Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday - Oct. 8

Barbell Snatch
3 x 50 kg
3 x 60
3 x 70
3 x 70

KB Snatch @ 24kg, 1-arm switch
- 8 minutes @ 20 rpm
- 6 minutes @ 20 rpm

Hangboard Sequence - 10 minutes
Entry Level - sets completed on the minute
1) 15 sec. hang, Jug
2) 1 pull-up, Rounded Slope
3) 10 second hang, Medium Edge
4) 15 sec. hang w/ 3 shrugs, Pocket
5) 20 sec. hang w/ 2 pull-ups, Large Edge
6) 10 sec. hang, Rounded Slope
5 knee raises, Pocket
7) 4 pull-ups, Large Edge
8) 10 sec. hang, Medium Edge
9) 3 pull-ups, Jug
10) hang as long as possible, Rounded Slope = 45 sec.

I started off today just tired. The early sets of Barbell Snatches felt light, but 70kg felt like a ton today. I was happy with my 8 minute kb set, but again had to talk myself into the 6 minute set, which I am very happy I did. You will see me add in the hangboard sequence over the next week. Oct. 18 I will be climbing with Chris Rice and others down in West Virginia (Seneca Rock).

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