Friday, June 20, 2008

Training Day - June 20 - Friday

Axle Clean + Jerk
3 x 55kg
3 x 75
2 x 85
2 x 95
2 x 105

Squats w/ Average JumpStretch Bands
15 sets of 2 with 250 lbs. on bar + bands
sets done on the minute (15 minutes total)

Standing overhead press w/ mini bands
15 sets of 3 with 100 lbs. on bar + bands
sets done on the minute (15 minutes total)

Kettlebell Snatch set @ 24kg
10 minutes, 20 rpm
right arm felt very good, it was the first arm
left arm felt bad from the start, even when doing a few warm-up reps with a 16kg. That will happen and just one of those days, but we got through.

I have the next 2 days off due to travel to San Diego and the America's Strongest Man competition. I will be performing a few demostrations at this event.

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