Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thursday - Sept. 15

DynamicWarmup/Jump Rope 2 minutes

Erg - drag #6
 - 2000m
 - 6:40.9
 - ave500m 1:40.2
 -aveHR 154
 -maxHR 167

Pullups x10, 8, 6, 4, 2
 - 20 pushup and 20 situps between each set
Time: 7:54

4 Rounds
 - 200yds. run easy
 - 200yds. run fast
 - 20 squats
 - 20 half squats
Time: 13:00

4 Rounds
 - 200yds. run easy
 - 200yds. run fast
 - Barbell Thruster @95# x10
 - 24" Box Jump x10
 - Lunge x10 each leg
Time: 17:14

4 Rounds
 - max pullups: 15, 11, 10, 10
 - max pushups: 50, 40, 30, 35
 - 25 situps in 30seconds: 25, 25, 25, 25
Time: 19:20

Break for clients (1.75 hours).....

Road Run
 - 1.5 miles easy
 - 13:46
 - pace 9:11
 - aveHR 145
 - maxHR 159
 - 1.46 miles fast(er)
 - 11:12
 - pace 7:42
 - aveHR 165
 - maxHR 175

Later in the evening.....

Pool Swim
Warm-up - 4 x50yds
1) 10x25yds sprint - 30sec. rest between
2) Hypoxic ladder
 - 50yds @ 2 strokes/breath
 - 50yds @ 3 strokes/breath
 - 50yds @ 4 strokes/breath
 - 50yds @ 5 strokes/breath
 - rest 60sec. between efforts
3) Treadwater - 10 minutes

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