minute (14" box)
5 x 135 #
5 x 225
5 x 275
5 x 330
5 x 380
8 x 430
KB Snatch @ 28kg, single arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 20 rpm
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sept. 7 - Monday
6 x 50 kg
6 x 70
6 x 90
6 x 90
6 x 90
2-arm Jerk @ 28kg
- 10 minutes @ 5 rpm, Rest 10 minutes
- 3 minutes @ 10 rpm
5 x bodyweight
5 x 16kg
5 x 20
5 x 24
12 x 28
5 x bodyweight
5 x 4kg
5 x 8kg
5 x 8kg
6 x 8kg
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sept. 4 - Friday
3 x 40 kg
3 x 50
2 x 60
2 x 60
2 x 65
2 x 65
Back Squat
5 x 135 #
5 x 155
5 x 170 (40%)
5 x 215 (50%)
5 x 255 (60%)
KB Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 12 minutes @ 15 rpm
350# Tire Flip
- 3 x 2 minutes ON / 1 minute Off
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sept. 3 - Thursday
5 x 45 kg
5 x 65
5 x 75
5 x 85
5 x 95
2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm, 3 minutes Rest
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm, 3 minutes Rest
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm, 3 minutes Rest
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm, 3 minutes Rest
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm
I was really working on holding and breathing in the overhead position. Its my weak point and not fun.
Standing Press
5 x 20 kg
5 x 30
5 x 36
5 x 45
5 x 54
Pinch Grip work
- IM Block (r/l) - 5 x 35#, 5 x 40#, 5 x 45#
- 2HP 3 sets of 5 up to 100# added, I have yet to weigh the devise so I don't have an accurate weight.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sept. 1 - Tuesday
3 x 40 kg
3 x 50
3 x 55
3 x 60
Dynamic Squat @ 205# (50%) + #4 bands
- 15 sets of 2 reps on the minute
5 x 135#
5 x 185
5 x 225 (40%)
5 x 280 (50%)
5 x 335 (60%)
KB Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 10 minutes @ 18 rpm
I have had a few people ask me how I feel my kettlebell training carries over to grip and other strength lifts. On the grip side, most definitely, when I am doing high rep snatch and swing sets. My grippers and thickbar support strength is also usually very high. Now as a side note to this, I believe it took me time to develop the gripper and thickbar support strength by using those implements. The kettlebell training has allowed me to maintain that strength without directly training those implements. The kettlebell work has also given my great grip endurance so when I do train grip, I am able to up the volume and have success in a short period of time. The grip endurance also pays off big time in grip competition as I will always finish the day strong.
Kettlebell sport training does not carryover to the powerlifts unless I train them. My squat strength is most effected. If I do not squat, my top end strength drops rather dramatically, but I think if anyone stops squatting the same will hold true. Deadlift and overhead pressing power are usually strong (deadlift being something I have a natural afinity towards), and they respond very quickly to an increase in specific work after only kettlebell sport training.
Overall, I think the kettlebell sport training does add some strength, namely the spinal erectors, hamstrings and overhead stability. Strength endurance, grip and total body coordination are also greatly enhanced through kettlebell sport training.
Feel free to continue sending me questions regarding my training. Thanks for reading.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Aug. 31 - Monday
5 x 45 kg
5 x 65
5 x 75
5 x 85
5 x 90
15 Minutes (EDT)
Dips x 5 - 12 sets
Ring Row x 5 - 12 sets
1-arm Long-Cycle @ 24kg, switch every minute
- 20 minutes @ 8 rpm
I really worked on breathing in the overhead position, something I struggle with. Otherwise, this was a very easy set and felt like I could go on indefinitely.
sport x 10
trainer x 10
#1 x 10
#2 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Sledgehammer internal/external rotation
10 @ 9" from head x 3 sets
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Aug. 25 - Tuesday
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 3 minutes @ 6 rpm
Snatch @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 15 rpm
Legs are still tired but after a few days of rest I should be very ggod to go for the comp on this coming Saturday in Chicago. I am really liking my new jerk technique and everyday it feels more comfortable.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Aug. 24 - Monday
3 x 50 kg
3 x 60
3 x 80
2 x 90
2 x 90
2 x 90
NO energy today. I'll be back tomorrow. Monday's always seem to be a struggle for me.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Aug. 21 - Friday
4 x 40 kg
4 x 50
3 x 55
3 x 60
2-arm Jerk @ 32kg
- 5 minutes @ 6 rpm, Rest 10 minutes
- 5 minutes @ 8 rpm
Back Squat
5 x 135 #
5 x 225
5 x 240
5 x 275
10 x 310
Prowler Push @ 180#
- 2 minutes Pushing / 1 minute Rest x 3 - This was HARD!!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Aug. 20 - Thursday
3 x 40 kg
3 x 50
2 x 65
2 x 80
2 x 95
2 x 110
Snatch @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 8 minutes @ 15 rpm
Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 15 rpm
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Aug. 18 - Tuesday
3 x 25 kg
3 x 30
3 x 35
3 x 40
3 x 50
2-arm Jerk @ 32kg,
- 10 minutes @ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 8, 10 - 56 total
Snatch @ 32kg, switch every minute
- 4 minutes @ 18 rpm
5 x 225 #
5 x 275
3 x 350
3 x 405
5 x 455
Prowler Push - 2 x 30 yds at each weight
- 90, 180, 270, 360, 450#
Jerk set felt great today and I'm really liking the new technique. I did not take enough rest before snatches, only about 10 minutes, and then I tried to go faster. NOT a good idea on my part.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Aug. 13 - Thursday
7:30pm - kettlebell training
2-arm Jerk @ 28kg
- 3 minutes @ 12 rpm
- 2 minutes @ 10,8
Legs and mind did not want to work this evening. I don't run (not my idea of a good time), but I am capable of running when I need to. I just was not able to regain my explosive strength needed for jerks after the slow 6 miles this morning.
Standing Press
5 x 30 kg
5 x 40
5 x 53
5 x 61
6 x 69
15 minutes (EDT)
Ring Row x 5 - 7 sets
Bottoms Up Padlock Press @ 50# x 5 - 7 sets
Pissed about the Jerks but I will be back.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tuesday - Aug. 11
- 15, 15, 15, 20, 15, 15, 15, 23
5 x 225
5 x 275
5 x 325
5 x 375
6 x 430
- 6 x 40 yds @ 180#, 60 sec. rest between sprints
Monday, August 10, 2009
Aug. 10 - Monday
- 7 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
Here is a video of my new jerk technique. I am working on resting off to the side and then coming back to square before jerking.
15 minutes (EDT)
Bench Press @ 145# - 9 sets of 5
Pullups - 9 sets of 5
Friday, August 7, 2009
Friday - Aug. 7
- 3 x 6 (r/l) @ 18"
Back Squat
5 x 135#
5 x 155
5 x 175
5 x 205
5 x 230
Prowler Push
- 30 yds down and back on the horns. Start with 2 plates and add 2 plates every down and back up to 5 plates per side. 60 seconds rest between down and backs.
KB Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 8 minutes @ 15 rpm, rest 6 minutes
- 8 minutes @ 15 rpm
So much for today being an easy day. Oh well, going camping over the weekend to rest.
August 5/6 - Wednesday / Thursday
1-arm Long Cycle @ 24kg
- 20 minutes @ 10 rpm, switch arms every minute
2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 10 minutes @ 8 rpm
Bench Press
- 4 x 10 @ 135#
2.5" revolving handle - DB Row
- 5 x 5 (r/l) @ 135#
I worked on a new Jerk/ Rack rest technique today and I'm excited to see how it feels with the heavier weights. I'll shoot some video for everyone to see next week.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Ventspils Atlants Competition
The event started at noon on Saturday, August 2 with an opening ceremony for the 14 countries represented. Competitive division were broken up into Male / Female and then Youth, Amateurs and Masters, body weight categories were added from there. The youth jerk competition was first to start, followed by amateurs and finally masters, and I knew I had a while to wait, being in the last heat of the day, I was off to get some much needed food.
