Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday - May 19

I tried something new today in order to work around the stitches still in my left hand. I utilized the viking/leverage press I have for a timed jerk set. I used resistance bands because plates on the chain would have swung violently at my legs and I don't need another injury.

Viking Press Timed Jerk Sets @ #4 band
- 2 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 2 minutes @ 12 rpm (video)
- 2 minutes @ 12 rpm

Incline Bench Press
8 x 155 #
8 x 185
8 x 205
8 x 205

DB Row
8 x 90 #
8 x 100
8 x 110
8 x 120

Dips - 3 x 15
Rock Ring Pullups - 3 x 8

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