Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Training Day - June 24 - Tuesday

Well I'm starting to recover from travel. Still trying to figure out which time zone i'm in today. I needed a little motivation to train so I put out the word for some strongman training at 7pm.

3 of us showed up and this is how it went.

200lbs. sandbag carry 25yds down and back. Then backwards drag a 550lbs. tire 25yds.

Next we did a Press Medley; 28kg KB, 75lbs. sandbag, 100lbs sandbag, 120lbs. log bar, 150lbs. sandbag, 160lbs. water keg, 185lbs. thick db (almost had it locked out on my right arm)

Carry Medley; move all the above mentioned stuff plus a 200lbs. sandbag from one pile to another pile 12yds. away. FUN!!!

Truck pull: Ford F-150 double cab, 3 x 40yds, times all under 30sec.

10lbs. Sledgehammer chops on tire, 40 sec. hitting / 20 sec. rest. One round on each side

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