My warm-up felt good after the long wait and I was eager to get on the platform. I was on platform #6 next to a Lithuanian with the last name Savickas while world champion Fedor Fuglov from the Ukraine was on platform #1 next to my roommate and good friend Gregor Sobocan from Slovania. We started into our 10 minute set and the first minute felt great, 8 reps per minute was the plan. After 3 minutes, I felt like I was sinking, getting shorter as my legs were giving out. At the 5 minute mark I made the decision to slow down to 6 reps per minute to try and save energy. At 7 minutes standing was no longer an option and I was not happy with only 7 minutes and 52 reps total.
This was the end of Day 1, Saturday, for the Ventspils competition and a departure from the usual competition day consisting of both jerks and snatches on the same day with a minimal of 20 minutes between events. It was very welcomed this trip as it gave me another night to rest and come back again stronger.
Day 2, Sunday, started with the woman's snatch competition. Again, youth were first, followed by amateurs and masters. The American women competing this trip were; Chriss Dattner, Maya Garcia, and Cate Imes. All gave tremendous effort; Chriss set a PR with 64 snatches, Cate was strong with 138 and Maya's 133 rep effort earned her the best lifter award when bodyweight was calculated in. Truly an awesome effort by our women, congrats to all.
With our women done competing, I still had some time to wait. Interspersed throughout both days of competition were kettlebell juggling acts and kettlebell juggling was a part of this competition with the female world kettlebell juggling champion present and competing. The performances were extremely well done and the flips and rotations they were performing was quite amazing. Very much reminded me of figure skating.
Finally we reached the end of the day and my flight. I was moved to platform #5 due to Gregor leaving early to catch a flight back home for work. Snatching is what I do best and I REALLY wanted to make up for my poor performance the day before. I was still a little nervous, as my shirt was visibly bouncing on my chest from my heartbeat as we walked out to the platforms. Nonetheless, my set started smoothly at 15 reps per minute as planned. After a little over 4 minutes on my right arm i was starting to lose my grip, so I chose to switch arms after 64 reps. I started into my left arm nice and smooth again at 15 rep per minute. Towards the end my pace slowed but I knew I wanted to go the whole 10 minutes. I believe I stood with the bell extended overhead for 30 seconds at the end because I knew another downswing would result in me losing the bell. It was a great feeling to look over and see that Fedor Fuglov was the only other athlete still on the platform lifting when the clock hit 10 minutes.
With the awards ceremony over, we were invited over to Vasily Ginko's (secretary of the IUKL and 7-time world champion) house for an evening barbeque with the competitors who were still in town. It was a great way to finish off our stay and relax with friends.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Olympic Training Hall, Ventspils, Latvia
Today we traveled to the Latvian Olympic Training Hall in Ventspils, Latvia. We had our weight-ins and filled out the necessary paperwork. I came in at 101.9 kg and will be competing in the 105kg Masters class. My body feels good for tomorrows work that needs to be done. 80 jerks and 150 snatches are the goal. Below are a few pictures of the warm-up room which is where the Latvian Olympic Weightlifting team trains. It was quite special to do a light Clean + Jerk on the same bar as weightlifting great Victor Scerbathis.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Sunday - July 26
- 7 minutes @ 8 rpm
Snatch @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 15 rpm
Felt good today for my final training day before the comp next weekend in Latvia.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Friday - July 24
- 7 minutes @ 8 rpm
Snatch @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 8 minutes @ 15 rpm
Everything felt good. One more training day on Sunday.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wednesday - July 22
- 5 minutes @ 8 rpm
Snatch @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 15 rpm
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Friday - July 17
- 8 minutes @ 15 rpm
Swings @ 40kg, single arm switch
- 75 / 75
My grip didn't feel as strong today but I was able to complete what I wanted in relative comfort. Looking forward to the weekend of rest and then training Monday, Wednesday, Friday next week. Both jerks and snatches performed each day.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thursday - July 16
- 6 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 6 minutes @ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8
Much better day of jerks. Legs were the limiting factor, due to deadlifts and squats the past few weeks. I am cutting out any additional exercises to give them(legs) extra rest. Overhead position and speed felt good.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tuesday - July 14
- 6 minutes @ 6 rpm
Just tired today. I'll rest and come back again on Thursday. I'm happy with my snatch sets and jerks have been solid up until today. I believe I have been pushing hard and my body is telling me to rest. Latvia in 2 weeks and now is not the time to panic and try to do too much.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monday - July 13
- 10 minutes @ 12 rpm
5 x 135#
5 x 245
5 x 335
5 x 380
12 x 430
Swing @ 48kg, single arm switch
- 40 / 40
Friday, July 10, 2009
Friday - July 10
- 8 minutes @ 12 rpm
Back Squat
5 x 40 kg
5 x 50
5 x 66
5 x 83
5 x 100
Swings @ 40kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 63/63
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Thursday - July 9
- 10 minutes @ 5 rpm
Rack Hold Jerks @ 40kg
- 5 minutes @ 1 rpm
TGU combo @ 16kg
- 1 x 5 (r/l)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tuesday - July 7
- 6 minutes @ 15 rpm
5 x 50 kg
5 x 70
5 x 90
5 x 113
5 x 135
Monday, July 6, 2009
Monday - July 6
- 5 minutes @ 8 rpm
20 minute 1-arm Long Cycle, switch every minute
- 24kg @ 12 rpm
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday - July 3
- 10 minutes @ 20 rpm
Back Squat
5 x 135 #
5 x 225
5 x 275
3 x 310
11 x 347
KB Rack Hold @ 36kg,
- 6 minutes
Swings @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes - 63/63
Everything has felt great the last 2 days. I look forward to resting up this weekend and getting back at it this coming week. No travel this weekend and I am excited.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday - July 2
- 10 minutes @ 10 rpm
Standing Press
5 x 40 kg
5 x 45
5 x 60
3 x 69
4 x 77
1-arm Jerk @ 40 kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 12 rpm
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Wednesday - July 1
- 20 minutes @ 12 rpm
I need a nice recovery day to move blood through my body and get a sweat going. The last 2 weekends have really hit me hard and I look forward to this coming weekend where I anticipate getting lots of R&R for a full recovery.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sorinex Summer Strong
Saturday morning started off with a nice tour of the University of South Carolina Gamecocks football weightroom. A nice room with power racks and platforms. Everything you need and nothing you don't. We than made it back to the Sorinex Showroom for a weightlifting demonstration and for some to take part in a Crossfit WOD (workout of the day).
Lunch followed and then I was up to battle the Captains of Crush #3.5. And battle we did, numerous attempts and many down to under 1/8 inch, but those handles would not touch for me. Not to worry, we will meet again soon. I then went on to play with some other grip toys and became the 6th person in history to lift the 202# circus dumbbell (3" handle) and 2nd to lift it with both right and left hands.
From here numerous individual deadlift challenges were put forth and I stepped up and set a new PR with a lift of 605#. It wasn't 30 minutes later that the final WOD (a strategic WOD) was set; who could do the most work in 5 minutes via conventional deadlift no wraps. One Crossfit hero choose 135# and did 144 reps, very impressive. Myself and Jason Lawson choose 275#, we knew it would come down to the two of us and he is a deadlift machine, I've seen him do 10 reps at 700#. Anyway, 5 minutes up and I had completed 74 reps, over 20,000 lbs. of work done. Unfortunately for me Jason completed 94 reps.
With work done it was time to fill our stomachs and Cadillac grilled his but off to feed us all. I don't know him and his partner by any other name, but it was amazing. After feasting and a few beers I talked Bert into showing me what highland games are all about and I got to toss my first caber. It might have been a smaller one, but it got me hooked. Then came a little fun in weight over bar with an empty keg.
Here is a small highlight video.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
June 24 - Wednesday
- 6 minutes @ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 10
Standing Press
5 x 40 kg
5 x 45
3 x 57
3 x 65
6 x 73
Viking Jerks @ #4 Band
- 2.5 minutes @ 12 rpm
Bent Over Row
8 x 110 kg
8 x 115
8 x 115
8 x 115
1-arm Jerk @ 40 kg, single arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 6 rpm
Next competition is in Latvia, August 1-3. Lots of kettlebell work to come.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
June 23 - Tuesday
- 6 minutes @ 6 rpm
Back Squat
5 x 135 #
5 x 225
3 x 255
3 x 295
10 x 320
Step-Ups @ 24"
- 3 x 8 (r/l) @ 20kg kettlebells
KB Rack Hold @ 36kg
- 6 minutes
You will see me doing kb rack holds. Standing in the rack is my biggest weakness and I really find my jerk numbers increase when I get more comfortable in the rack position.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Chad Woodall Grip Competition
It was the biggest grip competition to date anywhere in the world. The level of competition in one room was truly amazing. I will give you some of the highlights.
