Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday - May 12

Erg - 500m
 - 1:30.9
 - drag factor #6

Jump Rope - 2 minutes

Multi-Directional Hurdles to Sprint x 8
Side Step to Sprint x 5 (r/l)

2-arm Swing
10 x 16, 20, 24, 32kg

OH Squat
10 x 10, 15, 20kg

2 x 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 70, 70kg

Safety Bar Squat
5 x 70, 140, 230#
2 x 320#
3 x 2 @ 380# on 3:00 cycle

15 minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of each
 - Lunge @ 105# (r/l) x 5
 - SL RDL @ 75# (r/l) x 5

1-arm Swing @ 28kg
 - 2 minutes each arm

Toes to Bar
 - 4 x 12

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