Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday - Oct. 25

Jump Rope - 2 minutes

Erg - tabata - resistance @ #6
total meters - 1115
ave. watts -281.1

DB Shrug
20 x 50, 70#

Incline Bench
5 x 95, 135, 165, 190#
4 x 215#

Incline DB Press
10 x 70, 75, 75#

15 minutes (EDT) - 9 sets of each (WAY harder set-up today)
Dips on Rings x 5
Pullups on barbell atop power rack x 5

Later in afternoon......

Jump Rope - 2 minutes

DO Axle Deadlift
5 x 65, 115, 137, 158kg
4,2,2,1 x 179kg (all reps in under a minute with 3-4 sec. pause at top of final rep. Reps are designated in this way because they were all not touch-n-go)

Chris Rice Grip Machine
Index finger
 - 10 x 10#, 10#
 - 10 x 10#, 12.5#
 - 10 x 10#, 10#
 -10 x 5#, 5#
 - 10 x 15#, 20#

'easier' Blob deadlifts - hard after grip machine work
 - right x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
 - left x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Wrist roller tower
 - Pull back x 75, 75#
 - Push forward x 75, 75#


climber511 said...

Grip machine doing what you had hoped?

Andrew Durniat said...

Yes it is. Can definitely feel the individual finger muscles the day after. Hopefully this carries over to full hand grip strength.