Hike w/ Josie and pups
- Wooster Memorial Park
- 3.27 miles
- 1:03:20
- 266 ft. of elevation
- aveHR 93
- maxHR 121
Indoor Bike trainer at home
- 2:00:04
- aveW 202
- aveHR 134
- maxHR 150
- smooth and steady but still lots of mouth breathing and not where I'd like to be. But it is getting better.
- Wooster Memorial Park
- 3.27 miles
- 1:03:20
- 266 ft. of elevation
- aveHR 93
- maxHR 121
Indoor Bike trainer at home
- 2:00:04
- aveW 202
- aveHR 134
- maxHR 150
- smooth and steady but still lots of mouth breathing and not where I'd like to be. But it is getting better.
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