Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Training Day - June 18 - Wednesday

Barbell Clean + Jerk
3 x 50 kg
3 x 70
3 x 90
3 x 100
3 x 105

Back Squat
5 x 70kg
5 x 110
5 x 140
5 x 160
3 x 165

Incline Log Press
5 x 120 lbs.
5 x 164
5 x 186
5 x 208
5 x 230

5 x 70kg
5 x 130
5 x 160
5 x 170
5 x 180

5 x bodyweight
5 x 8kg
5 x 12kg
5 x 16kg
5 x 20kg

Kettlebell Jerks @ 32kg, 2 minutes at 12 rpm

CoC Grippers (r/l)
#1 x 5
#2 x 5
#2.5 x 2
#3 x 1
#3.5 x 1 (not fully closed, but like to feel the big springs)

Traps and shoulders were still a bit sore from the 20-min LongCycle set on Monday. The log press felt good today finally and I hope to be seeing that weight continue to increase, the competition weight is 235 for reps. RDL's felt strong as usual so no surprise there, as well as the pullups. Jerks were feeling the effects of everything previous but its nice to feel the weight. Grip was a bit tired today and Friday will be a little grip day if any at all, I don't want to over do it and most of the other lifts touch on it some.

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping to see you at the Michigan Grip Contest this weekend - sound's like you're not going? I was looking forward to it.
