Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday - Sept. 13

Dynamic Warmup / Jump Rope 2 minutes

KB Snatch set
 - 6 minutes, single arm switch
 - 24kg
 - 18 rpm
 - aveHR 130
 - maxHR 145

Pull-ups -2" bar
 - 5x max reps - 19, 16, 15, 14, 14
 - finishing reps to reach 100 total: 12, 10

Road Run
 - 2.20 miles
 - 16:57
 - pace 7:41
 - aveHR 154
 - maxHR 170

Later in the evening.....

Pool Swim
(1) 3 Rounds
Swim 250yds intervals
Rest 3 min. between Intervals

(2) 1 Rounds
45 sec. Tread
45 sec. Tread Right arm out
45 sec. Tread Left arm out
45 sec. Tread 

(3) 50yds. Hypoxic ladder:
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 3 strokes
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 4 strokes
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 5 strokes
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 6 strokes
-1x50yds @ 1 breath every 7 strokes
*Rest as needed between each 50m

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