Saturday, November 5, 2016

Saturday - Nov. 5

Challenge Training Day

Sandbag Get-ups @ 60# x100

100 Reps Each - most broken up into sets of 10
 - Sandbag Clean @ 60#
 - Sandbag Squat @ 60#
 - Sandbag Ground to Shoulder @ 60#
 - Sandbag Press @ 60#
 - Sandbag Situp @ 60#

1-mile Run with 60# sandbag

100 Reps of Each - broken up into smaller sets
 - Pushups
 - Pullups
 - 4-count Mountain Climbers
 - 4-count Flutter Kicks

1-mile Run with 60# sandbag

Total Time: 1:55:25

Break for about an hour; water and a meal bar

Hike w/ 60# pack
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 4.5 miles
 - 1:25:32
 - the 60# pack was definitely a step up and challenge.  I look to continue hiking with this weight on my training hikes.

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