Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tuesday - Mar. 21

KB LongCycle
 - 10 minutes
 - 20kg
 - 8 rpm
 - aveHR - strap came loose again. the 20kg bells put too much upward pressure on the strap in thge rack position.
 - this felt much better today compared to last week. Breathing and overall composure much improved.


Pool Swim
 - 250yds
 - 15 x 100yds. on 5 breathes rest
 - i discovered over the past week that I am 15sec./100yds. faster when breathing to my left rather than my right.
 - never felt all together today but still swam a few seconds faster per 100yds.

Lunch and Clients.....

Squat - 3x 10 - 30# vest
Lunge - 3x 10 - 30# vest
Double Leg Bound - 3x10
Side-to-side Hurdle Jump @ 12" - 3x 15
Standing Calf Raise 3x 15

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