Thursday, July 12, 2018

Saturday - July 7

SilverRush 50 mountain bike
 - Leadville, CO
 - 50.4 miles
 - 7:02:56
 - 7.2 aveMPH
 - 7316 ft. of elevation
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 171
 - highest point 12,134'
 - lowest point 9.947'

Holy welcome to altitude.  Definitely challenging above 11,000' and I had to take numerous breathing breaks above 11,500'.  We hit 12,000' at 6 different point during the route.  Definitely more challenging than I anticipated but I managed to continue forward and work through the rough patches.  I began questioning myself after the first 11 miles which was all uphill.  Eating and moving was not possible, I had to stop to eat, then breathe, then continue. 

This ride led to lots of doubts about the run tomorrow.  

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