Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday - Oct 30

Erg - drag factor #3
 - 5 minutes
 - 1397m
 - 1:47.4 ave/500m

Dynamic WU

Single-Leg Hurdle Jumps @ 6" x 5
 - straight - 2 x 5 (r/l)
 - lateral x 4 (r/l)

15 minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of each
 - Incline DB Bench @ 80# x 5
 - Front Rack Lunge @ 115# x 5 (r/l)

5 minutes Rest

15 minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of each 
 - 2-arm Swing (plateau buster) @ 105# x 10
 - Body Rows on Rings x 5

5 minutes Rest

12 minutes (EDT) - 6 sets of each 
 - Seated Calf Raise @ 90# x 6 (r/l)
 - Standing EZ Curl @ 95# x 6
 - Landmine Twist (r/l) x 6

Planks 3 x 60sec.
Side Plank 2 x 40 sec. (r/l)

Barbell Wrist curls @ 95# - 2 x 10
Barbell Wrist extension @ 45# - 2 x 10

ave HR 121
max HR 165

Total Time: 1 hour 38 minutes

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday - Oct. 29

Cardio Day

Dynamic Warm-up

Road Run
 - 2.97 miles
 - 25 minutes 31 seconds

ave. HR 158
max HR 172

 - 30 minutes
 - cross training 1, level 6/20

ave HR 130
max HR 141

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - manual, level 6/20

ave HR 118
max HR 127

Run did not 'feel' very good, but was 16 seconds faster and max HR 7 bpm less (aveHR stayed the same).  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday - Oct. 28

Erg - 5 minutes
 - 1390 m
 - 1:47.9 ave500m

Dynamic Warm-up

Box Jump Series

 - 18-24-30" 
 - str./lat./str. x 6

15 minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of Squat, 9 sets of Press
 - Squat @ 255#x 5
 - Axle Press @ 53kg x 5

5 minutes Rest

15 minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of each
 - Dip + 14kg x 5
 - Rock Ring Pullup - large edge x 5

5 minutes Rest

12 minutes (EDT) - 6 sets of each
 - Pistol x 3 (r/l)
 - Barbell Glute Bridge @ 50kg x 6 
 - Lat. Raise @ 15# x 6

 - 3 x 12

Wrist Roller
 - 3 x 10 @ 20#

ave HR 124
max HR 185

Total Time: 1 hour 47 minutes

Definitely maxed the HR today.  Most likely near the end of the squat/press set, I was really striving to perform more than 9 sets.  On a plus side, my heart rate recovery continues to improve, dropping under 90 bpm within 3-4 minutes of any exercises series.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday - Oct. 27

Light Cardio

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - Manual, Level 5/20

aveHR 116
maxHR 124

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday - Oct. 24

Box Step-up Test
 - 1,001 ft. elevation gain
 - 14" box
 - 858 steps
 - gym shoes and clothes, no additional weight/gear

Total Time: 33 minutes 57 seconds

ave HR 130
max HR 146

This comes from Training for the New Alpinism.

Felt smooth.  I didn't push hard, just a smooth steady stepping pace.  Getting under 20 minutes would require a running pace.  I look to add hiking boots and a light pack (~10#) next week.

I have had a few people ask about my current training, notably that it has changed from max strength based to more endurance, strength-endurance focused.  These are correct observations and that is because my goals for 2015 are different and require me to be more enduring.

2015 Goals are as follows:
 - January 17 - climb Mt. Washington, NH
 - May 30 - Mohican 100 mile mountain bike race, single-speed division
 - Late July/early August - climb Long's Peak, CO via Stettner's Ledge's route, 5.8 Grade III

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday - Oct. 23

Erg - drag factor #3
 - 5 minutes
 - 1324m
 - 1:53.3 ave/500m

Dynamic WU

Pro-Agility Sprints x 8 sets
 - 5 sec. Work / 25 sec. Rest

15 minutes (EDT) - 9 sets of each
 - Incline DB Bench @ 80# x 5
 - Front Rack Lunge @ 115# x 5 (r/l)

5 minutes Rest

15 minutes (EDT) - 11 sets of each 
 - 2-arm Swing (plateau buster) @ 105# x 10
 - Body Rows on Rings x 5

5 minutes Rest

12 minutes (EDT) - 6 sets of each 
 - Seated Calf Raise @ 90# x 6 (r/l)
 - Standing EZ Curl @ 95# x 6
 - Landmine Twist (r/l) x 6

Planks 3 x 60sec.
Side Plank 2 x 40 sec. (r/l)

Barbell Wrist curls @ 95# - 2 x 10
Barbell Wrist extension @ 45# - 2 x 10

ave HR 118
max HR 159

Total Time: 1 hour 41 minutes

Was hard to motivate to start.  Feeling tired.  Ready for a relaxing weekend and rest.  Overall, still very happy with my performance under fatigue this week.  Progress still be made in overall volume and heart rate continues to operate at a lower level.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday - Oct. 22

Cardio Day

Dynamic Warm-up

Road Run
 - 3.02 miles
 - 25 minutes 47 seconds

ave. HR 157
max HR 177

 - 30 minutes
 - cross training 1, level 5/20

ave HR 130
max HR 141

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - manual, level 6/20

ave HR 126
max HR 134

Perceived exertion is definitely a lot lower.  Still would like my heart rate to be lower on the run.  All in time I assume.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday - Oct. 21

