Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday - Sept. 12

Starting Stew Smith's Navy SEAL phase 2 program.  This program incorporates more barbell movements in with the bodyweight calisthenics.

Dynamic warmup / jump rope 2-minutes

4 Rounds
 - 1/4 mile run
 - 95# barbell thruster x10
 - 24" box jump x 15
 - lunge (r/l) x20
 - squat x20
 - 1/2 squat x20
Time: 27:25
- aveHR 155
- maxHR 172
 - box jumps and 1/2 squats definitely the worst part

DB complex @ 15#
 - strict burpee w/ curl/press/French press at the top 
 - x10

4 Rounds
 - Bench Press @ 205# (75%) x5
 - Burpee x25
 - crunch x50
 - reverse crunch x50
 - double crunch x50
 - plank 60sec.
Time: 38:03
- aveHR 106
- maxHR 154

Road Run
 - 2.00 miles
 - 16:25
 - pace 8:11
 - aveHR 161
 - maxHR 176

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