Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wednesday - Nov. 26

Erg- 5 minutes
 - drag factor #3
 - 1331m
 - 1:52.7 ave500m

Dynamic Warm-up

Hurdle Jumps
 - 12" x 6
 - str./lat./str. x 6

Power Clean+ Clean+ Jerk
 @ 50, 60, 70, 80kg
5 sets @ 90kg

Clean Pull
 3 x 3 @ 110kg

 5 x 60, 100kg
 5 x 5 @ 115kg

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday - Nov. 25

18" Box Step-ups
 - mountaineering boots and 14# pack
 - 667 steps, 1,000.5 ft.
 - time: 33:05
ave HR 148
max HR 166

18" made quiet a difference.  Could really feel the glutes working after 10 minutes.  The final 10 minutes were also noticeably challenging to step up and down.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday - Nov. 24

Light Cardio

Fighting off a sore throat and cold

Recumbent Bike
 - 25 minutes
 - level 6/20
 - distance 6.00
ave HR 114
max HR 123

My sweat rate was quite high today, definitely fighting something off.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday - Nov. 21

16" Box Step-ups
 - 750 steps, 1,000ft.
 - mountaineering boots and light pack
 - Time: 33:40
aveHR 145
maxHR 163

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - level 6/20
 - distance 7.21
aveHR 122
maxHR 129

Boots weighed 5.0 lbs. for the pair. Pack was 14 lbs.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday - Nov. 20

Erg - drag factor #3
 - 5 minutes
 - 1241m
 - 2:00.8 ave/500m

Dynamic WU

Single-Leg Hurdle Jumps @ 6" x 6
 - straight - 2 x 5 (r/l)
 - lateral x 4 (r/l)

Rebound box jumps - alternated between 18" and 24" boxes, 1-2 minutes rest between boxes
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 @ 18"
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 @ 24"

Lateral Lunge Jumps - stick the landing and hold for 2 sec. 
6 (r/l) x 4'
6 (r/l) x 6' - 3 sets

Pistol (r/l)
 x 1, 1, 1

Desire to lift weights is ZERO.  My brain wants to get outside and play/move/do something.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday - Nov. 19


Foam Roll and Dynamic Warm-up

Treadmill Run
 - 30 minutes
 - 2.0% grade, 6.0mph
 - 3.04 miles
 aveHR 154
maxHR 162

 - 30 minutes
 - cross training 1, level 6/20
aveHR 134
maxHR 147

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - manual, level 6/20
aveHR 123
maxHR 128

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday - Nov. 18

Light Cardio

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - manual, level 5/20
 - distance - 7.20
aveHR 108
maxHR 117

Hangboard Entry Level – 10 minutes
1st.                15 second hang – Jug
2nd.              1 pullup – Round Sloper
3rd.               10 second hang – Medium Edge
4th.               15 second hang w/ 3 shrugs – Pocket
5th.               20 second hang w/ 2 pullups – Large Edge
6th.               10 second hang – Round Sloper
5 knee raises – Pocket
7th.               4 pullups – Large Edge
8th.               10 second hang – Medium Edge
9th.               3 pullups – Jug
10th.           Hang as long as you can – Round Sloper - 25 seconds

Monday - Nov. 17

Erg - 5 minutes
 - drag factor #3
 - 1377 m
 - 1:49.0 ave500m

aveHR 140
maxHR 157

30 minute break for a client

Dynamic Warm-up

Hurdle Jumps

 - 12" x 6
 - str./lat./str. x 6

Clients and Lunch break

10 sets of each - no time - working with a client between sets
 - Squat @ 255#x 5
 - Axle Press @ 53kg x 5

Wrist Roller
 - 3 x 10 @ 25#

Gripper (r/l)
 - guide x 10, 10, 10

Lack of motivation and time today.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday - Nov. 13

Medium Cardio

14" Box Step-ups w/ hiking boots
 - 858 steps
 - time: 34:57
aveHR 142
maxHR 153

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - manual, level 6/20
aveHR 130
maxHR 138

Boots weigh 4.3 lbs. for the pair.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday - Nov. 12


