Friday, July 21, 2017

Thursday - July 20

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Strongman circuit
 - day early so I can have a rest day tomorrow before the weekends 25-hour team mountain bike race.

10 Rounds on 1:30 clock
 - Sandbag Carry - down/back 10yds. @ 200#
 - Double DB Clean/Squat/Press @ 50# x5
 - this was very challenging, but 'fun'

After Work....

Open Water swim
 - Killbuck Lake
 - 46:39
 - 1.2 miles
 - aveHR 145
 - maxHR 160
 - warm in a full wetsuit but those are the rules for the lake.  Felt relaxed and good for the first swim since the ironman.

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