Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wednesday - July 31

 - 1.06 miles
 - 9:08
 - 8:37 pace
 - 46 ft. of elevation
 - aveHR 136
 - maxHR 149

5 minutes
 - 30x Lateral hops over sandbag (r/l)
 - 15x Sandbag to Shoulder @ 60#

2 minutes rest

5 minutes
 - 5x Sandbag Clean + Press @ 60#
 - 5x Burpee over sandbag - no lifting of bag

Rest 5-8 minutes

3 Rounds - 60sec. each exercise
 - Sandbag Fr. Squat @ 60#
 - Lateral Burpee over bag
 - Sandbag to Shoulder @ 60#
 - Sandbag Thruster @ 60#


 - 1.06 miles
 - 9:14
 - 8:51 pace
 - 46 ft. of elevation
 - aveHR 140
 - maxHR 153

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