Erg - 5 minutes
 - 1341 m
 - 1:51.9 ave500m

Dynamic Warm-up

Hurdle Jumps

 - 12" x 6
 - str./lat./str. x 6

15 minutes (EDT) - 9 sets of each
 - Squat @ 255#x 5
 - Axle Press @ 53kg x 5

5 minutes Rest

15 minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of each
 - Dip + 14kg x 5
 - Rock Ring Pullup - large edge x 5

5 minutes Rest

12 minutes (EDT) - 6 sets of each
 - Pistol x 3 (r/l)
 - Barbell Glute Bridge @ 95# x 6 
 - Lat. Raise @ 15# x 6

 - 3 x 12

Wrist Roller
 - 3 x 10 @ 15#

ave HR 124
max HR 163

Total Time: 1 hour 42 minutes

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday - October 20

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - manual level 5/20

ave HR 108
max HR 120

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday - Oct. 16

Erg - drag factor #6
 - 5 minutes
 - 1296m
 -  1:55.8 ave/500m

Dynamic WU

Multi-directional Hurdle Jumps to Sprint x 8
Side Hurdle step to Sprint x 5 (r/l)

15 minutes (EDT) - 8 sets of each
 - Incline DB Bench @ 80# x 5
 - Lunge @ 115# x 5 (r/l)

5 minutes Rest

15 minutes (EDT) - 11 sets of each 
 - 2-arm Swing (plateau buster) @ 105# x 10
 - Body Rows on Rings x 5

5 minutes Rest

12 minutes (EDT) - 8 sets of each 
 - Seated Calf Raise @ 90# x 6 (r/l)
 - Standing EZ Curl @ 95# x 6
 - 1-arm Band Pushdown @ #3 x 6

Planks 3 x 60sec.
Side Plank 2 x 40 sec. (r/l)

Barbell Wrist curls @ 95# - 2 x 10
Barbell Wrist extension @ 45# - 2 x 10

ave HR 117
max HR 157

Total Time: 1 hour 45 minutes

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday - Oct. 15

Cardio Day

Dynamic Warm-up

Road Run
 - 2.85 miles
 - 24 minutes, 44 seconds

ave HR 148
max HR 174

 - 30 minutes
 - cross training #1, level 6 of 20

ave HR 130
max HR 140

Recumbent Bike
 - 20 minutes
 - hill climb, level 2/20

ave HR 128
max HR 140

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday - Oct. 14

Erg - 5 minutes
 - 1392 m
 - 1:47.7 ave500m

Dynamic Warm-up

Box Jump Series

 - 14-18-24-30"
 - 2 x 6

15 minutes (EDT) - 8 sets of each
 - Squat @ 255#x 5
 - Axle Press @ 53kg x 5

Client Training - 1 hour

15 minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of each
 - Dip + 14kg x 5
 - Rock Ring Pullup - large edge x 5

5 minutes Rest

12 minutes (EDT) - 6 sets of each
 - Pistol x 3 (r/l)
 - Exercise Ball Leg Curl x 6 (r/l)
 - Lat. Raise @ 15# x 6

Toes-to-Bar (tempo 4-1-4)
 - 4 x 4

Wrist Roller
 - 3 x 10 @ 15#

ave HR 125
max HR 164

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday - Oct. 10

Dynamic Warm-up

Up-Tempo Sprints - every 30 seconds
 - 50 yds x 10
 - 100 yds x 10
 - 50 yds x 10

ave HR 142
max HR 171

Total time - 24 minutes

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday - Oct. 9

Erg - drag factor #5
 - 5 minutes
 - 1395m
 -  1:47.5 ave/500m

Dynamic WU

Band Resisted Side shuffle
 - 3 x 4(r/l) - 5 yds. back and forth fast

15 minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of each
 - Incline DB Bench @ 80# x 5
 - Lunge @ 115# x 5 (r/l)

5 minutes Rest

15 minutes (EDT) -  11 sets of each 
 - Reverse Hyper @ 70# x 8
 - Body Rows on Rings x 5

5 minutes Rest

12 minutes (EDT) - 8 sets of each 
 - Seated Calf Raise @ 90# x 6 (r/l)
 - Standing EZ Curl @ 95# x 6
 - 1-arm Band Pushdown @ #3 x 6

ave HR 114
max HR 154

Total Time: 1 hour 27 minutes

Later in afternoon....

Ab Wheel
 - 2 x 20
Floor Ab circuit
 - 6 positions x 35 reps each

Wrist Roller
 - 3 sets at 10#

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday - Oct. 8

Dynamic Warm-up

Road Run
 - 2.3 miles
 - 19 minutes 6 seconds

ave HR 139
max HR 175

 - 30 minutes
 - cross training #1, level 6/20

ave HR 130
max HR 142

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday - Oct. 7

Erg - 5 minutes
 - drag factor #4
 - 1375 m
 - 1:49.1 ave500m

Dynamic Warm-up

Hurdle Jumps @ 12" x 6

 - str/lat/str x 4

 - 3 x 12

Total time: 42 minutes

ave HR 110
max HR 158

Low motivation after returning from woods and climbing.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday - Oct. 1

 - 45 minutes
 - level 6 of 20, cross training 1

ave HR 126
max HR 146