Foam Roll and Dynamic Warm-up

Road Run
 - 3 miles
 - 24:53
 aveHR 167
maxHR 179

 - 30 minutes
 - cross training 1, level 6/20
aveHR 135
maxHR 144

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - manual, level 6/20
aveHR 125
maxHR 134

Legs felt very good on the run.  Air temp was 36 degrees with a 17 mph wind, so was motivated to run faster.  Clothing was an under armor long sleeve, cotton t-shirt and gym shorts.  Not a zone1 run, but still feel my cardiovascular fitness is improving, I think this is mostly to my body getting use to the impact of running again.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday - Nov. 11

Light Cardio

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - manual level 5/20


Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday - Nov. 10

Erg - 5 minutes
 - drag factor #3
 - 1343 m
 - 1:51.7 ave500m

aveHR 137
maxHR 147

Dynamic Warm-up

Box Jump Series

 - 18-24-30" 
 - str./lat./str. x 6

15 minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of each
 - Squat @ 255#x 5
 - Axle Press @ 53kg x 5

5 minutes Rest

15 minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of each
 - Dip + 14kg x 5
 - Rock Ring Pullup - jug x 5

5 minutes Rest

12 minutes (EDT) - 6 sets of each
 - Pistol x 3 (r/l)
 - Barbell Glute Bridge @ 50kg x 6 
 - Lat. Raise @ 15# x 6

Ab Wheel
 3 x 15

Wrist Roller
 - 3 x 10 @ 20#

Gripper (r/l)
 - guide x 10, 10, 10

ave HR 124
max HR 167

Total Time: 1 hour 49 minutes

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday - Nov. 6


Erg - 5 minutes
 - drag factor #3
 - 1356m
 - 1:50.7 ave500m
aveHR 131
maxHR 145

Dynamic Warm-up

Fr. Rack Lunge
 5 x 45, 65, 75, 85, 85#

Incline DB Press
 10 x 40, 45, 50, 55#

Ring Row
 x 6, 8, 10

2-arm Swing
 10 x 16, 20, 24, 28, 32kg

DB Curls
 10 x 20, 25, 30#

Climber internal/external wrist rotations
 3 x 10 @ 20#

Hanging Knee Raise
 - 4 x 8

Plank 2 x 45 sec.

ave HR 96
maxHR 149

Total Time: 1 h 10 min

Body is feeling good and had to constantly tell myself less is more on de-load week.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday - Nov. 4


16" Box Step-ups
 - 1,000 ft. elevation gain (750 steps)
 - gym shoes and clothes

Total Time: 32':42

ave HR 131
max HR 145

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday - Nov. 4


Erg - 5 minutes
 - 1328m
 - 1:53.0 ave500m

aveHR 132
maxHR 150

Dynamic Warm-up

 - 5 x 45, 95, 135, 185, 205, 205#

Axle Press
 - 5 x 15, 25, 35, 40, 40, 40kg

 - 5 x 100, 120, 140, 150, 150#

 x 5, 8, 10, 12

Floor Ab circuit (6 positions)
 x 20

Wrist Roller @ 5#
 - x2

ave HR 92
max HR 137

Total Time: 55 minutes

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday - Nov. 3

De-load week

Recumbent Bike
 - 15 minutes
 - manual, level 5/20

aveHR 108
maxHR 122


Climbed at the Cleveland Rock Gym on both Saturday and Sunday.  Strained the A2 pulley on my right pinkie Saturday.  Taped it and was able to continue climbing, but held off from any remaining bouldering.

Having now researched finger injuries, I now see that I have strained the A2 pulley in both ring fingers in training prior to the Arnold in '12 (right hand) and '13 (left hand).  Both have healed and do not hinder my performance currently.  I am happy that this week is a deload, but know that I will require 6-8 weeks to feel back to pain free.  Contrast baths, self-massage, taping and exercise adjustments will ensue.

Climbing wise; I'm starting to feel comfortable at the 5.10(indoor) level.  Indoor and outdoor are still very different animals, but nice to see that I am improving and there will be some carryover (namely, I am finding stances that I can go hands free comfortably and rest/place gear).

Climbing endurance is also vastly improved.  In the past we would climb 4-5 routes in an hour and be done.  Now we climb 4-5 to warm-up and then 5-7 that test us (plus 4-5 boulder routes) and then 1-3 easier to cool down.