Monday, May 18, 2009

The Durniat Strength Factory

Here are a few pictures of the Durniat Strength Factory.

12' Bouldering Wall, Rings, Rower and crash pads

100# heavy bag, 120# log bar, BOSU trainers, med balls, sandbags from 20 - 200#, sledgehammers 8-20#, CoC grippers, dip station

My work station, viking press/leverage squat on wall, climbing ropes, agility cones and hurdles underneath.

GH Bench, Bench Press and adjustable bench.

Kettlebells from 4kg - 48kg, exercise balls, and plyo boxes up to 36"

Bars, Platform, Plates and Vulcan racks.

I will be adding some great new equipment in June which I'm excited about. I have on order a Sorinex whisperlink platform and Basefit Add-on unit which will give me another platform and squat station to work with, along with the pullup stations with the Add-On unit. I'll also be picking up a Steve Howard powerlifting Combo-Rack which will improve my bench press set-up and give an additional squat station for a total of 3 (very excited about this). A 2nd Eleiko training set will then follow.

I have a graphics designer putting a website together for me as well, I will let you all know when it is up and running.