Grippers were first and Steve dominated all with terrific closing of a #4. Chad was close behind while Aaron Corcoran and myself tied with a gripper just a bit stronger than a 3.5.
Next up, was the 2 hand pinch, my worst event by the way, but I am correcting that and have just purchased a 2HP devise that I will pick up this weekend. I pulled a measly 205# while the top guys(Steve, Chad and Jedd Johnson) were bunched up at 240-245#.
The Third event is my favorite, Double Overhand Axle Deadlift. I was focused the whole way; opened with an easy 401# then pulled 441 to tie Steve and Chad. They were out of lifts and I still had two to go. The bar felt good so I called up 461# to beat my previous WR of 455 in competition. EASY and I let out a primal scream at the top just for effect. I had one more attempt and with a croud of 100 on hand I wasn't going to pass. I asked for 476 and pulled it to just above my knees before lossing my grip. Oh well, we will meet again.
Next up was the Rolling Thunder on a very seasoned handle, good weights were going to be pulled on this handle. I was playing the points game well and beat the guys I needed to to solidify 3rd place heading into the final event. My official weight was 250# and then I broke 280 off the ground but didn't lock it out.
The last event was the medley and the list of objects is enough to scare most away:
1. 2HP - 215# (full dead lift)
2. 2-45's Pinch (full dead lift)
3. 6-10's welded together (full dead lift)
4. Blob 50 (full dead lift)
5. Fat Hex 50 (full dead lift)
6. 100# Anvil from top (about 4") (full dead lift)
7. Wide Hub 45 (full dead lift)
8. 3-25's (full dead lift)
9. Inch DB (full dead lift)
10. 2" DB - 210# range (full dead lift)
11. 3" DB - 135# (full dead lift)
12. IM Apollon's Axel - 375# (full dead lift)
13. (2) 7" IM Red Nails(back to back)
14. Phone Book (vertical tear)
15. RT (it will be the new IM handle) – 182 # (full dead lift)
16. IM Little Big Horn on IM loading pin - 205 # (full dead lift)
17. 2" V Bar (full dead lift) - 250 #
18. 411# Dinnie Replica (full dead lift) - it will be an actual stone...VERY cool buttrock.gif
19. Narrow Hub 45 one in each hand (full dead lift)
20. 3" Axel (DO) Dead Lift - 275#
I came in 2nd with 15 objects total, I missed the 2 - 45s, 3 - 25s, wide hub 45, the anvil and the red nails. I didn't even attempt the red nails with my hand injury 6 weeks earlier I new they were not going to be bent.
I came in 3rd overall and am very excited about my performance.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
June 16 - Tuesday
- 5 minutes @ 12 rpm
Standing Press
5 x 40 kg
5 x 45
5 x 53
5 x 61
6 x 69
KB Row @ 48 kg
- 5 x 10 (r/l)
For those interested, the program that I am currently using is based on the EliteFTS 5/3/1 program. I'm liking the results a lot but you will see me utilizing more of the traditional kettlebell sets around the powerlifts.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
June 15 - Monday
3 x 50 kg
3 x 60
3 x 70
3 x 80
3 x 90
Back Squat
5 x 135 #
5 x 225
5 x 240
5 x 275
20 x 310
Lunges (r/l)
- 3 x 10 @ 40 kg
GH Raise
- 3 x 10
Seated Calf
- 3 x 15 @ 115 #
KB Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 8 minutes @ 15 rpm
Today was the first day I was able to rack a barbell since tearing my hand. I had to stretch my hand for about an hour beforehand to make it pain free but I was successful and now I just need to build calus.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday - June 11
1 x 65 kg
1 x 105 kg
1 x 135 kg
1 x 387 #
1 x 437 #
1 x 457 # (video)
- 5 x 5 @ 100kg
KB Snatch @ 24 kg, single arm switch
- 10 minutes @ 15 rpm
The axle pulls felt great, i could have walked around with 437#. Next weekend is the BIG Chad Woodall Grip challenge and the axle lift is giving me some renewed confidence in my hand strength.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
June 10 - Wednesday
- 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 10, 12 rpm
Standing Press
- 5 x 5 @ 45 kg
Blob play and Titan Telegraph Key for thumb strength
Monday, June 8, 2009
Monday - June 8
- 14 minutes @ 15 rpm
Back Squat
- 5 x 5 @ 90 kg
Swings @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 31 rpm
Hand is feeling good. I wil be competing in Latvia, August 1-2 and need to hit the kettlebells hard in order to be ready.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hand Injury and Training Adjustments

As you have seen, I have started to slowly do kettlebell jerks again and will do the same with snatches. I will continue using the powerlifts and strongman training to do just that, stay as strong and powerful as possible.
Monday - June 1
Snatch @ 8 kg, single arm switch
- 10 minutes @ 20 rpm
Yes only an 8kg bell but I didn't feel like ripping my hand open again. There were a couple of reps that damn near brought tears to my eyes it hurt so bad. I still have some healing to go, but its getting better.
2-arm Jerk @ 20kg,
- 7 minutes @ 12 rpm
Jump Shrug
8 x 440 #
8 x 475 - straps
8 x 475 - straps
DB Bench
2 x 10 @ 70#
2 x 10 @ 80#
Grippers (right hand only)
#2 x 5 ccs
#2.5 5 sets of 5 ccs
Rolling Thunder
5 x 135# (r/l)
5 x 180 (r/l)
3 x 205 left only
Monday, June 1, 2009
Saturday - May 30
4 sets of 5 @ 70 kg
5 x 315 #
5 x 405
3 x 495
3 x 495
3 x 495
2 x 5 @ 160 #
2 x 3 @ 240 #
Sandbag walk, 6 put downs
1/4 mile @ 200# - 19:50
Friday, May 29, 2009
May 28 - Thursday
- 7 minutes @ 15 rpm
Jump Shrug
6 x 160 kg
6 x 200
6 x 225 - straps
6 x 240 - straps
Standing Press
5 x 50 kg
5 x 70
3 x 80
3 x 85 - belt
3 x 90 - belt
2.5" DB Row
- 3 x 10 (r/l) @ 100#
Viking Jerk @ #4 bands
- 2 minutes @ 12 rpm
Pullups - 1 x 10
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday - May 26
5 x 105 kg
5 x 115
5 x 115
5 x 120
Back Squat
5 x 110 kg
5 x 145
3 x 165
3 x 170
4 x 175 - belt
Step-Up (18")
- 3 x 10 (r/l) @ 20kg KBs
Seated Calf Raise
- 3 x 15 @ 125 #
GH Raise
- 3 x 12
Swings @ 28 kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday - May 21
8 x 130 kg
8 x 145
8 x 160
8 x 160
2-arm Jerk @ 12kg, 10 minutes
- 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 21
Axle Press
5 x 45 kg
5 x 65
5 x 75
5 x 75
5 x 80
2" DB Row - 5 x 10 (r/l) @ 120 #
My stitches came out today and I was dying to get the kettlebells in my hands, which is kind of disturbing. I figured it best to start with 12kg and have success. Everything felt great, but I still have some healing to do before the bigger weights get used.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday - May 20
4 x 6 @ 120 kg
Back Squat
5 x 110 kg
5 x 140
5 x 160
5 x 165 - belt
5 x 165 - belt
Lockout Holds (10 sec. each)
- 250 kg
- 290
- 290
Swiss Ball Lunge
- 3 x 10 (r/l) @ 45 #
Standing Calf Raise
- 3 x 15 @ #3 + #4 bands
KB Swings, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 24 kg
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tuesday - May 19
Viking Press Timed Jerk Sets @ #4 band
- 2 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 2 minutes @ 12 rpm (video)
- 2 minutes @ 12 rpm
Incline Bench Press
8 x 155 #
8 x 185
8 x 205
8 x 205
DB Row
8 x 90 #
8 x 100
8 x 110
8 x 120
Dips - 3 x 15
Rock Ring Pullups - 3 x 8
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Durniat Strength Factory
I will be adding some great new equipment in June which I'm excited about. I have on order a Sorinex whisperlink platform and Basefit Add-on unit which will give me another platform and squat station to work with, along with the pullup stations with the Add-On unit. I'll also be picking up a Steve Howard powerlifting Combo-Rack which will improve my bench press set-up and give an additional squat station for a total of 3 (very excited about this). A 2nd Eleiko training set will then follow.
