Jump Rope - 60sec.
Multi-Directional 6" hurdle jumps to sprint x 8
KB 1-arm Clean + Press
- 20 minutes, switch arms every minute
- 28kg @ 12 rpm
- aveHR 146
- maxHR 168
Side Plank (r/l)
3x 40sec.
Client, Lunch, Clients.....
Sledge lever to nose
10# - 3x 10 (r/l)
Multi-Directional 6" hurdle jumps to sprint x 8
KB 1-arm Clean + Press
- 20 minutes, switch arms every minute
- 28kg @ 12 rpm
- aveHR 146
- maxHR 168
Side Plank (r/l)
3x 40sec.
Client, Lunch, Clients.....
Sledge lever to nose
10# - 3x 10 (r/l)