Friday, August 15, 2008

August 14 - Thursday

Log Clean + Jerk
5 x 120 lbs.
5 x 164
5 x 186
5 x 208
1 x 230 - I attempted 4 others but was unable to hold the lockout in balance

Bent Over Row
5 x 142 lbs.
5 x 232
5 x 282
5 x 322
5 x 332

15 minutes (EDT)
Handstand Pushups
1 sets of 3
4 sets of 2
3 singles

Ring Pullups
7 sets of 5

10 minutes 1-arm Long Cycle, 12 rpm, switch arms every minute.

Another day with my training partner and it was a strong day as well. I'm really liking the handstand pushups, just good fun being upside down.

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