Mountain Bike
- Mohican State Park
- 23.1 miles
- 3:00:14
- 7.67 aveMPH
- 2598 ft. of elevation
- aveHR 138
- maxHR 161
Another solid training day on this trail. I went in very conservative with my pace and just wanted to ride as smooth as possible. Ended just 4 seconds short of a car-to-car PR which was a nice surprise. Fitness continues to progress smoothly but still more to come.
- Mohican State Park
- 23.1 miles
- 3:00:14
- 7.67 aveMPH
- 2598 ft. of elevation
- aveHR 138
- maxHR 161
Another solid training day on this trail. I went in very conservative with my pace and just wanted to ride as smooth as possible. Ended just 4 seconds short of a car-to-car PR which was a nice surprise. Fitness continues to progress smoothly but still more to come.
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