Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Wednesday - July 19

KB Long Cycle
 - warm-up:
 - 2 minutes, 8 rpm, 12kg
 - 2 minutes, 8 rpm, 16kg

Main Set
 - 10 minutes
 - 20kg
 - 8 rpm
 - warm and humid but completed smoothly.  Mental demons heavier than the weights.

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 95, 105, 115, 115#

Hangboard - 10 minute sequence.
 - 15 sec. hang Jug
 - 1x pullup Round Sloper
 - 10 sec. hang Medium edge
 - 15 sec. hang w/ 3 shrugs Pocket
 - 20 sec. hang w/ 2 pullups Large edge
 - 10 sec. hang Round Sloper w/ 5 knee raise Pocket
 - 4 pullups Large edge
 - 10 sec. hang Medium edge
 - 3 pullups Jug
 - hang as long as possible -Round sloper 40 sec.

Legs held in the forward position definitely makes a difference.  I had read that it is much more specific to climbing to hold in this hollowed position than legs bent 90 degrees behind.  Very noticeable on the pullups and I will continue in this style.

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