Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday - Aug. 14

Dynamic WU

15 minutes (EDT) - 9 sets of each
 - Incline DB Bench @ 70# x 5
 - Lunge @ 65# x 5 (r/l)

5 minutes Rest

15 minutes (EDT) - 12 sets of each
 - 45 degree Back Ext. x 8
 - Neutral Grip Pull-up x 5

5 minutes Rest

12 minutes (EDT) - sets of each
 - Single Leg Calf Raise x 6 (r/l)
 - Preacher Curl @ 75# x 6
 - Triceps Pushdown @ 70# x 6

Ab Wheel
 - 3 x 20
Sledgehammer @ 6# (somewhere in the middle of handle)
 - Internal/External - 3 x 10 (r/l)

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