Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday - Feb. 7

Lots of stretching and foam roller - long over due

Hurdle Jumps @ 12" x 6
- straight x 6
- lateral x 3 (r/l)
- straight x 6

Double KB Clean + Press @ 24kg - with a client
- 5 reps on the minute x 10 minutes

T-Grip Bench
5 x 50, 140, 160#
5 x 185# (65%)
5 x 215# (75%)
5 x 245# (85%)

30 degree Incline DB
10 x 70, 80, 90, 90, 90#

Hang Clean - with client
3 x 60, 70, 80, 80, 80kg

Double KB Swing - with client
8 x 16, 20, 24, 24kg

15 minutes (EDT)
Ring Dips
- 8 sets of 5
2" Pullup
- 8 sets o f 5

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