Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday - Apr. 10

Amish Country Roubaix 50k race day
 - 30.64 miles
 - 2:01:20
 - 15.15 aveMPH 
 - 74 ave cadence
 - 229 ave watts
 - 159 aveHR
 - 211 maxHR
 - 3100 feet gained

Great race with lots of challenges.  I don't think I could have pedaled any harder without cramping and gassing out.  Fitness felt good but still plenty of guys faster than me currently.  Definitely something I will do again.  I'm not sure of my final placing just yet.  I believe 45 of us started the 50k race.  I'll updated my official placing once it's known.

Update: 12th place finish. 11:27 behind first

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