Thursday, July 12, 2018

Sunday - July 8

Silver Rush 50 trail run
 - Leadville, CO
 - 50.4 miles
 - 13:13:01
 - 15:44 pace
 - 7941 ft. of elevation
 - aveHR 133
 - maxHR 150
 - same exact course as the mtb

Started the day thinking this could very well be a DNF and wasn't sure if I could make it to the turn around cutoff by the 7.5 hour time limit.  I broke it down to 1-mile, one aid station at a time and convinced myself to power hike more than I thought I needed; any slight uphill.  It worked, as I ticked away miles I gained confidence and strength.  I can truly say that I got better as the day progressed and finished strong.  I still experienced the same effects at altitude as I did the day before on the mountain bike, but today I had experience and a plan for those areas.  I was in control again.  

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