Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday - Dec. 8

 - 10 minutes Warm-up
 - drag #5
 - 2529m
 - 1:58.6 ave500m
 - 129 aveHR
 - 151 maxHR

Erg intervals
 - drag #5
 - 6 x 500m with 1:45 rest between
 - descending 500m times: 1:38.8, 1:38.4, 1:37.0, 1:36.3, 1:35.4, 1:32.2
 - maxHR each: 162, 167, 169, 172, 174, 179
 - Total aveHR 142

 - 10 minutes
 - drag #5
 - 2396m
 - 2:05.2 ave500m
 - 138 aveHR
 - 149 maxHR

Well that was interesting.  Goal achieved on sub-1:40 500m splits on 1:45 rest in descending fashion.  The interesting bit is that my heart rate was ~5 bpm less this week on all sets and my RPE was also less for the entire series.  Training must be working.

Later in the afternoon....

Tried some bouldering.  Fingers and forearms are still tired from Gripmas.  Only 5 routes done.

1 comment:

  1. And all I did today was some mobility and stretching - ah to be young again :)
