Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday - May 6

Erg - 500m
 - 1:31.5

Jump Rope - 2 minutes

Multi-Directional Hurdle Jumps to Sprint x 8
Side Hurdle Steps to Sprint x 5 (r/l)

2-arm Swing
10 x 16, 20, 24, 32kg

OH Squat
10 x 10, 15, 20kg

2 x 40, 50, 60, 65, 65, 65, 65kg

Safety Bar Squat
8 x 70, 140#
5 x 230#
3 x 10 @ 310#

15 minutes (EDT) - 9 set of each
 - Lunge @ 105# x 5 (r/l)
 - SL RDL @ 75# x 5 (r/l)

Swings @ 28kg
 - 4 minutes, one arm switch

Later in afternoon.......

Hangboard Entry Level – 10 minutes 
   (moved Large and Medium edge holds to Medium and Small edge holds respectively)
   (1 pullup added to each static hang on listed hold)
1st.                15 second hang – Jug
2nd.              1 pullup – Round Sloper
3rd.               10 second hang – Small Edge
4th.               15 second hang w/ 3 shrugs – Pocket
5th.               20 second hang w/ 2 pullups – Medium Edge
6th.               10 second hang – Round Sloper
5 knee raises – Pocket
7th.               4 pullups – Medium Edge
8th.               10 second hang – Small Edge
9th.               3 pullups – Jug
10th.           Hang as long as you can – Round Sloper

Ab Wheel
 - 3 x 15

Climber Grip Machine
3 x 12 (r/l) @ 60#

TTK - thumb on top
3 x 10 (r/l) @ 10#


climber511 said...

What drag factor do you row you 500s on?

Andrew Durniat said...

My best performances are on a 6 or 7. I have played with 10 and 3, but found them to not be ideal for me. It has been nice to row in the 1:30s and not be totally gassed. Thinking of extending my set to 1000m, but weighing the extra energy expenditure cost.