Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday - Feb. 25

8# sledge slams

Log Clean + Jerk
2 x 110, 160, 160, 190, 210#
1 x 240, 240#

5 x 45, 55, 60kg
3 x 68kg (85%)
4 x 76kg (95%)

Bent Over Row
5 x 70, 110, 125kg
3 x 141kg (85%)
3 x 158kg (95%)

Tired this evening after shoveling snow.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday - Feb. 23

Dynamic Warm-up

Double Overhand Axle Deadlift
5 x 65, 115kg
1 x 155kg
5 x 195kg
2 x 205kg

Safety Squat Squats
5 x 160, 250, 290#
3 x 325# (85%)
2 x 365# (95%)

Good Mornings
8 x 135, 185, 225, 245, 245#
Carry and Drag Medley - 35 ft. each
Fat Gripz Trap Farmers @ 402#
300# per hand standard farmers
417# backwards drag

300# farmers - 35 ft. down and back

Inch DB carries
Anvil carries - 146#, 156#
RT holds - 4 x 185#
4" pinch block holds @ 140#

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday - Feb. 21

Dynamic Warm-up
Jump Rope 2 minutes

Axle Clean + Jerk
2 x 55, 75, 95, 105, 115kg
4 single high pulls at 125kg

Axle continental Clean + Jerk
2 x 95, 105, 115kg
1 x 125kg
1 x 135kg

Bench Press
5 x 135, 185#
3 x 210 (70%)
3 x 240 (80%)
9 x 270 (90%)

5 x 12, 24 kg
3 x 32, 36kg
2.75 x 40kg

15 minutes (EDT)
30 degree incline DB Press @ 90#
- 7 sets of 5
4" Rack Ball Pullups
- 7 sets of 5

4" Pinch block sled pulls
-prowler + 90, 180# x 3, 230# x 4

Anvil walks
Stand and hold 2 x 176#

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday - Feb. 17

Dynamic warm-up
Jump Rope - 2 minutes

Clean High Pull
6 x 60, 80, 100, 120kg

Dynamic Front Squat @ 205# + #3 bands
- 10 x 2 on the minute

Sumo Deadlift
5 x 135, 225, 315#
3 x 350# (70%)
3 x 400# (80%)
4 x 450# (90%)

15 minutes (EDT)
Lunge @ 60kg
- 7 sets of 5 (r/l)
Single Leg Swiss Ball Leg Curl
- 7 sets of 5 (r/l)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday - Feb. 16

Dynamic Warm-up
Jump Rope - 2 minutes

Axle Jerk
4 x 55, 55, 75, 95, 105, 110kg

5 x 40, 50kg
3 x 56 (70%)
3 x 64 (80%)
4 x 72kg (90%)

Bent Over Row
5 x 70, 110kg
3 x 116 (70%)
3 x 133 (80%)
4 x 150kg (90%)

15 minutes (EDT)
Leverage Press @ 115# + #2 bands
- 10 sets of 5
DB Row @ 120#
- 10 sets of 5

Killer migraine headache today. Just didn't feel right all day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday - Feb. 13

Dynamic warm-up
Jump Rope 2 minutes

Hang Snatch
3 x 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 85kg
2 x 2 @ 85kg

Safety Squat Bar
5 x 160, 225#
3 x 270# (70%)
3 x 310# (80%)
3 x 345# (90%)

Dynamic Deadlift - 3" axle, alternating grip (#1 bands quadrupled)
- 8 sets of 1 on 1:00 - 4" deficit

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday - Feb. 10

Dynamic Warm-up

3 x 50, 70, 90, 110kg
3 x 2 @ 120kg

Hang Clean
4 x 5 @ 110kg

Bench Press
5 x 135, 185#
5 x 195 (65%)
5 x 225 (75%)
10 x 255 (85%)

5 x 12, 24kg
5 x 31kg (65%)
4 x 36kg (75%)
2 x 40kg (85%)

Inch DB walk - 34 ft. right hand / 24 ft. left hand

15 minutes (EDT)
30 degree DB Press @ 80#
- 9 sets of 5
Rolling Thunder Pullups
- 9 sets of 5

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday - Feb. 8

Snatch from floor
2 x 40, 50, 60, 70kg
3 x 2 @ 80kg

Dynamic Front Squat @ 200# + # 3 bands
- 12 sets of 2 on 1:00

Sumo Deadlift
5 x 225, 275#
5 x 325 (65%)
5 x 375 (75%)
5 x 425 (85%)

My sumo technique needs some work but I like the way it is challenging my hips and body. I'm definitely stronger at pulling conventional.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday - Feb. 6

Jump Rope - 2 minutes
Dynamic warm-up

5 x 60, 60, 80, 100kg
3 x 110, 115, 120

5 x 40, 45
5 x 52 (65%)
5 x 60 (75%)
6 x 68kg (85%)

Bent Over Row
5 x 70, 90kg
5 x 108 (65%)
5 x 125 (75%)
8 x 141kg (85%)

15 minutes (EDT)
Leverage Press @ 90# + #2 bands
- 10 sets of 5
DB Row @ 120#
- 10 sets of 5

10 minutes (EDT)
Straight Bar curl @ 95#
- 5 sets of 8
Rope Pushdown @ 120#
- 5 sets of 8
DB side raise @ 15#
- 5 sets of 8

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday - Feb. 3

Dynamic WU
Hurdle Jumps @ 12" x 6 hurdles
- straight / lateral / twist x 5 each

Log Clean
5 x 110, 160, 210#
3 x 240#
missed @ 260#

Safety Squat Bar
5 x 160#
5 x 210
5 x 250 (65%)
5 x 290 (75%)
5 x 327# (85%)

Dynamic Deadlift @ 3.75" deficit
- 8 x 2 @ 255# - 3" axle - alternating grip

15 minutes (EDT)
Trap DL @ 380#
- 7 sets of 5
Good Morning @ 135#
- 7 sets of 5

I am going back to the 5/3/1 template and percentages for my main lifts. I had good success with it before. I'll be keeping the EDT sets as well as I feel they are also key to upping volume for strength and conditioning.