Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday - Oct. 30

KB Snatch @ 32kg, switch arms every minute
- 10 minutes @ 20 rpm

This was hard. It gives me the confidence to be able to do 200 in December. Hands felt good. the switching of arms broke my rhythm and I ended up speeding the first 30 sec. of each minute to get back on pace.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday - Oct. 28

Barbell Snatch
3 x 50 kg
3 x 60
3 x 70

2-arm Jerk @ 28 kg
- 5 minutes @ 8 rpm

1-arm Jerk @ 40 kg
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm

1-arm Swings @ 40 kg
- 25 / 25
- 25 / 25

Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday - Oct. 27

Back Squat - 14" box
5 x 135 #
5 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 365
5 x 385
2 x 405

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday - Oct. 26

Barbell Clean and Jerk
3 x 40kg
3 x 50
2 x 70
2 x 90
2 x 100

KB 2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 10 minutes @ 8 rpm

KB Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 10 minutes @ 20 rpm

KB Rack Hold @ 32kg
- 4 minutes

It was a quiet day in the gym but I felt solid on both the Jerk and Snatch sets. My technique was not perfect on the snatch set, I managed just fine, but I need to pay closer attention. I do not feel I can get away with being sloppy with the 32kg. Jerks were strong its just sitting in the rack position that gets me. I will be performing more rack hold sets in the days/weeks to come.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday - Oct. 23

6 mile jog with a client - 73 minutes

Barbell Clean + Jerk
3 x 50 kg
2 x 70
2 x 90
1, 1 x 100
1 x 110

KB 1-arm Jerk @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 10 minutes @ 10 rpm

The 6 mile jog really killed my explosive ability. I tried using clean and jerks to kick start myself, which it did to a limited level. I was happy to do the 1-arm set like I did, but would have liked to do more. I listened to my body and will be back at it again on Sunday.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday - Oct. 21

Today was split into 2 sessions.

Late Morning 11am

Hang Snatch
3 x 40 kg
3 x 50
3 x 60
3 x 65
3 x 67
3 x 70

KB Snatch @ 28kg
- 8 minutes @ 12 rpm
- 8 minutes @ 12 rpm

Evening Session 6:30pm

KB 2-arm Jerk @ 28kg, 4 minutes rest between sets
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 3 minutes @ 10 rpm
- 3 minutes @ 12 rpm
- 3 minutes @ 10 rpm
- 3 minutes @ 10 rpm

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday - Oct. 20

Conventional Deadlift
5 x 135 #
5 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 405
5 x 455
5 x 495 - 3 sets with belt

Today was my first day back from traveling and climbing in West Virginia. I really didn't have the energy for much volume and I like deadlifts. Tomorrow I will be back at the kettlebells.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday - Oct. 16

Barbell Snatch
3 x 40 kg
3 x 50
3 x 50
3 x 60
3 x 60
2 x 70

KB 2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 10 minutes @ 6 rpm

KB Snatch @ 24kg
- 10 minutes @ 12 rpm, 1-arm switch

Back Squat
5 x 135#
5 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 335
5 x 345

Deck of Cards
- reps done at face value, Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13, Ace=1
Hearts - Hindu Pushup
Diamonds - Lunges (r/l)
Spades - Situps
Clovers - 2-arm swing @ 32kg
Joker - 1 minute rest, 2 jokers in the deck

Everything felt very good today. I knew after pushing my pace on Tuesday with the 20 minute set that I would not have that same effort in me today. The KB jerk and snatch sets were done at a pace that I could have carried on a conversation with someone while doing, and actually did during the snatch set while 2 other guys were deciding what weight increases they should use squatting.

The Deck of Cards was an interesting one at the end. I had never done a 'deck of cards' workout before and therefore did not try to do anything too crazy with it. I'm sure I will do this again, as it was a nice mix up and finish for the day.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday - Oct. 14

Barbell Clean + Jerk
3 x 50 kg
3 x 60
3 x 70
3 x 80

KB 2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 6 minutes @ 10 rpm

20 minute Cate Imes challenge @ 28kg
- 10 minutes Snatch @ 20 rpm, switch arms every minute
- 10 minutes Clean + Jerk @ 12 rpm, switch arms every minute

Today was a good day. I utilized the barbell clean and jerks as a warm-up for my kettlebell work. One thing I struggle with is pressing the KBs and not jerking them. By warming up my CNS with barbell clean and jerks I notice that my KB clean and jerks are more precise.

The 20 minute challenge was excellent. The snatch speed felt fine and I really had to convince myself to maintain 12 rpm on the clean + jerks the last 5 minutes of the set. I'm very glad I did and am better for having done it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday - Oct. 11

The weights felt heavy today.

2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 5 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 5 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 2 minutes @ 8 rpm, I would have liked to do another 5 minute set but my head just was not in it.

