Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday - Apr. 6

Front Squat (off 105kg max)
 5 x 58, 68kg
 5 x 79kg
 3 x 89kg
 1+ @ 100kg x 4

Trap Deadlift (off 227.5kg max)
 5 x 75kg
 5 x 125, 148kg
 5 x 170kg
 3 x 193kg
 1+ @ 216kg x 3

SuperSets + 30# weight vest
 - Squat -4x20
 - Walking Lunge - 4x20(r/l)

Double Leg Bound - no weight vest
 - 3x20

Side to Side Hop - 10" bar
 - 3x20

Seated Calf Raise
 8 x 45, 70, 105, 115, 115#

Fire Hydrants 2x100 (r/l)

Prowler Pushes - 20yds. down/back
  - 1x +90, 160, 210# (full recovery between)

Ready for 3 days of rest and stretching prior to this Sunday's Amish Country Roubaix bike race.  I'll be competing in the 50k.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck! Looks like you might be riding in the snow. :)