I have a graphics designer putting a website together for me as well, durniatstrength.com. I will let you all know when it is up and running.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday - May 12
3 x 102 #
2 x 122
1 x 142
1 x 142
Axle Zercher
5 x 105 kg
5 x 125
5 x 135
5 x 145
5 x 155
Front Squat
3 x 10 @ 135 #
I did Zercher's today because my hand is still split.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday - May 11
5 x 165 #
5 x 185
5 x 225
5 x 225
5 x 225
Bench Press Machine
10 x 130 #
3 x 10 @ 150 #
Sunday - May 10
5 x 110 kg
5 x 140
5 x 160
5 x 160
5 x 160
Lunges (r/l)
10 x 70 kg
10 x 70
10 x 70
GH Raise - 3 x 10 @ bodyweight
Seated Calf - 3 x 10 @ 110#
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thursday - May 7
3 x 40 kg
3 x 50
3 x 60
3 x 60
Back Squat
5 x 70 kg
5 x 110
5 x 110
5 x 110
5 x 110
Lunge (r/l)
3 x 10 @ 40kg
KB Juggling at 16kg
Back to full on training Sunday, May 10.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tuesday - May 5
- 5 minutes @ 6 rpm
KB Snatch @ 24 kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 15 rpm
kb juggling @ 12 kg
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday - May 3
3 x 50 kg
3 x 60
3 x 60
3 x 65
Back Squat
3 x 10 @ 110 kg
160# stone to chest
x 10, 10, 5
350# tire - 3 x 8 flips
This week will be a de-loading week for me and I will only train on Tuesday and Thursday. Moderate weights, reps and time will be used. Stretching on every other day.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Saturday - May 2
- 10 minutes @ 8 rpm
Axle High Pull
6 x 85 kg
6 x 105
6 x 110
6 x 110
Pullups on Rock Rings x 12, 10
Dips on Rings x 15, 10
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday - Apr. 29
2 x 50 kg
2 x 60
2 x 70
2 x 75
2 x 80
2 x 80
Back Squat
5 x 110 kg
5 x 140
5 x 150 - belt
5 x 160 - belt
5 x 165 - belt
GH Raise
5 x bodyweight
5 x 10 #
3 x 5 @ 25 #
Seated Calf Raise
5 x 5 @ 210#
Power Swings @ 16kg + light jumpstretch band
- 10 sets @ 10sec. On / 25 sec. Off
KB Rack hold @ 40kg
- 5 minutes
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday - Apr. 28
- 3 minutes @ 12 rpm
- 3 minutes @ 12 rpm
Axle Clean + Jerk
5 x 75 kg
5 x 85
5 x 95
5 x 100
5 x 100
5 x 16 kg
5 x 24
5 x 32
5 x 40
5 x 48
5 x 12 kg
5 x 16
5 x 20
5 x 24
5 x 24
160# stone to chest
- 3 x 5
Rolling Thunder (r/l)
5 x 155 #
210 # x 2, 1, 1
It really felt like a great day of strength. The resulting fatigue is making typing very difficult and I hope I can concentrate for the rest of my clients today.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday - Apr. 26
Deadlift - 4 x 8 @ 315#
160# stone to chest - 3 x 5
KB Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 10 minutes @ 12 rpm
Friday, April 24, 2009
Friday - Apr. 24
- 10 minutes @ 6 rpm (12 rpm last minute)
Axle Clean and Jerk
10 x 55 kg
10 x 65
10 x 75
Dips - 5 sets x 20
Renegade Row - 5 sets x 10 (r/l)
Wednesday - Apr. 22
Barbell Snatch
3 x 50 kg
3 x 60
2 x 70
2 x 72
2 x 75
2 x 76
5 x 225 #
5 x 315
5 x 405
5 x 465
5 x 465
Front Squat
5 x 60 kg
5 x 80
5 x 95
5 x 105
5 x 110
Glute-Ham Raise - 3 x 15
Seated Calf Raise - 3 x 15 @ 145 #
I ended up taking taking some smaller jumps while snatching. I was not stable in the overhead catch position of a couple. I'll be happy when my deadlift number increase again, but I haven't been pulling in a few weeks so I cannot expect great lifts just yet. The front squat is another area I would like to see increase over the coming weeks.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday - Apr. 21
- 3 minutes @ 10 rpm
- 3 minutes @ 10 rpm
Axle Clean + Jerk
5 x 55kg
5 x 75
5 x 85
5 x 95
5 x 100
Bent Over Row
5 x 162#
5 x 228
5 x 250
5 x 272
5 x 272
5 x 12 kg
5 x 16
5 x 20
5 x 28
5 x 32
1-arm Jerk (double bells)
(2) 24 kg x 10 (r/l)
(2) 28 kg x 3
(2) 32 kg x 1
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday - Apr. 17
Agility Rings
Back Squat
- 3 x 10 @ 110 kg
Pistols (r/l)
11" box x 5
9" x 5
6" x 5
4" x 5
free x 5
SLDL (r/l)
- 3 x 10 @ 48 kg
Single Leg Calf Raise (r/l)
- 3 x 15 @ bodyweight
KB Snatch @ 24 kg, single arm switch
- 8 minutes @ 20 rpm
Thursday - Apr. 16
6 x 70 kg
6 x 75
6 x 80
15 minutes (EDT)
Bench Press @ 205 # - 7 sets of 5
Pullups - 7 sets of 5
DB Shld. Press
- 3 x 10 @ 50#
Bent Over Row
- 3 x 10 @ 205#
Thursday and Friday's are my light days, while Monday and Tuesday are my heavy days. Wednesday is for stretching.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday - Apr. 14
6 x 110 kg
6 x 130
6 x 145
Back Squat
5 x 110 kg
5 x 130
5 x 140
5 x 150
5 x 160
Lunges (r/l)
5 x 60 kg
5 x 70
5 x 80
5 x 90
5 x 90
Glute-Ham Raise
8 x 10 #
8 x 15 # - 4 sets
Seated Calf Raise
3 x 15 @ 140 #
KB Snatch, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 15 rpm
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday - Apr. 13
2-arm Jerk @ 32kg - 1 minute sets @ 12, 12, 12, 12, 15 rpm
Log Clean + Jerk
5 x 142 #
5 x 164
5 x 186
5 x 186
5 x 186
Dips - 5 x 5 @ 24kg
5 x 12 kg
5 x 16
5 x 16
5 x 16
5 x 24
1-arm Press (r/l)
Double 16kg x 5
Double 20kg x 5
Double 24kg x 2, 1
Bent Over Row
5 x 162#
5 x 206
5 x 250
5 x 272
5 x 272
Today's training was really broken up and done in between clients. Sometimes that is all I have available.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Friday - Apr. 10
5 x 225 #
5 x 315
5 x 405 x 5
Front Squat
8 x 60 kg
8 x 80
8 x 90
8 x 95
Rolling Thunder
- 3 x 5 (r/l) @ 180 #
Go-Ready Grip Machine
- 3 x 2 @ 180# (2 handed)
CoC #2
- 5 x 5 (r/l) credit card set
Reverse Bend in IM pads
2 - yellow nails
3 - blue nails
Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 8 minutes @ 20 rpm
Thursday - Apr. 9
TGU @ 16kg x 3 (r/l)
Hang Clean
5 x 90 kg
5 x 100
5 x 100
5 x 100
2 arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 7 minutes @ 8 rpm
1 arm Double 24kg Jerk
- 2 x 5 (r/l)
15 minutes (EDT)
Dips + 16kg
- 10 sets of 5
Hangboard Pullups
- 10 sets of 5
I used the Battling Ropes as part of my warm-up today and really liked it. I haven't used the ropes in a while and I had forgotten how well they get my blood pumping. Jerks with the 24s felt good and the 15 min EDT set was great. I plan on doing some heavy dips next week.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Monday - Apr. 6
Here is today's workout:
I lifted with my girlfriends brother who is going to play football at West Liberty College in West Virginia. Which explains the inclusion of incline bench into the workout. He did not do the 20 minute set, which I did later in the day.
