Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday - Sept. 30

GoRuck Tough challenge - Mogadishu
 - starts this evening at 9pm and goes through 9am tomorrow in the Cleveland area.

Thursday - Sept. 29

Pool Swim
 - 2x 100yds on 30sec rest - warm-up
 - 4x 25yds sprint on 30sec rest
 - 4x 50yds on 15sec rest - focus on kick
 - 4x 25yds sprint on 30sec rest
 - 4x 50yds on 15sec rest - foucs on kick
 - 100yds cooldown
 - 300yds kickboard kicking with fins

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday - Sept. 28

Dynamic Warmup / Jump Rope 2minutes

3 Rounds
 - squat @ 185# x10
 - situp x50
 - deadlift @ 275# x5
 - 4-count flutter kicks x50
 - clean @ 135# x5
 - crunch x50
 - plank x60sec.
 - thruster @ 115# x5
 - Air-Dyne Bike - 5 minutes
Time: 42:15

4 Rounds
 - run 1/4 mile
 - lunge x10 (r/l)
 - squat x20
Time: 12:19

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - level 8/20
 - distance 7.20
 - aveHR 123
 - maxHR 133

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 115, 115, 115, 115#

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday - Sept. 27

Pool Swim
 - 200yds warmup
 - 10 x 100yds on 8 breathes rest
 - 50yds kick
 - 100yds breaststroke
 - 50yds breathe every 3rd stroke
 - 50yds breathe every 4th stroke

Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday - Sept. 26

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2minutes

 - 5 minutes, drag #6
 - 1321m
 - 1:53.6 ave500m

 - 2000m, drag#6
 - 6:27.9
 - 1:37.0 ave500m
 - aveHR 168
 - maxHR 179

Break for Lunch.......

5 Rounds
 - Bench Press @ 155# x10
 - Pullups max reps: 14, 12, 10, 10, 10
 - ab of choice x50: situp, double, 4-count flutter, leg lever, 4-count flutter
Time: 20:14

Shoulder Blaster @ 2.5#

5 Rounds
 - Air-Dyne 3 minutes
 - Pushups x30
 - Crunches x30
 - Plank 30sec.
Time: 24:45

3 Rounds
 - DB burpee complex @ 17.5# x10
 - Plank x60sec.
 - air-dyne bike x10 minutes
Time: 41:00

Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday - Sept. 23

Dynamic Warmup/Jump Rope 2minutes

Road Run
 - 1.0 miles
 - 7:58.1
 - aveHR 146
 - maxHR 162

 - 2000m, drag #6
 - 6:35.7
 - 1:38.9 ave500m
 - aveHR 163
 - maxHR 175

4 Rounds
 - 1/4 mile run
 - 20 woodchopper squat with 25# DB
 - 10(r/l) woodchopper lunge with 25# DB
Time: 16:30

3 Rounds
 - 5x Deadlift @ 275#
 - 5x hang clean @ 135#
 - 5x clean @ 135#
 - 5x thruster @ 135#
 - 50x ab of choice:
 - 1-minute Plank
Time: 16:16

4 Rounds
 - 50 yds run hard
 - 50yds. run easy
 - 20 sec rest

The 2000m row killed me for the rest. Dragging through the finish.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Wednesday - Sept. 21

KB Snatch Set
 - 6 minutes, single arm switch
 - 24kg
 - 20rpm
 - aveHR 131
 - maxHR 143

Later in the evening.....

GoRuck training event here at DS:

Warm-up w/ rucks on:
Various sets and reps of
- pushup
- squat
- 4-count flutter
- leg lever
- rolling left/right
 - up-downs

30 reps (partner up)
- sandbag burpee w/ overhead press
- 40# bag with rucks on

Team carry of telephone pole down hillcrest (south)

Grosjean Park.  ½ into park and then into the river
- pushups/burpees/flutter kicks/leg levers/rolling

Leap Frog out of the park

Back uphill to stashed telephone pole. Carry pole back to gym.

Definitely a butt kicker but everyone performed well.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Tuesday - Sept. 20

Dynamic Warmup/Jump Rope 2 minutes

Recumbent bike
 - 30 minutes
 - level 6/20
 - distance 7.20
 - aveHR 112
 - maxHR 119

Pullups x2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - pushup x20 and situp x20 between

5 Rounds
 - pullups (max): 13, 12, 10, 10, 10
 - pulldowns @ 120# x15
 - burpees in 1 minute: 12, 13, 12, 12, 13
 - abs of choice x50: crunch, reverse, double, leg lever, scissor
 - plank 60sec.
Time: 34:43
 -aveHR 107
 -maxHR 142

Break for a client...

