Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday - Feb. 15

Neck x 20 @ bw
DB Shrugs
20 x 70, 100#

2-arm Swing
10 x 16, 24, 32, 40kg

MedBall Throws
3 x 6 @ 3kg

3" Axle Bench
5 x 95, 135, 170#
3 x 205# (60%)
1 x 240(70%), 265(77.5%)
5 x 3 @ 280# (82.5%) on 2:30 cycle - last set x 3

Close Grip  + (chains)
8 x 135(2), 185(2), 185(2), 185#(2)

 x 10, 8, 8, 8

DB C+P (r/l)
8 x 70, 100,110#


climber511 said...

DB Shrugs
20 x 70, 100#

If that's not a typo - that's kind of sick buddy!

Andrew Durniat said...

Not a typo. Being a good way to get some extra neck work in. Need to remember to do them on both pressing days.

climber511 said...

I read that as 70 sets of 20 reps with 100#. Hehe

Or maybe 20 reps with 70s and 20 reps with 100s

I like the first way best - do that :)

Andrew Durniat said...

hahaha, 20 reps with 70 and 20 with 100#. That first way would be THE workout for the month.