Thursday, April 15, 2010

Apr. 15 - Thursday

5 x 225 #
5 x 315
3 x 410
3 x 465 - wraps
5 x 525 - wraps

Safety Bar Squat w/ chains
- bar weight 250#
- added one set of chains for each set of 2 reps for 7 sets
- 2 sets at final weight (490# at top), 8 sets of 2 total sets/reps

8 x 225 #
8 x 335
8 x 445 - wraps
8 x 533 - wraps
8 x 577 - wraps

I used wraps for many of my sets today. My fingers are sore from the kettlebell and plate juggling I have been doing and wanted to give them a rest.

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