Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday - Oct. 9

Erg - drag factor #5
 - 5 minutes
 - 1395m
 -  1:47.5 ave/500m

Dynamic WU

Band Resisted Side shuffle
 - 3 x 4(r/l) - 5 yds. back and forth fast

15 minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of each
 - Incline DB Bench @ 80# x 5
 - Lunge @ 115# x 5 (r/l)

5 minutes Rest

15 minutes (EDT) -  11 sets of each 
 - Reverse Hyper @ 70# x 8
 - Body Rows on Rings x 5

5 minutes Rest

12 minutes (EDT) - 8 sets of each 
 - Seated Calf Raise @ 90# x 6 (r/l)
 - Standing EZ Curl @ 95# x 6
 - 1-arm Band Pushdown @ #3 x 6

ave HR 114
max HR 154

Total Time: 1 hour 27 minutes

Later in afternoon....

Ab Wheel
 - 2 x 20
Floor Ab circuit
 - 6 positions x 35 reps each

Wrist Roller
 - 3 sets at 10#

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