Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday - Sept. 16

2-arm Swing
10 x 20, 24, 32, 40kg

Paused Squat - 2 sec. partner count
5 x 135, 225, 275, 320#
5 x 360#

5 x 70, 120, 130, 140, 150kg

15 minute (EDT) - 7 sets
Lunge (r/l) @ 45# x 8 reps
SLDL (r/l) @ 24kg x 8 reps

Hanging Leg Raise
 - 3 x 12

Seated Calf Raise
 - 10 x 70. 115, 140, 140#

Later in afternoon
Hangboard - Intermediate

1st.                15 second hang + 3 pullups – Large Edge
2nd.              2 pullups – Round Slope
20 second hang – Medium Edge
3rd.               20 second hang – Small Edge
15 second 90o bent arm hang – Pocket
4th.               30 second hang – Round Sloper
5th.               20 second hang – Large Edge
4 pullups – Pocket
6th.               3 offset pullups each arm – Jug/Small Edge
(change hands each rep)
7th.               15 knee raises – Jug
15 second hang – Medium Edge
8th.               25 second hang – Medium Edge
9th.               15 second hang – 45O Slope
3 pullups – Jug
10th.           Hang as long as you can – Round Sloper

Here is a pic of the hangboard I use.  Metolius Simulator

We have re-worked or programming for the main lifts.  Back to the 5/3/1 program and adding in more assistance lifts to bring up week areas.

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