Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday - Oct. 24

Box Step-up Test
 - 1,001 ft. elevation gain
 - 14" box
 - 858 steps
 - gym shoes and clothes, no additional weight/gear

Total Time: 33 minutes 57 seconds

ave HR 130
max HR 146

This comes from Training for the New Alpinism.

Felt smooth.  I didn't push hard, just a smooth steady stepping pace.  Getting under 20 minutes would require a running pace.  I look to add hiking boots and a light pack (~10#) next week.

I have had a few people ask about my current training, notably that it has changed from max strength based to more endurance, strength-endurance focused.  These are correct observations and that is because my goals for 2015 are different and require me to be more enduring.

2015 Goals are as follows:
 - January 17 - climb Mt. Washington, NH
 - May 30 - Mohican 100 mile mountain bike race, single-speed division
 - Late July/early August - climb Long's Peak, CO via Stettner's Ledge's route, 5.8 Grade III

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