Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday - June 30

Bodyweight was at 224# Sunday morning.  8-10 miles of hiking completed over the weekend.  Not purposely trying to lose weight, but not striving to keep it on either.  I would rather be active outside, than in a gym under a bar right now.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 reps
 - Chest to Bar Pullup x1
 - Dips x2
 - Pushups x2
 - Pistol x1 (r/l)
 - Ab Wheel x2


10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
 - Chest to Bar Pullup x1
 - Dips x2
 - Pushup x2
 - Pistol x1 (r/l)
 - Ab Wheel x2

Tired..... but feel good

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday - June 26

25# DB's with Globe grips
 - various movements throughout the day
 - no structure or reps, just keeping blood and the muscle moving

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday - June 25

Hangboard Entry Level – 10 minutes
  (add one pullup to each hold)
1st.                15 second hang – Jug
2nd.              1 pullup – Round Sloper
3rd.               10 second hang – Medium Edge
4th.               15 second hang w/ 3 shrugs – Pocket
5th.               20 second hang w/ 2 pullups – Large Edge
6th.               10 second hang – Round Sloper
5 knee raises – Pocket
7th.               4 pullups – Large Edge
8th.               10 second hang – Medium Edge
9th.               3 pullups – Jug
10th.           Hang as long as you can – Round Sloper

 - 20 minutes
 - aerobic training, Level 9

Been working 14 hour days since Brandon is on vacation, so not much energy left to train.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday - June 24

KB Snatch Set
 - 20kg
 - 10 minutes @ 20 rpm
 - single arm switch

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday - June 21

Hiked Spangler (Wooster Memorial) Park (~4 miles) 
 - ran all uphills

Friday - June 20

Double KB Clean + Push Press
 - 24kg
 - 30sec. Work / Rest x 10 sets
 - 8 reps per set 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thursday - June 19

Called off work yesterday with food poisoning.

 - 20 minutes
 - level 8, aerobic training

Sprints (more like up-tempo but i'll take it, been a few years since I 'sprinted')
 - 50 yds x 10 on 30 sec.
 - 100 yds x 10 on 30 sec.
 - 50 yds x 10 on 30 sec.
 - 15 minutes total time elapsed

Hangboard Entry Level – 10 minutes
1st.                15 second hang – Jug
2nd.              1 pullup – Round Sloper
3rd.               10 second hang – Medium Edge
4th.               15 second hang w/ 3 shrugs – Pocket
5th.               20 second hang w/ 2 pullups – Large Edge
6th.               10 second hang – Round Sloper
5 knee raises – Pocket
7th.               4 pullups – Large Edge
8th.               10 second hang – Medium Edge
9th.               3 pullups – Jug
10th.           Hang as long as you can – Round Sloper

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday - June 17

7 Rounds - with a client
5x pullups - various grips
5x dips

Erg - 5000m
 - time: 19:08.6
 - ave. 500m = 1:54.9
 - drag factor #5

Still low on motivation to do much at all.  The weekend zapped a lot of my energy.  Just trying to keep blood flowing.

Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16 - Monday

 - 20 minutes
 - level 7, aerobic training

3 x 60 sec.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday - June 10

 - 15 minutes, Level 6
 - Aerobic Training program

KB Snatch set
 - 20kg
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 20 rpm

 - 28kg
 - 4 minutes, single arm switch

Later in the afternoon......

Hangboard – 10 minutes 
   (moved Large and Medium edge holds to Medium and Small edge holds respectively)
   (moved Jug holds to Round Sloper and Round Sloper to 45 degree sloper)
   (+ 1 pullup on each hold, each minute)
1st.                15 second hang – Round Sloper
2nd.              1 pullup – 45 degree Sloper
3rd.               10 second hang – Small Edge
4th.               15 second hang w/ 3 shrugs – Pocket
5th.               20 second hang w/ 2 pullups – Medium Edge
6th.               10 second hang – 45 degree Sloper
5 knee raises – Pocket
7th.               4 pullups – Medium Edge
8th.               10 second hang – Small Edge
9th.               3 pullups – Round Sloper
10th.           Hang as long as you can – 45 degree Sloper = 15 sec.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday - June 9

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 reps 
      - Chest to bar pullup x1   (sets 1-5 were muscle-ups)
      - Dips x2
      - Ab Wheel x2
      - Pistol (r/l) x1

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday - June 5

KB Snatch set
 - 16kg
 - 12 minutes, single arm switch
 - 20 rpm

Hangboard Entry Level – 10 minutes 
   (moved Large and Medium edge holds to Medium and Small edge holds respectively)
   (moved Jug holds to Round Sloper and Round Sloper to 45 degree sloper)
   (+ 1 pullup on each hold, each minute)
1st.                15 second hang – Round Sloper
2nd.              1 pullup – 45 degree Sloper
3rd.               10 second hang – Small Edge
4th.               15 second hang w/ 3 shrugs – Pocket
5th.               20 second hang w/ 2 pullups – Medium Edge
6th.               10 second hang – 45 degree Sloper
5 knee raises – Pocket
7th.               4 pullups – Medium Edge
8th.               10 second hang – Small Edge
9th.               3 pullups – Round Sloper
10th.           Hang as long as you can – 45 degree Sloper = 20 sec.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesday - June 4

Double KB Clean + Push Press
 - 24 kg
 - 35 sec. Work / 25 sec. Rest
 - 10 sets
 - 9 reps per set

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday - June 3

1000m Row
 - 3:42.5
 - drag #6

Movement / Static Stretching

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps 
      - Chest to bar pullup x1
      - Dips x2
      - Ab Wheel x2
      - Pistol (r/l) x1

    10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
      - 1-arm Ring Row x1
      - Pushups x2
      - Hanging Knee Raise x2
      - Dragon Twist (r/l) x1