Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thursday - Nov. 3

Dynamic Warmup / Jump Rope 2 minutes

5 Rounds
 - 20 yards prowler + 90#
 - 20 squats

3 Rounds
 - 5 minutes Air-Dyne
 - Deadlift @ 295# x5
 - Squat @ 225# x5
 - Thruster @ 95# x20
 - Plank x60sec.
Time: 33:05

6 Rounds
 - Erg (drag#4) 500m - 1:44.4, 1:43.6, 1:42.3, 1:41.2, 1:39.8, 1:35.6
 - plank x60sec.
Total Time: 24:00

There have been some challenging intervals this week.  I know I'm getting better, but sometimes it just feels like I'm beating myself up.  I do not have any pain anywhere but the hour after training is very much the thousand yard stare.  However, I am encouraged that I'm able to get warmed up and perform again the following day.  Tomorrow will be stretching and active recovery before another challenge day on Saturday with Greg.

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