Hang Clean
5 x 70 kg
5 x 80
5 x 90
5 x 100
Incline Bench
8 x 155 #
8 x 175
8 x 185
8 x 195
Pullups - 4 x 8 reps
2" DB Rows
8 x 105#
8 x 125
8 x 135
Axle Curls - 3 x 10 @ 45 kg
Skull Crushers - 3 x 10 @ 95 #
20 Minute 1-arm Long Cycle @ 32kg - 8 rpm
Rolling Thunder - 5 sets of 3 @ 185 #
Monday, March 30, 2009
Kettlebell Training In The Age of Quarrel Workshop
The Kettlebell Training In The Age Of Quarrel 3-day Workshop
Time to demolish training confusion and show the abundant uses of the versatile kettlebell!
Bonus #1: Get a free DVD set of the course when you attend to ensure maximum retention
Bonus #2: Attend this three day course for the price of a two day course (you will not have to sell your car to afford to attend)
Bonus #3: Keep reading
There is a great deal of confusion in the marketplace with how to effectively use the versatile kettlebell. The bottom line is that there are several effective ways to use kettlebells. There is also a lot of information on kettlebell training that is worth avoiding. The key is to know what to do and what to avoid. Moreover, it is important to know what you should focus on for your particular training goals. The purpose of this three day course is to cut through all of the confusion with how to use kettlebells effectively and show you several effective ways to use kettlebells for a variety of goals. The theme of the course is efficiency. Whatever your goals are with kettlebells, we will show you a more efficient way to get there.
I am excited about the all star line up of in the trenches instructors that will be teaching at this course. Once you scroll down and see who is teaching at this course you will be registering with the quickness. You are also going to have a great time when you attend this course. Not only do you get to work with some exceptional instructors but we always have great groups and you are sure to make some new friends and have a blast in a very positive environment.
Why should you attend this course? If you are a trainer you will leave the course with a much better understanding of effective kettlebell training. You will be able to provide much more value to your customers. If you are a trainee you will leave the course with a much better understanding on how to merge various styles of kettlebell training effectively for your particular goals. Personally, I am really excited about not only teaching at this course but also being a student and learning a great deal from the incredible line-up. Whenever I put together a course, I think about what course I would like to attend and this is exactly the kind of course that I would love to attend!
In addition to the plethora of kettlebell information, as a tremendous bonus we are also going to include information on the importance of agility training for mobility and athletic performance, animal based bodyweight training for serious conditioning, the incredible benefits of Indian club training for joint mobility, the importance of optimizing sex hormones and why doing so starts with the brain, and finally how to effectively combine kettlebells with other training tools for the best of all worlds.
The last two workshop that I promoted were two day courses. The Boys are back in town in 2007 and Collision Course in 2008. While both were very successful workshops that were also turned into very successful DVD sets, each time I felt that the material was rushed and that both courses would have been a lot better if we had one more full day. That is exactly what we are doing with the Kettlebell training in the age of quarrel workshop. In addition we are going to do this workshop in three locations instead of just one. That way we can reach more people and also provide some options to you that may be more convenient.
Locations and dates of each workshop (each workshop starts on a Friday and ends on a Sunday)
October 9-11: Los Angeles (Santa Monica, exact location is listed at the end of this page)
October 23-25: NYC (Manhattan area. Exact location will be announced soon)
November 13-15: Panama (As in the country Panama not Panama City, Florida) Location: El Avance N°2, casa #18, Bethania
Each workshop will consist of three eight hour days of incredible information from 9am to 5pm. We also want to interact with you as much as possible and are in the process of planning group dinners on Friday and Saturday night of each respective workshop. This will be a great chance for you to get some additional training information from us as well as socialize with other serious trainees that love to have a great time.
Course Overview: Why we are doing this course and why you must attend
I got started in kettlebell training back in 2001 and began my kettlebell focused training business in 2002. When I started my business there were probably not more than a hundred people that even owned kettlebells in the United States. Fast forward seven years later to 2009 and there were more than a hundred people who competed at a very successful kettlebell sport competition at the Arnold Classic. There are thousands of people that use kettlebells and hundreds of trainers that teach kettlebell training.
Back in 2002 there was only one major kettlebell certification course and now there are several certification courses. In 2002, there was only one DVD on kettlebell instruction and now there are too many to keep track off. Many trainers have jumped on the kettlebell bandwagon and kettlebell classes, workshops, and private lessons are now available all over the U.S. and overseas.
While the abundance of kettlebell information is great it is also problematic as the great deal of information that is out there can be confusing. Most people have jobs, families, and basically actual lives outside of training and the internet. They simply do not have time to go through all of the information that is out there. As a result they miss out on a lot of great material that is out there. Worse, there is a lot of crappy information out there and some one that is not well researched may end up with a kettlebell training system that is either not a fit or worse still one that could cause more damage than good. While the kettlebell is a versatile tool it is not a fit for everything. For example, some people teach Olympic lifting style moves with kettlebells and that is clearly not the way to go. Doing an explosive Olympic lifting style full clean to get a 35lb kettle bell into the rack position is both unnecessary and frankly pretty asinine. Also using kettlebells for bicep curls and triceps presses is not the best use of the kettlebell.
We certainly are living in the kettlebell age of quarrel. There are never ending arguments on numerous message boards on the best way to use kettlebells. Some argue that the only purpose of kettlebell training is to develop work capacity and that timed sets are the way to go. Others argue that the kettlebell sport training path is not the way to go for the masses and that using kettlebells as a weight training implement is the way to go. Other people simply think that kettlebells are a gimmick and a waste of money. They argue that anything that can be done with a kettlebell can be done with a dumbbell. Who is right? The answer really depends on what your goals are. Is the kettlebell a great tool for work capacity? Without question yes and the most impressive kettlebell trainees are clearly coming from kettlebell sport competitions. This should not be surprising as competition is where the best athletes always comes from. However, does this mean that using the kettlebell as a weight training tool is erroneous? Of course not. No doubt focusing on the kettlebell competition lifts for time is highly beneficial for work capacity, strength endurance, and structural integrity. In fact we are going to devote one entire day of the workshop to the competition lifts and timed set training. While the kettlebell is the ultimate training tool for works capacity, the kettlebell is also a great weight training tool for exercises such as presses, rows, squats, and low rep speed and explosive work. I have put out a lot of information on using kettlebells as a weight training tool and I get testimonials often from people that have lost fat, built strength and size, and most importantly of all feel great and energetic. Not everyone is going to get excited about kettlebell sport training just as not everyone who uses a barbell is going to want to do power lifting or Olympic weight lifting. Does this mean that they should not use a barbell at all? Of course not and such arguments are pedantic and a waste of time.
It is time for a new course with experienced kettlebell trainers that are familiar with the myriad beneficial uses of the versatile kettlebell. The only agenda will be to show you the many effective ways to use the kettlebell for a variety of goals. This way you can decide which route you want to take. Moreover, you will learn about things that you may not be interested in now but may want to do in the near future. Fortunately you will have a DVD set of the actual course to review everything that you learn by attending the course as often as you want.
When I decided that I wanted to promote a three day course on effective kettlebell training to cut through all of the confusion, I knew exactly which trainers I wanted to bring to the table. As someone that has been immersed in the kettlebell world for many years I have the good fortune of rubbing elbows with the best kettlebell trainers out there. Trainers that are dedicated, open minded, and industrious who have an unquenchable thirst for kettlebell training knowledge. Moreover, kettebell trainers that are exceptional communicators so that you get the most out of their instruction.
Your 2009 line up for the Kettlebell Training In The Age Of Quarrel Workshop is: Ken Blackburn, Steve Cotter, Jason Dolby, Andrew Durniat, and myself. Many of you are likely familiar with some if not all of the trainers. However, for those of you that are not, lets give you a brief introduction to each trainer.
Kettlebell Training In the Age Of Quarrel Instructors
Ken Blackburn: Ken Blackburn is the Associate Head Instructor with the International Kettlebell & Fitness Federation. Along with Head Instructor Steve Cotter they travel all over the world teaching workshops and their very popular instructor certification – The CKT (Certified Kettlebell Teacher) course.
