Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 12 - Tuesday

Squat Clean
3 x 60 kg
3 x 80
3 x 90
3 x 105
2 x 120

Dynamic Squats @ 267 lbs. + heavy (2.5") bands
15 sets of 2 on the minute

Atlas Stones
160 lbs. x 5 quick
240# x 5 singles

15 minutes (EDT)
Single Leg Deadlift - 7 sets of 5
Pistol (11" box) - 6 sets of 5

What a difference a training partner makes, I felt great today. I was able to convince a friend of mine who I have been training individually for about a year to start training with me. Weights used are different, but the sets and reps are very much the same. I cannot thank him enough. I've been training alone for a while now and I'm sure it has been holding me back. Now I just need to continue being smart and watch the weight fly.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, a training partner, what we all wouldn't do for a training partner. Not to mention a training place would be delightful also. I'm very happy for you.