1-arm Jerk @ 32kg
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm

Back Squats
5 x 135#
5 x 225
5 x 315
3 x 365
1 x 405 (12" box)
1 x 405 (14" box)

Hangboard Entry Level Sequence.

I'm going to do some outdoor rock climbing tomorrow and will be back at the bells again on Tuesday.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday - Oct. 9

Today was another conditioning day. I have really started to like these days and feel they are a benefit to my overall goal of completing 200 snatches in competition with a 32kg bell. My fitness level will need to be very high in order to get through a 10 minute jerk set and then start the 10 minute snatch set of 20 reps per minute.

Today I set up 3 stations for us; 400# tire flip x4 and Prowler + 20# 10 yds down and back, pushup x 10/pullup x 5/situp x 15, and then the Concept 2 rower for max meters. We would spend 6 minutes at each trying to complete as many sets as possible. We had 60 seconds rest between stations.

Tire Flip/Prowler - 5 sets
Push/Pull/Sit-ups - 5 sets
Rower - 1547 meters

A note about the Prowler push, we did this inside on rubber flooring. It doesn't like to slide very well on rubber flooring. This worked us like crazy. I would have liked to do this workout outside but the parking lot was full with tennis members cars. It turned out to be a tremendous workout.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday - Oct. 8

Barbell Snatch
3 x 50 kg
3 x 60
3 x 70
3 x 70

KB Snatch @ 24kg, 1-arm switch
- 8 minutes @ 20 rpm
- 6 minutes @ 20 rpm

Hangboard Sequence - 10 minutes
Entry Level - sets completed on the minute
1) 15 sec. hang, Jug
2) 1 pull-up, Rounded Slope
3) 10 second hang, Medium Edge
4) 15 sec. hang w/ 3 shrugs, Pocket
5) 20 sec. hang w/ 2 pull-ups, Large Edge
6) 10 sec. hang, Rounded Slope
5 knee raises, Pocket
7) 4 pull-ups, Large Edge
8) 10 sec. hang, Medium Edge
9) 3 pull-ups, Jug
10) hang as long as possible, Rounded Slope = 45 sec.

I started off today just tired. The early sets of Barbell Snatches felt light, but 70kg felt like a ton today. I was happy with my 8 minute kb set, but again had to talk myself into the 6 minute set, which I am very happy I did. You will see me add in the hangboard sequence over the next week. Oct. 18 I will be climbing with Chris Rice and others down in West Virginia (Seneca Rock).

Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday - Oct. 6

Conventional Deadlift
10 x 135#
5 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 405
5 x 450 - 4 sets

Kettlebell 1-arm Jerk @ 32kg, 1-arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 12 rpm
- 6 minutes @ 10 rpm

Swings @ 32kg
- 40/40
- 40/40

I felt pretty fatigued going into the second 1-arm jerk set but I'm glad I completed it.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday - Oct. 3

Snatch Grip High Pull
3 x 50 kg
3 x 70
3 x 90
3 x 90
3 x 100
3 x 100

KB Snatch @ 24kg, 1-arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 20 rpm
- 10 minutes @ 12 rpm

Speed Squats @ 232# + average bands
- 15 sets of 2 on the minute

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thursday - Oct. 2

Today was a conditioning day and I pulled out another Crossfit type workout for me and 2 others. Fight Gone Bad is the name; 3 rounds separated by 1 minute of rest. Each round consists of 5 exercises performed for 1 minute each for maximum repetitions. Here are my results;

Heavy Bag Burpees: #1) 23 #2) 16 #3) 16 - Total - 59
Box Jumps @ 18": #1) 35 #2) 25 #3) 25 - Total - 85
Pushups: #1) 25 #2) 20 #3) 21 - Total - 66
10# Sledgehammer chop to tire: #1) 52 #2) 39 #3) 36 - Total - 127
Rowing Machine (calories): #1) 18 #2) 15 #3) 21 - Total - 54

This one was a lung burner. One guy noted that his jaw was sore from the heavy breathing and I can attest to that as well. I'll be back to the kettlebells on Friday with the weekend off to put a new roof on my grandparents farm house. I also pick up a Prowler sunday, so look for it to make an appearance in a conditioning day next week.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday - Oct. 1

Barbell Clean + Jerk
3 x 50 kg
3 x 60
2 x 80
2 x 100
2 x 110
2 x 120

KB 2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 4 minutes @ 10 rpm
- 4 minutes @ 12 rpm

1-arm Jerk @ 32kg, one arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 12 rpm

15 minutes (EDT)
Handstand Pushup on 3" blocks for greater range of motion
- 8 singles
Single Leg Deadlift - 2 - 24kg KB
- 8 sets of 5 (r/l)

Today was a great day and I felt strong all the way through. Tomorrow evening I'll be doing some conditioning with some clients and then Friday will be mainly snatches with some 1-arm Jerks.