Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday - Dec. 10

 - 3 x 20
 - 3 x 8
 - 3 x 15
 - 3 x 25

Road Bike CycleOps Trainer
 - 20 minutes warm-up
 - distance 5.88
 - aveHR 125
 - ave cadence 73

Intervals - CycleOps
 - 5 x 3 minutes on 1:00 rest
1)  low Zone3 (+normal cadence) - 151 maxHR
 - distance 1.26, ave cadence 80
2) middle Zone3 (+high cadence) - 157 maxHR
 - distance 1.39, ave cadence 87
3) high Zone3 (+low cadence) - 165 maxHR
 - distance 1.27, ave cadence 70
4) low Zone4 (+high cadence) -171 maxHR
 - distance 1.39, ave cadence 82
5) Zone4 (+normal cadence) - 165 maxHR
 - distance 1.27, ave cadence 74

Cadence qualifiers are added in with the programming from Joe Friel, 'Going Long', his book on Ironman distance training.  This whole interval set-up is his.  I wasn't able to push myself into Zone 4 on the last interval, legs and mind was just getting through.  All work intervals were done in aero position, rest was on the hoods.

Bike trainer cooldown
 - 21 minutes
 - distance 5.27
 - aveHR 128
 - ave cadence 72

During the cooldown period I noticed that if I sat up in the saddle my heart rate would increase 15 bpm.  It would then quickly decrease again when I went back down to the hoods and then onto the aerobars.

The intervals have pushed the limit of my very basic heart rate monitor and I've had to use interns to right down statistics as I ride to make up for the lack of additional functions, but it works.

Tomorrow will be a mashup of steady state Zone 1 training for as long a duration as I can work in between client at lunch.

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