3 Rounds
 - bench press @ 205# x5
 - db complex (curl/press/french press) @ 17.5# x15

Seated Calf Raise
 - 5x 45, 70, 115, 115, 115#

Later after work.....

Pool swim
100yds Freestyle Stroke
100yds Breast Stroke
100yds Side Stroke

2x 100yds

4 Rounds, every 2:30 min.
 - 25yds underwater swim
 - Breast Stroke back to start

The swim did not feel smooth and good today.  Still tired from the weekend.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday - Sept. 18

Wooman Bike Tour
 - 102.8 miles
 - 6:01:21
 - 5,616' of elevation gained
 - aveHR 138
 - aveHR 163
 - aveMPH 17.1

Amazed with how well I felt for this, I was a bit worried going long on back-to-back days. I was pulled along with a couple of other guys and I was fortunate to keep up and finish strong.  Fitness is really coming along. I'll be resting Monday.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Saturday - Sept. 17

Vulture Knob 6 hour mountain bike race
 - 2 man team, Jim and I alternated laps
 - 16.6 total miles
 - aveHR 153
 - maxHR 173
Lap Times:
 1- 1:00:01 - broke my crank arm, ran back put my pedals on Jim's bike and finished the lap.
 2- 49:03
 3- 52:13

We both finished 3 laps in the 6 hour period which was our goal.  I was able to borrow a pedal for me 2nd and 3rd laps, it was still a size smaller than mine but much better than Jim's which was much smaller. Overall a great time riding bikes in the woods.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thursday - Sept. 15

DynamicWarmup/Jump Rope 2 minutes

Erg - drag #6
 - 2000m
 - 6:40.9
 - ave500m 1:40.2
 -aveHR 154
 -maxHR 167

Pullups x10, 8, 6, 4, 2
 - 20 pushup and 20 situps between each set
Time: 7:54

4 Rounds
 - 200yds. run easy
 - 200yds. run fast
 - 20 squats
 - 20 half squats
Time: 13:00

4 Rounds
 - 200yds. run easy
 - 200yds. run fast
 - Barbell Thruster @95# x10
 - 24" Box Jump x10
 - Lunge x10 each leg
Time: 17:14

4 Rounds
 - max pullups: 15, 11, 10, 10
 - max pushups: 50, 40, 30, 35
 - 25 situps in 30seconds: 25, 25, 25, 25
Time: 19:20

Break for clients (1.75 hours).....

Road Run
 - 1.5 miles easy
 - 13:46
 - pace 9:11
 - aveHR 145
 - maxHR 159
 - 1.46 miles fast(er)
 - 11:12
 - pace 7:42
 - aveHR 165
 - maxHR 175

Later in the evening.....

Pool Swim
Warm-up - 4 x50yds
1) 10x25yds sprint - 30sec. rest between
2) Hypoxic ladder
 - 50yds @ 2 strokes/breath
 - 50yds @ 3 strokes/breath
 - 50yds @ 4 strokes/breath
 - 50yds @ 5 strokes/breath
 - rest 60sec. between efforts
3) Treadwater - 10 minutes

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wednesday - Sept. 14

DynamicWarmup / Jump rope-2minutes

Road Run
 - 1.0 miles
 - 7:40
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 167

3 Rounds
 - Squat @135# x15
 - Situp x50
 - Deadlift @225# x5
 - 4-count Flutter Kick x50
 - Power Clean @135# x5
 - Air-Dyne bike - 5 minutes
Time: 37:10
 - aveHR 121
 - maxHR 154

10 Rounds
 - Jumping jacks x10
 - Pushups x10
Time: 3:52

45# bumper plate flip
 right x 10
 left x 10

Bench Press @185# Pyramid x10,8,6,4,2
 - x50 crunches and 60sec. plank between each set of bench
Time: 19:35

Sandbag Get-up Set
 - 10 minutes @ 60#
 -  50 total reps

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday - Sept. 13

Dynamic Warmup / Jump Rope 2 minutes

KB Snatch set
 - 6 minutes, single arm switch
 - 24kg
 - 18 rpm
 - aveHR 130
 - maxHR 145

Pull-ups -2" bar
 - 5x max reps - 19, 16, 15, 14, 14
 - finishing reps to reach 100 total: 12, 10

Road Run
 - 2.20 miles
 - 16:57
 - pace 7:41
 - aveHR 154
 - maxHR 170

Later in the evening.....