A lifelong athlete and martial artist, Ken began seriously training with kettlebells after attending a workshop at his BJJ club with Steve Cotter several years ago. Always on the lookout for training that would enhance his athleticism, he immediately recognized the value in Kettlebells and has been training/teaching with them ever since.
Ken is one of the top American competitors in kettlebell sport and won the Chair Press at the World Championships in November, 2007 doing over 50 reps with two 70lb kettlebells.
I attended a kettlebell certification course that Ken taught with Steve Cotter last year. I was very impressed with Ken's teaching abilities. As Ken was teaching I was looking around the room to see how receptive the students were. It was very clear that they were having a great time and were learning a great deal. I knew that I wanted to work with Ken when the right opportunity came along. That opportunity is here and with it is an opportunity for you to learn from one of the best kettlebell instructors around. Ken is an incredible resource for kettlebell training as well as physical training in general. I have had the privilege of having many informative conversations with Ken on kettlebell training and he is a perfect fit for this course.
In addition to covering a great deal of kettlebell work, Ken is also going to be teaching a section on the benefits of agility training. Not only will Ken's agility training improve your kettlebell game, it will improve any athletic endeavor, as well as enhance well being and health. You are going to be blown away.
Steve Cotter: To say that Steve is enthusiastic about kettlebell training is to make the understatement of the year. Steve is always looking to improve his kettlebell game and share his journey and knowledge with his clients. Several years ago Steve was happy with his kettlebell strength and conditioning but wanted more. As a result, he took a trip to Russia to see how the professional kettlebell lifters train. Steve was blown away with what he saw. He saw incredible athletes doing over a hundred reps with 70lb kettlebells in the jerk and snatch. His thirst for kettlebell knowledge increased dramatically and has not stopped since. Steve put together his own kettlebell certification a few years ago which has gone on to be very successful. He literally travels the world sharing his immense knowledge of kettlebell training and continues to seek out the best kettlebell information around.
I have known Steve for many years and his intensity and thirst for training knowledge is unmatched. How many people do you know who are willing to get on a plane and head to Russia to learn more about kettlebells? He is willing to do the intense research and put in the grueling hours of training and instruction that are critical to achieve mastery in any field. You get to benefit from his dedication and hard work and you will not be disappointed.
Steve is going to cover a variety of supplemental kettlebell lifts to improve the primary competition lifts (jerk, snatch, clean and jerk). Even if you do not have an interest in the competition lifts you will find the supplemental exercises extremely useful. Steve is also going to cover a variety of advanced kettlebell exercises such as the double KB Turkish get-up, one-arm double KB Jerks, and much more. Finally, Steve is also going to teach a section on animal based bodyweight exercises. This is some really cool material that is far from the run of the mill bodyweight exercises that you are used to seeing.
Jason Dolby: With a diverse athletic background, including martial arts, football, rock climbing and backpacking, Jason has had experience with many fitness tools and conditioning modalities, but feels that the kettlebell reigns supreme. As a personal trainer and competitive kettlebell lifter, Jason feels that the kettlebell builds injury resistance, true endurance strength, core strength, and cardiovascular conditioning all at once.
Aside from improving the health and wellness of the general public, Jason is currently bettering the mobility, conditioning, and athletic performance of firefighters, football players, kettlebell lifters, and MMA fighters. Jason states that "We were never designed to sit all day, whether at the desk, on the couch, in the car, or on a fitness machine! We were designed to move!” Credentials - IKFF (CKT), AKC, RKC, Z-Health (Level three), NASM (CPT), MBG (CNT).
In addition to being an outstanding trainer who is always looking to learn more to help his clients, Jason has a great deal of enthusiasm that is contagious. He is very genuine and an exceptional communicator. He uses a variety of training tools and is more concerned with showing his clients a variety of effective ways to train rather than getting tangled in myopic dogma. Jason is another rare trainer that is willing to put in the research and experience that is necessary to achieve mastery. In addition to his hectic personal training schedule, Jason travels a great deal to be an assistant instructor for the IKFF. He is exactly the kind of trainer that you want to work with to get the best cutting edge information.
Jason is going to cover how to personalize the kettlebell sport lifts to your unique body type. You will learn how to find the ideal rack position so you can get the most out of cleans, jerks, presses, and clean and jerks. In addition, Jason is going to cover a variety of advanced kettlebell lifts such as: double bottom up cleans, triple bell one-arm swings and presses, and much more. Finally Jason is going to teach a section on the benefits of Indian club swinging. Do not confuse this with clubbell training as this is an entirely different system with a much different focus. Indian club swinging is incredible for mobility and warming up for intense training. This ancient form of physical conditioning is something that you will be adding to your training after course. That is a certainty!
Andrew Durnait: Andrew is a C.S.C.S and the owner of Optimal Performance Training. Andrew is an international kettlebell competitor and current American record holder for the single arm snatch (147 reps, 32kg). He is known for his combining Kettlebell lifting with the Olympic and Power lifts to create the ultimate in athletic potential.
His training has led him to be able to perform many famous strength feats and compete in ultra-endurance events. Andrew has served as an assistant lacrosse coach at the College of Wooster and was an All-American Defenseman in lacrosse at Ohio Wesleyan University.
Andrew is a regular instructor for world champion Valery Federenko's AKC certification course. He is another in the trenches instructor that has a great deal of experience as an athlete, as a trainer, and is very well researched.
When you meet Andrew in person and see his abilities in action as well as his outstanding instruction, you know that he is destined for great things as a trainer and as a strength athlete. Not only does Andrew compete in kettlebell sport competitions, he competes in strongman competitions and does very well at both. While he is well versed in kettlebell training for sport, Andrew also uses a variety of kettlebell exercises with his clients such as Renegade Rows, Turkish-get-ups, and kettlebell squat thrusts. He is an opened minded trainer that is always looking for methods to improve his own training and that of his clients. Andrew is going to cover a variety of kettlebell juggling moves, incredible kettlebell feats of strength, getting the most out of the Kettlebell snatch, and barbell juggling. Andrew is also going to give a presentation on how he effectively combines kettlebells with other training tool for the best of all worlds. His clients have been benefiting for years from his expertise and now it is your turn.
Mike Mahler: I have been into kettlebell training since 2001 and started my kettlebell training business in 2002. I taught kettlebell workshops all over the US from 2002-2008 and then decided to shift my focus to learn more about hormone optimization. While I no longer teach beginner kettlebell courses, I still love training with kettlebells and decided to shift my focus to bigger kettlebell events with more advanced material. This shift began in 2007 with the two-day workshop and subsequent DVD set: The Boys Are Back In Town. This workshop and DVD set was a huge success which lead me to my next production Collision Course in 2008. Both workshops not only furthered the dissemination of kettlebell information but showed how to enhance kettlebell training with other training systems (battling ropes, chi-kung, joint mobility, strongman training etc). Kettlebell Training In The Age Of Quarrel is my third big production and one that is very timely.
For the kettlebell training material, I am going to cover a variety of tips to improve your kettlebell military press, how to use kettlebells to develop explosive strength and power, working up to heavy one arm snatches, and how to use kettlebells with a variety of other tools for a comprehensive training system. I am also going to do a section on optimizing hormones. I have a lot of new material to teach and rather than limit myself to an hour as done at previous events I am going to lock down at least two hours at this course in order to deliver a more detailed presentation. You are only as healthy as your hormones and this is information that everyone needs and that everyone can benefit from.
Kettlebell Training Material That Will Be Covered At The Course:
Again this is going to be a three day course to ensure that we are not rushed and have plenty of time to cover everything. While we will be covering more, we are not going to charge more as in our current economic crisis it is time to put you the customer first and provide the most bang for your buck. As with previous workshops we are going to film the workshop to turn it into another DVD set. As an attendee you get a free copy of the event to ensure that you get the very most out of what you learn.
Here is the kettlebell information that you are going to learn at the course:
- The Kettlebell Competition lift and the benefits of each lift
- How to find the appropriate one arm rack position for different body types
- In the rack should your palm facing be facing your chest or should it face away from your chest? Find out which one is a fit for you at the course. This one makes a big difference in performance and efficiency
- How to find a cadence so you can make every rep perfect and every rep explosive.
