Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wednesday - Dec. 9

De-Loading the weights and bodyweight exercises this week.  Cardio maintains.

Agility Ladder

Fr. Squat
 -2x5 @ 70kg
Back Squat
 - 2x10 @ 100kg
Lunge (r/l)
 - 2 x 8 @ 40kg
 - 10 @ 100kg
Seated Calf Raise
 - 6 @ 70, 115, 140, 140, 140#
Fire Hydrants
 - 2 x 50 (r/l)

 - 15 x 100yds. on 8 breathes rest between
 - Now that I have finished my 6 week beginners swim program I'll be starting the Total Immersion 12 week Ironman swim program.
 - each 100yds. between 2:08-2:12
 - 8 breathes equaled 14-18sec.
 - finished with 50 yds. laying on my back breast stroke kicking cool-down

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