Pool Swim
(1) 3 Rounds
Swim 250yds intervals
Rest 3 min. between Intervals

(2) 1 Rounds
45 sec. Tread
45 sec. Tread Right arm out
45 sec. Tread Left arm out
45 sec. Tread 

(3) 50yds. Hypoxic ladder:
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 3 strokes
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 4 strokes
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 5 strokes
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 6 strokes
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 7 strokes
*Rest as needed between each 50m

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday - Sept. 12

Starting Stew Smith's Navy SEAL phase 2 program.  This program incorporates more barbell movements in with the bodyweight calisthenics.

Dynamic warmup / jump rope 2-minutes

4 Rounds
 - 1/4 mile run
 - 95# barbell thruster x10
 - 24" box jump x 15
 - lunge (r/l) x20
 - squat x20
 - 1/2 squat x20
Time: 27:25
- aveHR 155
- maxHR 172
 - box jumps and 1/2 squats definitely the worst part

DB complex @ 15#
 - strict burpee w/ curl/press/French press at the top 
 - x10

4 Rounds
 - Bench Press @ 205# (75%) x5
 - Burpee x25
 - crunch x50
 - reverse crunch x50
 - double crunch x50
 - plank 60sec.
Time: 38:03
- aveHR 106
- maxHR 154

Road Run
 - 2.00 miles
 - 16:25
 - pace 8:11
 - aveHR 161
 - maxHR 176

Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday - Sept. 9

KB Snatch set
 - 6 minutes, single arm switch
 - 24kg
 - 16 rpm
 - aveHR 132
 - maxHR 168

Road Run
 - 7.51 miles
 - 1:07:05
 - 8:56 pace
 - aveHR 164
 - maxHR 182
 - holy humidity, I could feel my insides cooking the last 1.5 miles.

After Lunch.....

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 115, 125, 125#

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Thursday - Sept. 8

DB Complex
 - 15#
 - squat/curl/press/french press
 - 2x15

Fr. Squat (120kg max)
 5x 54kg
 5x 60
 5x 66
 5x 72
 5x 78

DO axle DL (180kg max)
 5x 81kg
 5x 90
 5x 99
 5x 108
 5x 117

 - 2000m
 - drag#5
 - ave500m 1:42.6
 - 6:50.4
 - aveHR 156
 - maxHR 167

Rest 5 minutes

 - 2000m
 - drag#5
 - ave500m 1:41.5
 - 6:46.1
 - aveHR 166
 - maxHR 177

Sandbag Get-up @40#
 x10 (r/l)

HUGE PR on the 2x2000m row.  Last time was March 28 and I went 6:56.1 and 6:51.0 on a 10 minute rest.

Wednesday - Sept. 7

Recumbent Bike
 - 40 minutes
 - distance 10.0
 - level 7/20
 - aveHR 117
 - maxHR 126

Ab SuperSet
 - situp x20
 - 4-way crunch x20
 - leg lever x20
 - 4-count flutter kick x20
 - plank 60sec.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuesday - Sept. 6

 - 60 minutes
 - 13,595m
 - 2:12.4 ave/500m
 - aveHR 120
 - maxHR 128

After Lunch....

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 115, 125, 140#

Shoulder Blaster x1

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Saturday - Sept. 3

Road Bike
 - gravel training ride with guys from RideOn
 - 78.6 miles
 - 5:04:06
 - 15.5 mph average
 - 4,722' of elevation gained
 - HR monitor again lost connection, will be messaging Suunto about this.
 - a good bit of gravel roads and step climbs done. I was able to hang for 50 miles before they dropped me. Felt good otherwise.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Friday - Sept. 2

Road Run
 - 2.97 miles
 - 23:16
 - pace 7:49
 - aveHR 155
 - maxHR 177

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Thursday - Sept. 1

DB complex warm-up
 - 2x10 @ 15#
 - squat/curl/press/french press

10 SuperSets
 - 500m row (drag #5) - 1:39.1, 1:38.0, 1:37.8, 1:37.8, 1:37.4, 1:38.1, 1:37.7, 1:38.3, 1:38.1, 1:35.3
 - 20 pushups
 - 20 decline situps @ #2
 - aveHR 126
 - maxHR 163
 - Time: 44:12

Pullups x2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide

Arm Haulers 2x75

Shoulder external rotation
 - 2 x 50 - no weight