- What the stacked rack is and when to use it to ramp up work capacity and structural integrity
- Setting up a sensible, workable program using kettlebell sport as a template
- Defining a goal and setting up a process for achievement
- A Talk about psychology of speed--the Think Fast Method (TM)
- Auxiliary drills to improve kettlebell competition lifts.
- How to incorporate competition lifts and timed sets into sport specific training (powerlifting, strongman, martial arts)
- The benefits of timed sets and the pros and cons of ten minute sets (marathon sets) vs. three minute sets (sprint sets). Which one is a fit for you based on your training goals
- The benefits of pressing for time
- Mastering the clean and press (one-arm and doubles)
- The benefits of kettlebell juggling for eye-hand coordination, combative striking, and as warm-ups and cool downs.
- What to do to keep kettlebell training fun, engaging, and effective
- Power kettlebell training: How to work up to heavier kettlebells for power and strength.
- One-arm double KB work for serious strength and power (using two kettlebells in one hand for presses, jerks, snatches, push presses)
- Kettlebell training for fitness vs. kettlebell training for sport.
- The benefits of chair pressing and how to pace yourself to work up to high reps with bells that you can only press a few times now
- The benefits of heavy one-arm and double KB work for a variety of goals
- The benefits of Double, Triple and Quadruple KB lifts aka Stacking Lifts
- The benefits of bottom up kettlebell work (double bottom up cleans, double bottom up press, single bottom up press, walking lunges in the bottom up clean position, bottom up Turkish get-ups).
- The benefits of the no-arm kettlebell Turkish get-up and how to work up to it.
- The benefits of the sots press and its variations (double sots press, alternating sots press, one-arm double bell sots presses)
- The one legged squat and variations for serious leg strength and power
- The connection between flexibility and strength with emphasis on the hips, shoulders, and spine.
- The psychology of strength & flexibility
- How to use kettlebell to develop tremendous explosive power.
- Double KB + Plyo Box Jump Variations
- Variations on the Double Swing and Double Snatch and how to work up to these advanced exercises with heavier bells.
- When to relax and when to apply tension to improve kettlebell pressing
The Kettlebell Exercises that will be covered in detail at the course
Advanced tips and exhaustive instruction to improve the following basic exercises:
- One-arm Clean
- One-arm Swing
- One-arm Snatch
- One-arm Jerk
- One-arm Clean and Jerk
- Double Clean
- Double Jerk
- Double Clean and Jerk
Stacked kettlebell training exercises
- one-arm double swing
- one-arm double snatch
- one-arm double jerk
- one-arm double press
- Two-arm double press, jerk, push press
Bottom-up Kettlebell Exercises
- One-arm bottom up clean
- Double bottom up clean
- Bottom up clean and press
- Double bottom up clean and press
- Bottom up Turkish Get-up
Double KB Training
- Double KB Clean and Press (for time vs. a few reps for explosive power)
- Double KB Mil Press
- Chair Press
- Double KB Swing
- Double Snatch
- Double Turkish Get-up
- Double Sots press
- Heavy Two handed anyhow work
- Heavy Dragon flags
- KB Squat Thrust
- Renegade Row
- Ballistic Bent-over row
Kettlebell Juggling Moves
Single bell juggling work
Over the top
opposite hand strikes
Double KB juggling moves
Over top
Opposite flips
Hand to Hand flips
Figure 8
Across Front
Detailed information on which instructor is covering which exercise will be in the course outline that will be emailed to you before the courses in the fall.
Bonus Material! This is what we are teaching in addition to all of the kettlebell training instruction
In addition to the vast amount of kettlebell training information that will be conveyed at the course, we are going to go one step beyond to make this an incredible comprehensive health and fitness course. Each of these bonus sections will improve your kettlebell training and overall health. Here is what each instructor will be covering:
Ken Blackburn: The Importance Of Agility Training For Optimal Athletic Performance And Overall Well-being
What is agility? Agility is the ability to move effortlessly. It is the ability to change direction without slowing down, losing balance, or losing control of your body. In addition to making you a better athlete, agility makes you simply feel better overall. After all, it is not farfetched at all to say that agility and overall happiness go hand and hand. When you wake up in the morning stiff as a board it is difficult to be energetic and enthusiastic about attacking the day with zeal. The better you can move the better you will feel and when you feel better you will get more out of your life across the board. Effortless movement is critical for overall health and athleticism and is far too often overlooked by trainers and trainees alike.
Here are some of the key benefits of Ken's agility training material
Improve mobility and flexibility
Develop joint health and freedom of movement
Enhance athleticism while simultaneously improving conditioning
Train the body to perform and respond in a spontaneous/instinctual manner
Develops a high level of body/kinesthetic awareness
Teaches movement patterns and skill that are congruent with any sport
Learn how to effectively transition from the ground to standing and condition your body to handle these transitions
Overcome the body’s fear response
Simultaneously train all physical attributes in short duration of time
Here are the actual agility exercises that you will learn at the course:
Ground Mobility Drills
Deck Squat
Deck Squat w/vertical jump
Deck Squat w/jump for distance
Deck Squat into pistol
Burpee (also known as the squat thrust)
Burpee, jump, straight legs
Burpee, jump, knee tuck
Burpee, jump w/one knee tuck (flying knee)
Burpee w/rotations (Clock drill)
Burpee w/rotations w/above jump variations
Mountain Climbers
Mountain Jumpers
Handstand against wall
Handstand into forward roll
Backward roll into handstand
Agility combinations exercises
Deck squat, burpee
Deck Squat, burpee, jump w/straight legs
Deck Squat, burpee, jump w/knee tuck
Deck Squat, burpee, jump w/one knee tuck
Deck Squat, burpee w/rotations
Deck Squat, burpee, rotations w/above jump variations
Deck Squat, burpee, grasshopper
Deck Squat, burpee, mountain climbers
Deck Squat burpee, mountain jumpers
Handstand preceding all of the above combinations
Additional 5 step variations – ex. handstand, deck squat, pistol, deck squat, burpee
Agility combinations integrating kettlebell
Ground mobility w/kettlebell:
Deck squat w/kettlebell
Burpee w/kettlebell
Deck squat, burpee, k-bell ballistic (swing, clean and snatch) combinations
Timed Sets with and without kettlebell
Timed sets of the above working on structured combinations
Timed sets of the above but responding to external cues – partner’s verbal commands (auditory responsiveness) and partner’s movement commands (visual responsiveness)
Steve Cotter: How to harmonize all the individual attributes of physical training with animal based bodyweight exercises:
Are you an animal? This is not a philosophical question, it is a physiological question. You have a body and you move, so how do you wish to move it?
The study of animals is as old as man's presence on earth and as old as the combat arts. Early civilizations studied the wildlife to and some, such as the Chinese, adapted whole systems of movement based on mimicking the movements and characteristics of the predators and other aggressive animals such as the tiger, hawk, serpent, monkey, horse, eagle, bear and others.
As human being, we don't have sharp fangs and strong claws and most of us do not weight 500 or 1,000 lbs. So we can't use all the same natural weapons in defense that the wild animals have. However, as humans we possess intellect and consciousness and the ability to understand. These animal systems teach how to use the body and the mind together to develop integrated, comprehensive movement.
In the wide range of strength and conditioning, there are many physical attributes one must learn in order to maximize ability and physical potential: strength, speed, balance, power, flexibility, mental acuity and more.
What the animal based movement systems teach us is how to harmonize all the individual attributes of physical training.
In this course you will learn how to move and be an animal, the fluidity, poise, grace and agility of a bird of prey, the tenacity, power and intention of the tiger, the raw strength of the bear and more.
Here is a list of some of the exercises you will be learning:
Tiger: exercises to strengthen the spine and the integration of upper and lower body together to develop full-body power
Monkey: light and quick, agile and mobile, here one moment and gone the next
Serpent: flexible, rotational power, connected to the ground to be strong and stable
Horse: power from the ground up, like the gallop of a stallion as the power courses through the whole body
Birds of prey: the chicken, eagle, hawk and crane all have different strengths, agility, strong talons, mobility and powerful wings, strong legs
In this course, Steve Cotter will bring you the wisdom of the ancient martial arts masters and you will move your body like an animal and train your mind with the steel focus and tenacity of a predator.
