Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29 - Thursday


LongCycle @ 24kg
- 10 minutes @ 6 rpm


15 minutes (EDT)
OH Press @ 65kg
- 6 sets of 5
Bent Over Row @ 130kg
- 6 sets of 5


Pullups w/ bands
#2 band x 5, 5, 5, 5
#3 band x 5

8 x bw
5 x 24kg
5 x 32kg
5 x 48kg
3 x 60kg
3 x 68kg
fail x 76kg

Incline Bench @ #2
8 x 60#
8 x 80
6 x 100

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26 - Monday

LongCycle @ 32kg
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm


Evening work

Dynamic Squat @ 225# + #5 bands, 16" box
- 12 x 2 on the 1:00

Dynamic Deadlift + #5 bands (pins for bands at 1, 19, 24)
- 1 x 135#, 225, 315, 365, 375, 385
- this deadlift set-up was different than I've used before and those bands really put the tension on at the top.

Friday, July 23, 2010

July 21 - Wednesday

Long Cycle @ 32kg
- 10 minutes @ 2 rpm (focusing on my rack position)

15 minutes (EDT)
Standing Press @ 60kg
- 8 sets of 5
Bent Over Row @ 120kg
- 8 sets of 5

15 minutes (EDT)
Dips + 24kg
- 7 sets of 5
Pullups + 12kg
- 7 sets of 5

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19 - Monday

5 x 135#
5 x 225
5 x 275
5 x 315
5 x 335 - belt
5 x 355 - belt
5 x 365 - belt
20 x 225 - no belt

Afternoon accessory lifts done at random in between clients

Bulgarian Split Squat (r/l)
8 x 45#
8 x 135
8 x 155
8 x 155

GH Raise
3 x 8
Band Knee Drives @ #4 band
- 3 x 10 (r/l)
- works the hip flexors

SS Good Morning
10 x 70#
10 x 140
10 x 190
10 x 190
Seated Calf Raise
10 x 55#
10 x 110
10 x 155
10 x 155

Seated Box Jumps - from 16" box
36" x 6
42" x 6
42" x 6

Friday, July 16, 2010

July 16 - Friday

Double Clean + Jerk @ 32kg
- 15 sets of 5 on the minute

1-arm LC at various points of the day
40kg x 6, 8
32kg x 10
48kg x 6
60kg x 3

July 15 - Thursday

Again interspersed throughout the afternoon.

Pullups - 5, 8, 1, 5 @ 12kg, 8, 3 @ 32kg, 5

Dips - 8, 8 @ 24kg, 8 @ 32kg, 8 @ 32kg, 3 @ 64kg, 8 @ 32kg, 15

Muscle-ups x 2

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13 - Tuesday

Today's workout was well spread out. I did one set every so often as time permitted between and during clients sessions.

5 x 135#
5 x 245
5 x 335
5 x 425
5 x 475
5 x 515
5 x 515
5 x 515
5 x 515
1 x 515 - hands were raw
5 x 515 - straps

Shrugs from just above knees
10 x 225#
8 x 315
8 x 515
5 x 605
5 x 695

It looks like this is going to be how my training will be on most days. I should have a day or 2 for standard training and I will be mixing in the much needed GS sets as time permits. Who knows, maybe this is a change for the better. If strength is gained, it is well worth it.

July 12 - Monday

Rack Hold @ 20kg
- 2o minutes - cleaned to new rack position each minute

July 11 - Saturday

Double C+J @ 34kg
- 10 sets of 5 on the minute - 8 reps last minute

Training is being more sporadic because of work and other commitments.

July 9 - Friday

4 x 30kg
3 x 50
3 x 60
2 x 70
2 x 80kg - 4 sets

Dynamic Squat @ 225# + #4 bands
- 12 x 2 on 1:15 - 14" box

Trap DL
- 3 x 10 @ 142kg

Monday, July 5, 2010