Friday, September 16, 2016

Saturday - Sept. 17

Vulture Knob 6 hour mountain bike race
 - 2 man team, Jim and I alternated laps
 - 16.6 total miles
 - aveHR 153
 - maxHR 173
Lap Times:
 1- 1:00:01 - broke my crank arm, ran back put my pedals on Jim's bike and finished the lap.
 2- 49:03
 3- 52:13

We both finished 3 laps in the 6 hour period which was our goal.  I was able to borrow a pedal for me 2nd and 3rd laps, it was still a size smaller than mine but much better than Jim's which was much smaller. Overall a great time riding bikes in the woods.

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