Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Apr. 13 - Tuesday

KB juggling @ 28kg

2-arm LC @ 32kg
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm

5 x 24kg
5 x 32
3 x 47
3 x 54
6 x 61kg

5 x 8kg
5 x 12kg
3 x 20kg
3 x 23kg
5 x 26kg

Incline DB Press @ #2
8 x 90#
8 x 110#
6 x 110#

2" DB Row (r/l)
8 x 55#
8 x 105#
8 x 155#
8 x 205# - wraps
6 x 205# - wraps


  1. andrew

    do you have any vids of you doing dips and kb or db rows.

    just wanting to see technique as a fellow tall lifter.

    how deep on dips do you go and with rows do they aggravate your lower back?

    and are you still doing the 5/3/1 program? or doing just the 5 by 5 protocol?

    ta man


  2. I am still using the 5/3/1 template. I will shoot video the next time I do dips rows and pullups. Dips are below parallel, rows yesterday were single arm at a time, and pullups are dead hang.