Jason Dolby: Take joint mobility to the next level with Indian Club training
Years ago, British soldiers stationed in India were so intrigued by the benefits of club swinging that they brought the ancient art home with them and introduced it to Europe. Later, in the mid 1800's, European immigrants brought the clubs to the United States, where they became part of our schools physical education programs as well as a staple in our military's physical readiness training. The interest in club swinging seemed to disappear in the states around 1920, due to the up rise in sports and athletic games. It is great to see the art of the Indian club rising again. We can all benefit from the ancient brilliance that is....club swinging.
Indian Club training key points
- Training with Indian Clubs will bring countless benefits to any athlete of any sport
- Indian and Persian warriors were using these clubs thousands of years ago. They are still here for a reason, they work
- Indian Clubs will save time in your warm up and allow more time for your kettlebell or strength training programs.
- One of the most effective ways to mobilize multiple joints at once and prime your nervous system for serious training
- The Club exercises are perfect for preparing the shoulder girdle for all that the kettlebell will be demanding of it
- Indian Clubs can be used to warm up, warm down, or for a well rounded workout on their own
- Burn tons of calories on the days that you don't feel like heavy kettlebell or weight training.
The Benefits of Indian Club Training
- The natural arching motions build non-linear strength
- The dynamic traction created by the moving clubs will help create freedom in stubborn connective tissue
- Achieve better focus and athletic awareness through practicing the complex movements
- Help increase your circulation
- Gain new range of motion in the frontal, sagital, and transverse planes
- Indian Clubs are excellent for developing dynamic strength, fluidity, and coordination in young children, before weight training is appropriate
- Think pre-hab instead of rehab, use the clubs regularly to save medical and physical therapy bills
- The Indian Clubs will help assist in bettering your postural alignment and structural integrity
- Scapula mobility
- shoulder mobility
- elbow mobility
- wrist mobility
- hand mobility
- thoracic spine mobility
- lumbar spine mobility
- cervical spine mobility
- Help prevent shoulder issues such as: sprains, strains, dislocations, separations, bursitis, arthritis, impingements, instability
Here are just a few of the many areas that will be strengthened through Indian Club swinging
Rotator Cuff
Andrew Durniat: How to combine kettlebells effectively with other training tools
Not only are people confused about how to effectively use kettlebells, people are even more confused about how to add kettlebell training to their programs. Not everyone wants to do kettlebell only workouts and most athletes will benefit from a variety of training tools. This is where Andrew comes in. Andrew is not only a high level strength coach but a high level athlete. He is a former all American Lacrosse player and regularly competes in kettlebell sport competitions and strongman competitions. While kettlebell sport competitions and strongman training are much different sports, Andrew excels at both.
Andrew knows exactly how to combine the benefits of power lifting, Olympic weight lifting, and kettlebells into seriously effective training programs. If you are an athlete that wants to get the best of all worlds, Andrew is the guy to learn from. If you are a trainer that wants to pick up some effective methods for combining kettlebells with other tools, then you will love Andrew's material. Finally, if you are a trainee that loves variety but also wants to actually make tremendous progress, then Andrew is the trainer to show you how to do so.
Here are some of the topics that Andrew is going to cover:
- How to combine kettlebells with other training tools for the best of all worlds
- What kettlebell exercises athletes should focus on. Yes it clearly depends on your sport and Andrew will cover all of the bases
- How to use kettlebells with other tools to effectively lose fat and get in great shape
- Do not care for timed sets? No problem Andrew will show you the variety of protocols that his clients have been benefiting from for years.
- Grip training for enhanced kettlebell performance
- The role of the kettlebell when training for strongman competitions
- When to use tension and when to stay loose and relaxed.
Mike Mahler: The Importance Of Optimizing Sex Hormones For Well Being And Vitality
The topic of optimizing hormones has been a personal obsession of mine for several years. I have lectured on the topic at previous workshops such as The Boys Are Back In Town and Collision Course. Each year I learn a lot more about the topic and in order to accelerate the learning process I decided to devote much of 2009 to learning as much as possible about optimizing hormones through diet, lifestyle, exercise, and nutrition supplements. I am spending much of my time reading every book I can get my hands on on the topic as well as attending hormone optimization seminars. What I have already learned so far this year will ensure that this year's lectures are much more comprehensive than past lectures. Moreover it is only March as I am writing this and by the time October comes around my head is going to explode with all of the new info I have to present!
Trust me, what I present in the fall will not be a rehash of what I have already presented at previous workshops. If I did not have a lot more to say on the topic I would not bother as I value your time and hard earned money tremendously.
Our hormone levels are just not the same as the last generations hormone levels? Hormone decline is impacting people of all ages and we must fight back as we are only as healthy as our hormones. Personally, I know what it is like to have hormones that are far from ideal and I know what it is like to have hormones in the ideal ranges and trust me there is a huge difference between the two. Once you learn how to optimize your hormones you will never want to lose the tremendous feeling of well being and vitality that comes with it.
Here is what I am going to cover at the fall courses:
- The importance of optimizing the four main neurotransmitters for brain health. Optimal hormone production starts in the brain. Forget about optimizing sex hormones naturally without addressing brain health.
- The importance of boosting the neurotransmitter Dopamine in order to start the day energized and ready to take charge.
- Tired of having a low sex drive? A healthy sex drive is not just about optimal testosterone levels. Learn what neurotransmitters must be optimized for a healthy sex drive.
- The importance of the neurotransmitter aceytlcholine for brain speed and memory.
- Are your low levels of the neurotransmitter GABA causing unnecessary anxiety and impeded fat loss? Find out why GABA is important and how to boost it with your diet.
- Why optimal serotonin levels are critical for well being and why your low serotonin levels are derailing your fat loss program every time.
- Why tea and lots of it should be a staple in your diet every day for well being, brain health, and optimal fat loss.
- Want enhanced physical performance? If yes then you need to optimize brain health
- Why focusing on optimizing one hormone without taking all of the others into account is a big mistake. If you want optimal testosterone levels then you also need optimal pregnenelone, DHEA, androstendione, and progesterone levels.
- The Strong connection between magnesium and optimizing hormones
- A potent anti-oxidant supplement that everyone should be taking. This supplement helps with insulin sensitivity, is a natural aromatase inhibitor, and is a potent immune system enhancer.
- Why having optimal DHEA levels is important and what mineral ramps up DHEA levels big time
- Is DHT the culprit with prostate issues in men or is DHT a super important hormone for men that is several times more potent that testosterone?
- Is having high DHT levels a problem? Why you need to look at what your androstendiol levels are as well when addressing DHT
- Why every discussion about hormone optimization must start with optimizing the hormone Insulin
- Tired of being tired all of the time? Why you probably have adrenal fatigue and what to do about it before it becomes adrenal failure.
- Are you using caffeine as an energy source? Why this is not the way to go and how to develop real energy instead of the illusory energy.
- The importance of managing stress and why any hormone optimization program will fail without adequate stress management
- Why the stress hormone cortisol is misunderstood and essential for well being and energy.
- The importance of stem cell production and what foods help release stem cells naturally
- Why very low carb diets will ultimately make you fat and feel terrible.
- Why you must have a balance of protein, fat, and carbs at every meal
- Are you a fat fuel person or a carb fuel person? Learn what your ideal fuel source
- The importance of the fatty acids DHA and EPA and ideal sources
- Why every kitchen should have a spice rack and why you should have several spices at every meal. Not only does this make every meal taste better, it makes every meal a super meal. Learn why at the workshop.
- The benefits of plant sterols and what foods to eat to load up on them at every meal.
- Why you want to load up on foods that are rich in antioxidants at every meal and how to make it happen
- What estrogens are good for your health and what estrogens are terrible for your health. Yes estrogen is not the bad guy across the board for men. Men need the right levels of estrogen as well for optimal health. the key is increasing the good estrogens and keeping the bad estrogens at bay.
- What the ratio should be between the healthy estrogens and unhealthy ones. What foods help with this
- The importance of a personalized nutrition program and how to put it together on your own.
- Is bio-identical hormone replacement for you? Not everyone will respond well to just optimizing diet and controlling stress. Many people for a variety of reasons are viable candidates for hormone replacement and will benefit tremendously. Learn if this is something that you should discuss with a Doctor and why your general practitioner in most cases is not the route to go.