Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wednesday - Mar. 22

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Hang Clean (200# max)
 5x 100, 120#
 3x 140, 160#
 3+@ 180# x 5

Deadlift (350# max)
 5x 135, 175, 210#
 3x 245, 280#
 3+@ 315# x 5

OH Press (135# max)
 5x 45, 70, 80#
 3x 95, 110#
 3+@ 120# x 5

Pullups - 2x7
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide
 - neutral

 - regular 2x15
 - close 2x10
 - wide 2x15
 - dive bomber 2x15
 - 8-count Burpee x15

Lunch and Client......

Dips 2x15
Arm Haulers 3x30 - added 1# to each arm the last 2 sets
Neck Exercises x25
Shoulder Blaster @ 2.5#

Abs x2
 - situp x40
 - 4-way crunch x40
 - leg lever x40
 - flutter kick x50
 - 1/2 situp x40
 - plank - 60 sec.

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 105, 115, 115#

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