Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday - Oct. 1

Barbell Clean + Jerk
3 x 50 kg
3 x 60
2 x 80
2 x 100
2 x 110
2 x 120

KB 2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 4 minutes @ 10 rpm
- 4 minutes @ 12 rpm

1-arm Jerk @ 32kg, one arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 12 rpm

15 minutes (EDT)
Handstand Pushup on 3" blocks for greater range of motion
- 8 singles
Single Leg Deadlift - 2 - 24kg KB
- 8 sets of 5 (r/l)

Today was a great day and I felt strong all the way through. Tomorrow evening I'll be doing some conditioning with some clients and then Friday will be mainly snatches with some 1-arm Jerks.

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